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1. COB-Net Historical Notes: William Tyndale Biography, with footnotes and comments.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Biographies......William Tyndale. Born 1494? Coverdale was not an expert in foreign languagesand his New Testament source is principally that of William Tyndale. http://www.cob-net.org/text/history_tyndale.htm | |
2. WILLIAM TYNDALE Brief biography.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Biographies......WILLIAM TYNDALE (1494 Oct. 6, 1536). WILLIAM TYNDALE was an early English PROTESTANTreformer most famous for his English translation of THE BIBLE. http://members.aol.com/ggmathew/tyndale.htm | |
3. William Tyndale William Tyndale (c14941536). William Tyndale Homepage. Tyndale Society Home Page. http://www.ichthustref.nl/hoofdmap_links/lexikontheologen/theologen/Tyndale Will | |
4. Tulsa Vietnamese Baptist Church Online Giaeng 316, tyndale william (14921536). Bari Soá 13. William Tyndale sanhnaem 1492 (cou sauch ghi 1494). OÂng queâ ôu Glouchestershirer. http://www.tulsavbc.org/detaildanhnhan.asp?ID=13 |
5. Tyndale Biography and portrait.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Biographies......William Tyndale. Tyndale, William c.14941536. William Tyndale wasprobably born in Gloucestershire. He became chaplain in the house http://www.hertford.ox.ac.uk/alumni/tyndale.htm | |
6. Religion, Religion - Church History, Christianity - History - Protestant, Christ Religion, Religion Church History, Christianity - History - Protestant, Christianity- Christian Life - Political Issues tyndale william, Lovett Richard http://www.hotliteraturecollection.com/Tyndale-William-Lovett-Richard-1570743770 | |
7. William Tyndale William Tyndale. http://www.bible-researcher.com/tyndale.html | |
8. Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tyndale,_William Arts / Literature / Authors / T / Tyndale, William. Friends of William Tyndale Dictionary of Phrase and Fable tyndale william Bibliographic record. http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tyndale,_ | |
9. Basic Search School of Isolated and Distance. Web OPAC. http://www.side.wa.edu.au/default.asp?n=a&c=TYNDALE WILLIAM |
10. WILLIAM TYNDALE WILLIAM TYNDALE A Biography David Daniell Daniell is the world's mostprominent authority on the life and labors of William Tyndale. . . . http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/061323.htm | |
11. Elijah Links Directory Bible History Translators tyndale william, Top Bible History Translators tyndale william Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Tyndale, William. http://elijahs.net/links/pages/Bible/History/Translators/Tyndale_William/ | |
12. William Tyndale Biography covering his life, work, and legacy.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Biographies......William Tyndale Father Of the English Bible - 1490 - 1536 William Tyndale wasborn at a time when the truths of God's Word were obscured by traditions http://www3.sympatico.ca/gary.thompson/faithpages/tyndale.htm | |
13. William Tyndale - Wikipedia William Tyndale. William Tyndale was a 16th century priest and scholarwho translated the Bible into an early form of Modern English. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Tyndale | |
14. William Tyndale William Tyndale, William Tyndale was born in Slymbridge in about 1496. Afterbeing educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, he became a chaplain. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/TUDtyndale.htm | |
15. Innovative Library /All Locations Tyndal William D 1536 see tyndale william D 1536, 1. tyndale williamD 1536 Fiction, 1975. 1. tyndale william D 1536 Juvenile Fiction, 1975. 1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/10,376,443/search/d?tyler john |
16. Job: Reference Librarian, Tyndale Job Reference Librarian, tyndale william TYNDALE COLLEGE 35700 West 12 Mile RoadFarmington HIlls, MI 48331 248553-7200, fax 248-553-5963. POSITION OPENING. http://tln.lib.mi.us/news/1999/5/3/tyndalejob.html | |
17. Friends Of William Tyndale ... History Of The English Bible Includes biographies and accounts of his life, articles, a history of the English Bible, portraits, Category Society Religion and Spirituality tyndale, william......Information about the worthy reformer, Bible translator, and Christianmartyr william tyndale. Gallery includesr and pictures. http://www.williamtyndale.com/ | |
18. The Christian BookshopThe Christian Bookshop William Tyndale 1494(?) - 1536 The Visit our william tyndale Galleries Gallery 1 A Brief Introduction http://www.christian-bookshop.co.uk/free/biogs/wt.htm | |
19. The Tyndale Society Home Page - William Tyndale Includes information about the life, times, and work of william tyndale in 16th century Europe, family genealogy, and development of the English language. http://www.tyndale.org/ | |
20. TYNDALE, WILLIAM TYNDALL http://73.1911encyclopedia.org/T/TY/TYNDALE_WILLIAM.htm | |
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