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         Potok Chaim:     more books (100)
  1. Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of the Jews by Chaim Potok, 1992
  2. The Chosen (Ballantine Reader's Circle) by Chaim Potok, 1996-08-27
  3. The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, 1997-09-10
  4. Old Men at Midnight (Ballantine Reader's Circle) by Chaim Potok, 2002-07-30
  5. The Gates of November by Chaim Potok, Leonid Slepak, et all 1997-09-08
  6. The Promise by Chaim Potok, 2005-11-08
  7. Zebra and Other Stories by Chaim Potok, 2000-09-12
  8. My Name Is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, 2003-03-11
  9. Davita's Harp by Chaim Potok, 1996-08-27
  10. Conversations with Chaim Potok (Literary Conversations Series)
  11. The Chosen: And Related Readings (Literature Connections) by Chaim Potok, 1997-06
  12. In the Beginning by Chaim Potok, 1997-09-10
  13. The Chosen, with Connections by Chaim Potok, 2000-07
  14. Davita's Harp: A Novel by Chaim Potok, 1985

1. McDougal Littell Author Profile
Biographical information.Category Arts Literature Authors P Potok, Chaim......You are here home teachers language arts author profiles chaim potok.Chaim potok chaim Potok was born in 1929 in the Bronx, New York.
You are here: home teachers language arts author profiles > chaim potok
Chaim Potok Chaim Potok was born in 1929 in the Bronx, New York. He was the oldest of four children in his family. Like Reuven Malter in The Chosen, Potok was raised in an Orthodox Jewish household and attended a yeshiva, a Jewish religious school. His parents were Polish immigrants who had strong ties to Hasidism. In an interview Potok said, "I prayed in a little shtiebel [prayer room], and my mother is a descendant of a great Hasidic dynasty and my father was a Hasid, so I come from that world." After reading Evelyn Waugh's novel Brideshead Revisited when he was a teenager, Potok decided to become a writer. Riveted by the world of upper-class British Catholics that Waugh brings to life in the novel, Potok realized for the first time that fiction had the power "to create worlds out of words on paper." His parents, his Talmud teachers, and his peers disapproved of his interest in writing fiction, however, because many fundamentalist Jews regarded the arts as a waste of time and a distraction from serious study. As Potok told an interviewer, his mother said, "You want to write stories? That's very nice. You be a brain surgeon, and on the side you write stories." To learn how to write, Potok carefully studied the novels of such writers as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Charles Dickens, and Mark Twain. Over a period of five years, he spent most of his free time reading the novels of great writers. At the same time, Potok began to pull away from Jewish fundamentalism. Convinced that the worlds of modern literature and Orthodox Judaism were incompatible, Potok embraced Conservative Judaism, a less restrictive form of the Jewish faith, while attending college.

Translate this page potok chaim. Chaim Potok (New York 1929 - Merion, Pennsylvania, 2002)siè laureato allo Jewish Theological Seminary. Dopo essere

Translate this page Stern Isaac - potok chaim. Libri di Stern Isaac - potok chaim pubblicati da GarzantiI miei primi 79 anni. Directory Autori. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. i, j, k, l, m,n, o, p.

4. Die Erwählten Potok Chaim Gunkel (übers) Thomas
Translate this page Die Erwählten potok chaim Gunkel (übers) Thomas. Belletristik Erwählten.potok chaim Gunkel (übers) Thomas. Taschenbuch Paperback Belletristik
Die Erwählten Potok Chaim Gunkel (übers) Thomas
Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Amerikanische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
Die Erwählten.
Potok Chaim Gunkel (übers) Thomas
Taschenbuch Paperback
Zardo Manuela, Zwecker Hellm...

Kramer Wolfgang Die Rätsel de...

Gaugler Almut Immerwährender ...

Meyer Hermann, Sator Günther...

5. Per Ricordare Chaim Potok
potok chaim, Danny l'eletto, tr.
Per ricordare Chaim Potok
Chaim Potok

"Sono cresciuto in un piccolo mondo chassidico, ma senza la barba e i riccioli rituali", aveva sinteticamente dichiarato.
Laureato allo Jewish Theological Seminary di New York, era stato ordinato rabbino e aveva servito come cappellano militare durante la guerra di Corea (tra il 1955 e il 1957). Al termine di questa importante esperienza aveva preso la decisione di scrivere dei rapporti tra gli ebrei e la cultura occidentale. Per molti anni aveva poi rivestito il ruolo di redattore capo della Jewish Publication Society of America.
Corriere della Sera.
Potok aveva scelto di fare lo scrittore dopo aver letto Ritratto dell'artista da giovane di James Joyce, testo che gli fece comprendere "il senso del potere che il linguaggio e l'immaginazione hanno ai fini dell'organizzazione dell'esperienza".
Vecchi a mezzanotte.
Nelle pagine del nostro troverete le recensioni di:
Zebra e altre storie

In principio

Nella rete Una panoramica completa sulla figura e sull'opera di Chaim Potok nella pagine del sito Garzanti Chaim Potok page , un sito in lingua inglese che riporta informazioni sulla vita, le opere, compresi gli articoli destinati alle pubblicazioni periodiche, i libri scritti per i ragazzi e i testi teatrali.

6. Novembernächte Die Geschichte Der Familie Slepak Potok Chaim
Translate this page Novembernächte Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak potok chaim. Titel Novembernächte.Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. Autor potok chaim.
Novembernächte Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak Potok Chaim
Titel: Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak.
Autor: Potok Chaim
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Amerikanische Literatur Romane Erzählungen Russland Judentum
Kategorie: Belletristik
Scheib Asta Eine Zierde in ih...

Dahl Roald Gelee Royal....

Heidenreich Elke Erika. Die L...

Hoeg Peter Reise in ein dunkl...

7. Mein Name Ist Ascher Lev Potok Chaim
Translate this page Mein Name ist Ascher Lev potok chaim. Titel Mein Name ist Ascher LevAutor potok chaim. Rubrik Belletristik Romane Erzählungen
Mein Name ist Ascher Lev Potok Chaim
Titel: Mein Name ist Ascher Lev
Autor: Potok Chaim
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Amerikanische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
Kategorie: Belletristik
Nabokov Vladimir Durchsichtig...

Egen Jean Die Linden von Laut...

Sartre Jean-Paul Geschlossene...

Updike John Der weite Weg zu ...

8. Potok Chaim: Putování
Dejiny Židu v podání Chaima Potoka Chaim Potok Putování (Dejiny Židu).Preložili Eva Adamová, Eduard Geissler a Štepán Kovarík.
american books i literatura Potok, Ch. - životopis Dìjiny Židù v podání Chaima Potoka Chaim Potok Putování (Dìjiny Židù) . Pøeložili Eva Adamová Eduard Geissler a Štìpán Kovaøík . Odborná konzultace a výbìrová bibliografie Andrea Braunová . Argo, Praha 2002, 452 stran, náklad a cena neuvedeny Tvùrce známý u nás jako vynikající americký romanopisec je teï pøedstaven i svou prací historickou Chaim Potok (1929-2002) byl celým svým životem i dílem ukázkovým pøíkladem "Zwischenmensche" (anglicky in-between person) - tedy èlovìka mezi dvìma svìty. V roce 1954 se stal rabínem, stejnì tak ovšem toužil po špièkovém vzdìlání svìtském. O jedenáct let pozdìji zakonèil postgraduální studium filozofie na Pensylvánské univerzitì. Ve svých prózách známých také v èeských pøekladech èerpá z vlastního dìdictví ortodoxního judaismu a snaží se øešit otázku, jak by se mìl vìøící èlovìk pohybovat v moderní kultuøe, což je podle nìj ústøední problém jakéhokoli systému víry ve svìtské spoleènosti. I romanopisec je podle nìj "mezièlovìkem", protože zprostøedkovává kontakt mezi sebou a ètenáøi, mezi skuteèností a imaginací, mezi minulostí a pøítomností. A totéž lze pak tvrdit o Chaimu Potokovi jako autorovi svazku nazvaného Putování , s podtitulem Dìjiny Židù Pražský kompromis
Ve Spojených státech se Putování vyskytuje ve dvou základních mutacích. Když vyšlo roku 1978 poprvé, pøipomínalo by nám formátem i množstvím kvalitních ilustrací a fotografií na køídovém papíøe (Rembrandtovy obrazy, nejrùznìjší sochy, divoké skály a pouštì Sinaje atd.) nejspíše

potok chaim. Potok, Chaim. (20 titles); Potok, Chaim. My name is AsherLev. (1 title). Previous Page, Start, Branches, Other Databases, CHAIM

10. Records For Potok, Chaim. (in MARION)
Potok, Chaim. Records 1 to 20 of 20. Potok, Chaim. The book of lights Knopf, 1981.Holdings at other locations See the additional holdings for this title.*POTOK CHAIM/030d20009000/0
Potok, Chaim.
Records 1 to 20 of 20

potok chaim. Records 1 to 21 of 21. Potok, Chaim. The book of lights /Chaim Potok. New York Knopf distributed by Random House, 1981. CHAIM

12. Steinberg, Milton,Potok, Chaim
Steinberg, Milton,Potok, Chaim. Title As a Driven Leaf Subject Literature FictionAuthor Steinberg Milton potok chaim Daniels, Robert V. A Documenta
Steinberg, Milton,Potok, Chaim
Title: As a Driven Leaf
Author: Steinberg Milton Potok Chaim
Daniels, Robert V. A Documenta...

Beckerdite, Luke American Furn...

Shabecoff, Philip A New Name f...

Reid, Alastair An Alastair Rei...

13. Chaim Potok:
Chaim Potok The Artist. Similar to his fictional character, asher lev, chaim potokhas been a lifelong painter. below are replicas of his original paintings.
Chaim Potok: The Artist Similar to his fictional character, asher lev, chaim potok has been a lifelong painter. below are replicas of his original paintings. Brooklyn crucifixion (above) Scribe (above) Wilderness of Sinai (above) Canal (above) Ram's Head (above) couple (above) Return to Menu.

14. Potok Chaim Novembernächte Die Geschichte Der Familie Slepak
Translate this page potok chaim Novembernächte Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. Titel Novembernächte.Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. Autor potok chaim.
Potok Chaim Novembernächte Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak
Titel: Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak.
Autor: Potok Chaim
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Amerikanische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
Kategorie: Belletristik
Deubert Michael Gebietsreform...

Brühl Raimund Entscheiden im ...

Braun Günther E., Gallus Kult...

Steenbock Reimer Lohnpfändung...

15. Potok Chaim Mein Name Ist Ascher Lev
Translate this page potok chaim Mein Name ist Ascher Lev. Titel Mein Name ist Ascher LevAutor potok chaim. Rubrik1 Belletristik, Romane, Erzählungen
Potok Chaim Mein Name ist Ascher Lev
Titel: Mein Name ist Ascher Lev
Autor: Potok Chaim
Rubrik1: Belletristik, Romane, Erzählungen, Amerikanische Literatur, Romane Erzählungen
Rubrik2: Belletristik
Kerouac Jack Be- Bop, Bars un...

Sartre Jean-Paul Mythos und R...

Focke Harald, Reimer Uwe All...

Delsol Paula Chinesische Horo...

16. Novembernächte. Die Geschichte Der Familie Slepak. Potok Chaim
Translate this page Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. potok chaim. Titel Novembernächte.Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. Autor potok chaim.
Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak. Potok Chaim
Titel: Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak.
Autor: Potok Chaim
Rubrik1: Belletristik, Romane, Erzählungen, Amerikanische Literatur, Romane Erzählungen, Russland, Judentum
Rubrik2: Belletristik
Haas Wolf Silentium.-34992283...

Haas Wolf Auferstehung der To...

Haas Wolf Der Knochenmann.-34...

Kerr Philip Der Plan.-3499228...

17. Il Libro Della Settimana
Translate this page potok chaim, L'arpa di Davita, tr. di Villa D., 1994, 368 p., Lit. PotokChaim, Danny l'eletto, tr. di Bonsanti M., 1991, 244 p., Lit.
il libro della settimana la superclassifica i consigli di lettura ... l'archivio
Chaim Potok
Novembre alle porte
Cronache della famiglia Slepak
"Per Solomon Slepak, il partito comunista aveva il potere di una chiesa, l'autorità di un ordine, la forza di una comunione di fede. Gli aveva dato il rispetto di sé, un sogno per cui lottare, un leader forte e amato. Si immagini la sua reazione: il tuo partito! Che mancanza di rispetto, che ingratitudine! E che discorsi pericolosi. Il tuo partito. Arrossì in volto e gridò a suo figlio: 'Tu non capisci niente!'."
L'ultimo capitolo del libro vede l'ultimo incontro di Chaim Potok con l'anziano amico russo, in Israele, incontro avvenuto nel 1995
. Così come il libro si era aperto con la conoscenza tra i due avvenuta a Mosca dieci anni prima. Una pena "sotterranea" però sembra continuare a persistere in loro: la lontananza dai figli è ancora fonte di sofferenza e di irrequietezza, ma non rimpiangono di certo di aver lasciato la Russia, nemmeno caduto il regime.
Novembre alle porte. Cronache della famiglia Slepak di Chaim Potok

18. SCHEDE 111 AUTORI Autore 1 Potok Chaim Biografia 1 Chaim Potok è
Translate this page SCHEDE 111 AUTORI. Autore 1, potok chaim. Biografia 1, Chaim Potok è nato a NewYork nella prima metà del 1900. Eventi 1, CHAIM POTOK INCONTRA GIACOMA LIMENTANI.

19. Chaim Potok - Wikipedia
Chaim Potok. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chaim Potok (February17, 1929 July 23, 2002) was an American author and rabbi.
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Chaim Potok
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chaim Potok February 17 July 23 ) was an American author and rabbi Potok is most famous for his novel The Chosen which was a semi-autobiographical story about an exceptionally brilliant, young son of a Hasidic rabbi who expects his son to also become a rabbi. Herman Harold Potok was born in the New York Bronx to Jewish immigrants from Poland. Following tradition, his parents also gave him a Hebraic name, Chaim Tvzi; "Chaim" is the Hebrew word for "life". His Orthodox education taught him Talmud as well as secular studies. After receiving an M.A. in Hebrew literature, and his later rabbinic ordination, Potok joined the U.S. Army

20. Hennepin County Library - Online Catalog
Previous 10 Next 10. Author, Count. Potok, Chaim. 20. Potok, Herman Harold,0. See Potok, Chaim. 20. Potomac, Peter, 1922, 0. See Hoopes, Roy, 1922-.7. Chaim&index=AA

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