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61. Land, The By Mildred D. Taylor Land, The. by taylor, mildred D. (Penguin Putnam/ Phyllis Fogelman,2001 ISBN 0803719507. Order Info.) Novel. Grades 4+. Review. The http://www.carolhurst.com/titles/land.html | |
62. Taylor, Mildred D taylor, mildred D. The Well. New York Dial Books for Young Readers,1995. How will Hammer save himself ? It all starts in Mississippi http://www.lcs.k12.wi.us/~lmc/6th/Taylor.htm | |
63. LSU Libraries Library And Information Science -- 2002 (A) The Land. taylor, mildred. Phyllis Fogelman Books/Putnam. 1991 (A) The Roadto Memphis. taylor, mildred. New York Dial Books, c1990. 1991 (I) Aida. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/lib/lis/awards/csking.html | |
64. LSU Libraries Library And Information Science -- The Friendship. (1988 A). taylor, mildred D. New York Dial Books for YoungReaders, c1987. The Hand. (2002-A). taylor, mildred. Penguin Putnam, 2001. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/lib/lis/awards/cskalph.html | |
65. Authority Support Type Access Point taylor, mildred D. ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY (N0044) taylor, Theodore CAY (RA0060) Tellez, Gabriel JUST LATHER, THAT'S ALL (V2057) Thomas, Dylan Marluis http://drc.sd62.bc.ca/BROWSE/21000010.HTM | |
66. Mildred D. Taylor Links mildred taylor bij de Educational Paperback Association (Engels) mildred D.taylor bij Random House (Engels) mildred taylor Teacher Resource File (Engels http://home.wanadoo.nl/richard.thiel/auteurs/mtaylor.htm | |
67. Race Relations Meyer, CarolynWHITE LILACS; Miller, William. RICHARD WRIGHT AND THE LIBRARYCARD; Moore, Yvette FREEDOM SONGS; taylor, mildred D THE GOLD CADILLAC; http://nancykeane.com/booktalks/srace.htm | |
68. Taylor, Mildred D. In General Reviews, Ratings, Guide - Advice And Online Shoppi taylor, mildred D. in general reviews, ratings, guide advice and online shoppingfrom dooyoo.co.uk. more. all reviews on taylor, mildred D. in general, http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/books_magazines/print_books/taylor_mildred_d_in_general/ | |
69. Voices From The Gaps: Mildred Taylor Women Writers of Color. mildred taylor. (b. 1943). It is my hope that Biography Criticism. mildred taylor. mildred Delois taylor was born http://voices.cla.umn.edu/authors/mildredtaylor.html | |
70. Share A Book: Multi-Cultural Category Richter, Hans Peter; Gal Bolton, Ruthie; Girl named disaster, A Farmer,Nancy; Gold Cadillac, The taylor, mildred D. Good, the bad http://www.worldreading.org/showbooks.phtml?sortby=title&showonly=21 |
71. CMS Character Education Bibliography New York Crowell, 1978. FIC PAT taylor, mildred D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry. NewYork HarperTrophy, 1998. FIC LEE taylor, mildred D. Mississippi Bridge. http://www.cartersville.k12.ga.us/cms/cmschared.html | |
72. (Leonard TAYLOR - Mildred TAYLOR ) 1901 ) Mary Elizabeth Betty taylor ( 20 APR 1824 - 25 JUL 1909 ) Mary Hascuetaylor ( - ) Mattie M. taylor ( - ) Maude taylor ( - ) mildred taylor ( 27 AUG http://www.oblevins.com/Blevins/INDEX/IND2304.html | |
73. Alphamusic - Song Of Translate this page Montag, den 10. Februar 2003. taylor, mildred D. Song of the Trees Buch NorthernIllinois Univers VÖ-Datum 8/1996 Bestell-Nr. 0-8085-5068-3 12.64 EUR. http://www.alphamusic-shop.com/683/0808550683.html | |
74. Mildred Taylor @Web English Teacher Lesson plans and resources for teaching mildred taylor's Roll of Thunder,Hear My Cry. mildred taylor Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry http://www.webenglishteacher.com/mtaylor.html | |
75. Reading List 998, Can I Be Good? taylor, Livingston, 2.1, 0.5. 1825. 31, Friendship, The, taylor,mildred, 4.8, 1.0. 1826. 17, Gold Cadillac, The, taylor, mildred, 4.0, 1.0. 1827. http://hbogucki.staffnet.com/aemes/resource/xcelread/byautho8.htm | |
76. 'Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry' Essays And Coursework - Mildred Taylor - Mildred people like slaves. mildred taylor wrote of how she learnt to growand understand more about injustice. Cassie, the main character http://www.essaybank.co.uk/GCSE/English_Literature/Mildred_Taylor/ | |
77. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Taylor%2C_Mildred | |
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