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         Rolland Romain:     more books (100)
  1. The Life of Ramakrishna by Romain Rolland, 1929-06-01
  2. The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland, 2001-04-01
  3. Jean-Christophe in Paris: The market-place, Antoinette, The house by Romain Rolland, Gilbert Cannan, 2010-08-29
  4. Jean-Christophe, Volume I by Romain Rolland, 2009-10-04
  5. The Jean-Christophe Cycle by Romain Rolland, 2008-11-04
  6. Life of Vivekananda by Romain Rolland, Translated from the French by E.F. Malcolm-Smith, et all 1953-04-15
  7. Musicians of to-day by Romain Rolland, 1915-01-01
  8. Romain Rolland by R. A. Francis, 1999-05-01
  9. Mahatma Gandhi: The man who became one with the universal being by Romain Rolland, 1976
  10. Jean-Christophe (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 2010-09-10
  11. Colas Breugnon by Romain Rolland, 2009-12-26
  12. Romain Rolland's Jean-Christophe by Romain Rolland, 2010-10-14
  13. The Universality of man: The message of Romain Rolland : addresses and papers of international seminar organised jointly by the Sahitya Akademi and Festival of France in India, 15-17 January 1990 by Sibnarayan (ed.) Ray, 1992
  14. Mahatma Gandhi by Romain Rolland, 2003-03

1. Romain Rolland
Romain Rolland was born in Clemency, to a middleclass family. CORRESPONDANCE ENTRECHARLES PÉGUY ET ROMAIN ROLLAND, 1955; RETOUR AU PALAIS FARNÈSE, 1956;
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Romain Rolland (1866-1944) French novelist, dramatist, essayist, mystic, pacifist, who was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. Rolland saw that art must be a part of the struggle to bring enlightenment to people. In his work he attacked all forms nazism and fascism, and struggled for social and political justice. Rolland never joined any party but he acquired a reputation as an ardent Communist. "In politics, he has always been a republican with advanced Socialist sympathies, and internationalist at heart, and, as they said in the eighteenth century, a 'citizen of the world.' He has always fought social injustice. In art, he loves, above all, Beethoven, Shakespeare, and Goethe... Rembrandt is the painter dearest to him. But his chosen country is Italy." (Rolland on himself, World Authors 1900-1950 , vol. 3, ed. by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens, 1996) Romain Rolland was born in Clemency, to a middle-class family. His father was a lawyer and his mother, the former Antoinette-Marie Courot, was a pious and introspective woman. In 1880 the family moved to Paris in 1880 in order to obtain a better schooling for their son. Antoinette , actually a short novel, and La Foire sur la place , criticism of of the literary and artistic scene of Paris. This work earned Rolland the Nobel Prize.

2. Rolland Romain
Translate this page rolland romain (1866 - 1944). Dans Jean Christophe, Romain Rolland accordeune importance particulière au mouvement de la composition.
Rolland Romain
les Loups Danton, 1901; le Quatorze-Juillet Colas Breugnon , 1919), deux grands cycles romanesques: Jean-Christoph e (10 vol., 1904-1912),"roman-fleuve" (mot de Rolland) consacré à un musicien imaginaire de génie, et (7 vol., 1922-1934).
Jean-Christophe , le premier Roman-Fleuve en dix volumes qui raconte l'histoire d'un individu pns dans les filets de l'Histoire. Ce roman musical dont la matière est le sentiment, met en scène Jean-Chnstophe," I'homme éternel, dans son aspiration héroïque à la liberté et à la vérité". A travers son entreprise totalisante, Romain Rolland rénove le genre de la biographie et ouvre la voie à Georges Duhamel Roger Martin du Gard et Jules Romains Dans Jean Christophe
Stephan Zweig
multiplie les appels à l'union fraternelle des peuples. En vain. En 1916,il est retranché à Genève où il travaille pour l'Agence des prisonniers de guerre. Il est alors un personnage maudit, rejeté en France où on le surnomme" Rolland le Germain". Malgré son récent prix Nobel de littérature, plus aucun éditeur ne veut le publier. Pourtant, la même passion, la même énergie régénératrice I'anime toujours, demeuré indépendant et fidèle à ses convictions dans une Europe en pleine déraison.
On peut souligner l'exemplarité de l'action et l'actualité de Romain Rolland. En effet, I'écrivain, dont le nom orne encore le front d'écoles ou d'avenues, a presque sombré dans l' réparer l'injustice faite à celui qui faisait sienne la devise d'Héraclite:" Avec les dissonances, construire la plus belle harmonie."

3. Romain Rolland - Encyclopedia Article From
Search Romain Rolland at for the Web's best sites, news and magazine articles, and related products.
Search Romain Rolland at for the Web's best sites, news and magazine articles, and related products. To view the complete article, sign up for Britannica's premium service -
Rolland, Romain
Rolland b. Jan. 29, 1866, Clamecy, France
French novelist, dramatist, and essayist, an idealist who was deeply involved with pacifism, the fight against fascism, the search for world peace, and the analysis of artistic genius. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. At age 14, Rolland went to Paris Need more? Complete articles are available to premium service members. Information on site licenses is also available.
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4. WIEM Rolland Romain
rolland romain (18661944), francuski pisarz. wersja dla drukarki. Literatura, Francjarolland romain (1866-1944), widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane.

5. Rolland Romain
Máte mobil? Nechte ho at si na sebe vydelá. Máte mobil? Nechteho, at si na sebe vydelá. © 2001. Romain Rolland. Petr a Lucie.

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Romain Rolland
Petr a Lucie
Uplynulo více než 6 desetiletí od doby, kdy se knížka o Petrovi a Lucii poprvé objevila ve výkladech paøížských knihkupcù. Dnes už si málokdo umí pøedstavit ovzduší onoho roku 1920, kdy v celém svìtì ještì èpìl popel ze spáleniš nedávno skonèené svìtové války. Život zaèínal znovu. A s vášnivou touhou po novém zaèátku a s explozí lásky, (nebo vše lidské zaèíná láskou), se spojovala stejnì vášnivá nenávist k válce, (protože láska nikdy nemùže být lhostejná k zlu, jež ji v podstatì ohrožuje): Poselství velkých pøíbìhù lásky jsou proto i poselstvím odporu proti válce jako hlavnímu zlu ohrožujícímu celé lidstvo. Plnì to platí také o milostné povídce Romaina Rollanda Petr a Lucie V rollandovském realistickém umìní jsou i city a snìní poznamenány svou dobou. V daném pøípadì tragicky poznamenány. V nìžném a tragickém, nesmyslnou válkou pøedznamenaném pøíbìhu nevyžité lásky, v intimních scénách citù a snù je pøítomen i svìt sociálních konfliktù a protikladných spoleèenských mentalit, který by i bez hrùz války nebyl pøál rozvoji èisté lásky . . . “.

6. Buecher Suchen Hilfe Home Uebersicht Neu Links AGB Versand
Translate this page Suche nach rolland romain 24 Titel gefunden Titel 24 angezeigt, stapeln oderbestellen. Beethoven Rolland, Romain, Ludwig van Beethoven. Romain

7. Romain Rolland
Romain Rolland (18661944) Francouzský prozaik, dramatik, esejista,hudební historik a literární kritik. Profesor dejin hudby
Romain Rolland (1866-1944) Francouzský prozaik, dramatik, esejista, hudební historik a literární kritik. Profesor dìjin hudby na Sorbonnì, autor mistrovských ¾ivotopisù významných osobností. Stavìl se proti válce a fa¹ismu, oslavoval výjimeèné osobnosti, vyjádøil poselství o nutnosti znovunalezení lidské lásky , moudrosti, ¾ivotní síly a smyslu pro mravní velikost a u¹lechtilost. Humanistické dílo vzniklo jako reakce na morální krizi francouzské spoleènosti podléhající dekadentní prázdnotì a bezduchému mì¹»áctví. Od touhy po vytvoøení jednotné evropské kultury dospìl a¾ k utopickému socialismu . Autor divadelních her o 'Velké francouzské revoluci ' (1789-94). Laureát ' Nobelovy ceny ' za literaturu pro rok 1915 - finanèní obnos spojený s ocenìním vìnoval 'Èervenému køí¾i'.
  • Ètrnáctý èervenec
  • Danton
  • Divadlo lidu
  • Divadlo revoluce, 1897-1939
  • Dobrý èlovìk je¹tì ¾ije (Colas Breugnon), 1920
  • Historie svobodného svìdka za války
  • Hra o lásce a smrti
  • Hudebníci nedávné doby
  • Jan Kry¹tof , 1904-12 (10 dílù)
  • Liluli, 1919
  • Michelangelo Buonarotti
  • Nad vøavou váleènou
  • Okouzlená du¹e
  • Pamìti a vzpomínky
  • Petr a Lucie
  • Vlci
  • Zabraòte válce
  • ®ivot Beethovenùv, 1903
  • 8. • Rolland Romain: Petr A Lucie
    rolland romain Petr a Lucie První svetová válka velice zasáhlado cítení a života lidí. Rozvíjí se hlavne realistická

    9. Arimon Kirja Ja Konsultointi - Kirjaluettelot
    Naipaul VS Naipaul VS Pasternak Boris Pirandello Luigi Reymont Wladyslaw ReymontWladyslaw Reymont Wladyslaw Reymont Wladyslaw rolland romain rolland romain
    Author Kirja
    Book Hinta
    Price Kunto
    Binding Painos Edition Edition Vuosi Year Kust. Publish Sivut Sidor Pages KPL Andric Ivo Agnon Samuel J. Agnon Samuel J. Asturias Miguel Angel Björnson Björnstjerne Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S. Buck Pearl S.

    10. Rolland Romain
    Translate this page rolland romain. Les hommes ont inventé le destin, afin de lui attribuerles désordres de l'univers, qu'ils ont pour devoir de gouverner.
    Rolland Romain Les hommes ont inventé le destin, afin de lui attribuer les désordres de l'univers, qu'ils ont pour devoir de gouverner.

    11. Korteles
    L'annonciatrice (Armp( Nuncia) . 4. 5. 6. 7. Beethoven. 10. 11 rolland romain., R

    12. Please Wait A Moment, Searching Millions Of Books
    rolland romain, LE VOYAGE INTERIEUR, ALBIN MICHEL; PARIS; ; 1942. Sorte de préludeaux Mémoires . rolland romain, ANTOINETTE, ALBIN MICHEL; PARIS; ; 1939. Rolland

    13. - Rolland Romain
    Romain Rolland. (1866 1944) francouzský prozaik, dramatik, hudební teoretik,bojovník proti fašismu, nositel Nobelovy ceny (v roce 1915).
    - povídání o ulicích a domech

    aktualizováno 24.12.2002
    Romain Rolland
    francouzský prozaik, dramatik, hudební teoretik, bojovník proti fašismu, nositel Nobelovy ceny (v roce 1915). Tvùrce cyklu dramat o francouzské revoluci, heroizujících životopisù, nìkolika románù

    14. Kvasir: Rolland Romain
    Annonsører Er domenet rolland romain ledig? Bokkilden treff . Kvasirrolland romain Annonsører Er domenet rolland romain ledig? Romain

    15. Romain Rolland
    Romain Rolland. ROMAIN ROLLAND Romain Rolland was one who struggled his lifelong to promote brotherhood between men and peace between nations.
    Romain Rolland ROMAIN ROLLAND: was an important French writer of, amongst others, books about Gandhi and the novel "Jean Christophe". (He was co-founder, with Professor Székely , of the I.B.S. Excerpt of "Search for the Ageless" (Professor Székely's Biography), Vol.1, P.50: "Rolland caused a storm of protest in France as well as Germany, when he urged both countries in 1915 to respect truth and humanity throughout their fightin a series of articles collected in Au-dessus de la Mêlée . But his voice continued to be heard, and eventually, for the publication of these articles, and for his epic novel Jean Christophe won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Jean Christophe – for how many young people has this exceptional novel been an awakening to adulthood, an invitation to a life led in the heroic ideal of brotherhood and fealty to artistic truth! Translated into about thirty languages, it has induced young people everywhere to think about life and its problems, and has given them, through the very failure of its heroes, courage to live nobly. To Rolland, the development in it of the friendship between a young German and a young Frenchman symbolized that "harmony of opposites" which man should strive to establish first within himself, then beetween individuals and, finally, between nations. No one who has read Jean Christophe can ever forget the memorable scene toward the end of the book when the composer, Christophe, after having lost everything which was dear to him, including for a long time his musical inspiration, hears the voice of God of God within him as the sudden warm wind of spring rushes through his open window. He feels the power of life flooding his empty soul - life which he had shut out through his grief. In the most beautiful sentences of the book, God speaks to him:

    16. Ed Zwart Boeken, Vert. Lit. R
    4442, rolland romain. Het leven van Michel Angelo. Uitg. wB. 649, rolland romain.Jean Christophe.dl. 1 Het Daghet.Vertaling Jan Romein.Uitg. WL J. Brusse.
    Vertaalde Literatuur R Bestelnr. Omschrijving Prijs in € Rachmanowa Alja. Liefde Tscheka en dood. Teulings uitg. mij. 3e dr. zj. geb. 407p. Radiquet R. Van de liefde bezeten. Salamanderp. 114. 4e dr. 1970. omsl. H. Berserik. 159p. Radiquet R. Van de liefde bezeten. Salamanderp. 114. 4e dr. 1970. omsl. H. Berserik 159 pag. Radiquet R. van de liefde bezeten. Salamanderp. 114. 4e dr. 1970. Omslag H. Berserik. 159 pag. Radiquet R. Van de liefde bezeten. Salamander geb. S.O. [iets rafelig] 189pag. Ramos Graciliano. Angst. Geuzenp. 102. z.dr. 1997. vert August Willemsen. 284 pag. Ray Rebbecca. Een zekere leeftijd. Rainbowp. 533. z.dr. 2001. 400 pag. Redfield J. Het Celestijnse werkboek. Uitg Forum. 1996. 6e dr. Pb. 252p. vert. J. v. Spanje Redfield J. Het Celestijnse werkboek. Uitg. Forum. 1996. 9e dr. Pb. 252p. vert. J. v. Spanje. Redfield J. Het tiende inzicht. Uitg. De Boekerij. 1996. z.dr. Pb. 236p. vert. Kaja van Grieken. Redfield J. Het tiende inzicht. Uitg. De Boekerij.1996..z. dr. Pb. 236p. vert. Kaja van Grieken.

    17. Education En Seine-Saint-Denis
    Translate this page fermeture. 13 LA COURNEUVE maternelle rolland romain (ZEP) 2 fermetures. 13 ouverture.19 BOBIGNY élémentaire rolland romain (ZEP) 1 ouverture. 19
    - le maintien des bonnes conditions d'encadrement actuel,
    2 DRANCY maternelle DULCY SEPTEMBER 1fermeture
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    3 BONDY maternelle FERRY JULES (CV) 1 ouverture
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    8 NOISY-LE-GRAND maternelle PAUL SERELLE 1 ouverture
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    9 AULNAY-SOUS-BOIS maternelle PETITS ORMES (ZEP) 1 fermeture
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    13 LA COURNEUVE maternelle LANGEVIN PAUL (ZEP) 1 fermeture
    13 LA COURNEUVE maternelle ROLLAND ROMAIN (ZEP) 2 fermetures
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    17 NEUILLY-SUR-MARNE maternelle PASTEUR LOUIS 1 fermeture
    1 fermeture

    18. Lettres 1911-1933 Bloch Ernest Rolland Romain Tappy José-Flore Livres D'études
    Translate this page Lettres 1911-1933 Bloch Ernest rolland romain Tappy José-Flore Livres d'étudesartistique d'histoire de l'art Bloch Ernest 1880-1959 - Correspondance
    Lettres 1911-1933 Bloch Ernest Rolland Romain Tappy José-Flore Livres d'études artistique d'histoire de l'art Bloch Ernest 1880-1959 - Correspondance Compositeurs - Suisse - Correspondance Rolland Romain 1866-1944 - Correspondance Ecrivains français - 20e siècle - Correspondance
    Rubriques: Livres d'études artistique d'histoire de l'art Bloch Ernest 1880-1959 - Correspondance Compositeurs - Suisse - Correspondance Rolland Romain 1866-1944 - Correspondance Ecrivains français - 20e siècle - Correspondance
    Titre: Lettres 1911-1933
    Auteur: Bloch Ernest Rolland Romain Tappy José-Flore
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    19. Romain Rolland - Biographical-Critical Essay
    Critical essay by Sven Söderman on romain rolland, winner of Nobel Prize in Literature 1915.Category Arts Literature Authors R rolland, romain......romain rolland – BiographicalCritical Essay. Essay by Sven Söderman, SwedishCritic. romain rolland was born on January 29, 1866, in the district of Nièvre.
    Romain Rolland
    , an erudite and penetrating work which was awarded a prize by the French Academy, and a Latin thesis, Cur ars picturae apud Italos XVI saeculi deciderit and thereafter (1903) to the Sorbonne, where until 1910 he gave a remarkable course on the history of music. In addition to his duties at the university, he devoted himself to music criticism during these years and acquired a wide reputation not only in France but all over Europe when he published his articles and reviews in book form under the titles Musiciens d'autrefois Some Musicians of Former Days ] and Musiciens d'aujourd'hui Musicians of Today
    Rolland made his debut in pure literature in 1897 with a play in five acts, Saint-Louis , which he published together with (1898) and Le Triomphe de la raison (1899), under the common title (1909) [Tragedies of Faith]. In these plays he sought to set forth, under the mask of historial events, the miseries that souls faithful to their ideals meet in their struggle with the world. He also wrote (1909), which includes

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