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Mcewan Ian: more books (105) | |||||||||||||
41. Salon :: :: Books :: Int :: The Salon Interview - Ian McEwan, By Dwight Garner : Reflections of his passion for science, the conundrum of selfishness and the pleasures of being an Category Arts Literature Authors M mcewan, ian...... http://www.salon.com/books/int/1998/03/cov_si_31int.html | |
42. Salon.com Books | "Atonement" By Ian McEwan Atonement by ian mcewan The author of Amsterdam explores the devastatingconsequences of a young girl's lie. By ian mcewan 08/30/99. http://www.salon.com/books/review/2002/03/21/mcewan/ | |
43. McEwan, Ian Forum Frigate mcewan, ian Forum Frigate Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOne Page Version.WRITERSWORD Welcome to the mcewan, ian Forum Frigate. Post http://killdevilhill.com/z/yauthord/McEwan,Ianhall/shakespeare1.html | |
44. McEwan, Ian Opiniones, Comparativas, Precios Y Compras Online mcewan, ian. mcewan, ian. Escribir opinión o evaluación rápida. mcewan, ian. http://www.dooyoo.es/product/184222.html | |
45. IAN MACEWAN Translate this page Tra questi, Martin Amis e ian mcewan sono probabilmente i più dotati, quelliche avranno qualcosa da dire al giro di boa del millennio che fugge. http://www.geocities.com/ianmcewan2001/home.html | |
46. Alphamusic - Ian McEwan Translate this page Februar 2003. Cover vergrößern, mcewan, ian Abbitte. Buch (HC/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen)Diogenes Verlag Ag VÖ-Datum 9/2002 Bestell-Nr. http://www.alphamusic-online.de/261/3257063261.html |
47. Ian Mcewan Discussion Atonement A Novel by mcewan, ian Released 03/2002. Atonement by mcewan,ian Released 02/2003. Amsterdam by mcewan, ian Released 11/1999. http://www.gnooks.com/discussion/ian mcewan.html | |
48. BBC News | ARTS | McEwan: Enduring Talent ian mcewan is one of Britain's most celebrated authors with his eminentlyreadable works of often dark imagination. ian mcewan bibliography. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/arts/newsid_1550000/1550355.stm | |
49. An Interview With Ian McEwan An Interview with ian mcewan. The following is an abbreviated version of an interviewthat ran on the NPR affiliate KUSP on February 16th, 1998 and 1200 pm. http://www.capitolabookcafe.com/andrea/mcewan.html | |
50. Bold Type: Interview With Ian McEwan The author talks about his work to online literary magazine Bold Type.Category Arts Literature Authors M mcewan, ian......boldtype. How did you first come up with the idea of creating a characterwho is afflicted with de Clérambault's syndrome? Stalkers http://www.randomhouse.com/boldtype/0398/mcewan/interview.html | |
51. Walmart.com - Search Results Try Search Tips. Top Matches for mcewan, ian . The Cement Garden. mcewan, ian.Paperback. List price $11.00. Our Price $7.92. You Save $3.08 (28%). http://www.walmart.com/catalog/search-ng.gsp?search_constraint=COMBINED_AUTHOR:3 |
52. McEwan, Ian Forum Frigate mcewan, ian Forum Frigate FAVORITE AUTHORS FLEET Post MessageThe JollyRogerOne Page Version. Welcome to the mcewan, ian Forum Frigate. http://carolinanavy.com/fleet2/f2/zauthors/McEwan,Ianhall/shakespeare1.html | |
53. Alphamusic - Der Zementgarten. Translate this page Donnerstag, den 06. Februar 2003. Cover vergrößern, mcewan, ian Der Zementgarten.Buch (TB/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen) Diogenes Verlag Ag, NA Bestell-Nr. http://www.alphamusik.de/488/3257206488.html | |
54. Bookreporter.com - Author Profile: Ian McEwan Books by ian mcewan ATONEMENT. ian mcewan. BIO. ian mcewan has writtentwo collections of stories, FIRST LOVE, LAST RITES and IN BETWEEN http://www.bookreporter.com/authors/au-mcewan-ian.asp | |
55. HK University Theses Online Title The child in time postmodern representations of childhood inthe novels of ian mcewan / y Kong Kim Por Paul. LOCATION, CALL NO. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/searchSubject.jsp?subj= Mcewan, Ian Child in ti |
56. 38433. McEwan, Ian. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 disadvantage. ATTRIBUTION ian mcewan (b. 1948), British author. CityLimits (London, May 27, 1983). The Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/66/33/38433.html | |
57. 38438. McEwan, Ian. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 QUOTATION Politics is the enemy of the imagination. ATTRIBUTION ian mcewan (b.1948), British author. Quoted in Independent on Sunday (London, July 5, 1992). http://www.bartleby.com/66/38/38438.html | |
58. McEwan, Ian In General Reviews, Ratings, Guide - Advice And Online Shopping From mcewan, ian in general reviews, ratings, guide advice and online shoppingfrom dooyoo.co.uk. mcewan, ian in general, Be the first to rate this item! http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/books_magazines/print_books/mcewan_ian_in_general/ | |
59. 2002/09 McEwan, Ian - Abbitte Translate this page Der unbesonnenen Brionys Geschichte. ian mcewan Abbitte. Zürich Diogenes2002, 534 S. 3-257-86087-0. © 2002/09 Ixlibris. ian mcewans http://www.ixlibris.de/content/Diogenes/mcewan_ian__abbitte.htm | |
60. BBC - Books - Author Profile For Ian McEwan Author Profile for ian mcewan with details ofimportant works, education and background. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/books/author/mcewan/ | |
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