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         Kemal Yasar:     more books (95)
  1. Novels by Yasar Kemal (Study Guide): They Burn the Thistles, Teneke, Memed, My Hawk, Ince Memed Tetralogy
  2. Kurde: Kurden, Saladin, Hatun Sürücü, Seyran Ates, Abdullah Öcalan, Scheich Ubeydallah, Said Nursi, Yasar Kemal, Osman Baydemir, Ismet Inönü (German Edition)
  3. Turkish Novelists: Orhan Pamuk, Aziz Nesin, Yasar Kemal, Fatma Aliye Topuz, Halide Edip Adivar, Elif Safak, Buket Uzuner, Zülfü Livaneli
  4. The Undying Grass by Kemal Yasar, 1992-06
  5. Der Sturm der Gazellen by Yasar Kemal, 2008
  6. Murder at the Ironmonger Market (Turkish Edition) by Yasar Kemal, 1999-09-01
  7. Firat Suyu Kan Akiyor Baksana by Yasar Kemal, 2005-01-01
  8. Entretiens avec Alain Bosquet by Yasar Kemal, 1992
  9. Gut geflunkert, Zilo. ( Ab 10. J.). by Yasar Kemal, 2002-03-01
  10. El Halcon by Yasar Kemal, 1990
  11. Binbogalar Efsanesi by Yasar Kemal, 2008
  12. Der letzte Flug des Falken by Yasar Kemal, 2005-09-30
  13. Iron Earth, Copper Sky by Yasar Kemal, 1974
  14. Gelbe Hitze. by Yasar Kemal, 1988-01-01

61. Discussion Forum - Yasar Kemal
Literature Film (http// yasar kemal (http//

62. GLASNOST Berlin - Yasar Kemal: Auszüge Aus Seiner Rede Anläßlich Der Verleihu
Rede anläßlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises der Deutschen Buchhandels.
quellen Politik
Yasar Kemal
Ein unglaublich schmutziger Krieg"
Auszüge aus seiner Rede anläßlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises der Deutschen Buchhandels "Auch heute leben - trotz aller Verbote und Versuche, sie seit der Gründung der Republik auszulöschen - viele Kulturen mehr schlecht als recht in Anatolien weiter. Die Republik hatte aus bis heute noch nicht ganz geklärten Gründen all diese Sprachen und Kulturen verboten. Es heißt, die Triebfeder sei das Begehr nach einem Einheitsstaat gewesen, den man mit einem Anatolien der verschiedenen Kulturen nicht hätte gründen können. Die Begeisterung für einen Einheitsstaat äußerte sich dahingehend, die türkische Kultur und Sprache zur alleinigen, zur alles beherrschenden Sprache und Kultur zu erheben. (...) Da seit siebzig Jahren den Kurden das Lesen und Schreiben in ihrer Sprache verboten war, griffen sie gezwungenermaßen zur mündlichen Dichtkunst, schufen große Sagen, Märchen, Volks- und Klagelieder. Es entstand eine sehr reiche Volksdichtung, in der sie die Macht des Wortes im Rahmen der mündlichen Dichtkunst benutzten und dies fortentwickelten. Unbemerkt sogar von vielen kurdischen Intellektuellen, so daß eine umfassende Sammlung dieser Folklore bisher nicht stattgefunden hat. An türkischen Universitäten gibt es auch heute noch kein Institut für kurdische Sprache, Folklore und Literatur. (...) Für ihre Sprache und Kultur begehren die Kurden auf. Die Antwort der Regierung: ,Geben wir erst eurer Kultur und Sprache die Freiheit, verlangt ihr auch noch die Unabhängigkeit. Es geht euch doch nur darum.` Und seit zwölf Jahren findet ein unglaublich schmutziger, grausamer und sinnloser Krieg statt, dessen Ende noch gar nicht abzusehen ist. (...)

63. GLASNOST Berlin - Laudatio Von Günter Grass An Yasar Kemal Vom 19.10.1997
Translate this page aus der Laudatio von Günter Grass anläßlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreisesdes Deutschen Buchhandels an den türkischen Autor yasar kemal in der
quellen Politik
Günter Grass
"Ich schäme mich meines zum bloßen Wirtschaftsstandort verkommenen Landes"
Auszüge aus der Laudatio von Günter Grass anläßlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels an den türkischen Autor Yasar Kemal in der Frankfurter Paulskirche
"In einem vor wenigen Jahren im Spiegel veröffentlichten Artikel hat (Kemal) die Verfolgung der Kurden in seinem Land beklagt und zugleich die westlichen Demokratien an ihre Mitverantwortung erinnert. (...) Dieser Appell, meine Damen und Herren, ist auch und aus besonderem Grund an die deutsche Adresse gerichtet. Wer immer hier, versammelt in der Paulskirche, die Interessen der Regierung Kohl/Kinkel vertritt, weiß, daß die Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit Jahren Waffenlieferungen an die gegen ihr eigenes Volk einen Vernichtungskrieg führende Türkische Republik duldet. Nach 1990, als uns die Gunst der Stunde die Möglichkeiten einer deutschen Einigung eröffnete, sind sogar Panzer und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge aus den Beständen der ehemaligen Volksarmee der DDR in dieses kriegführende Land geliefert worden. Wir wurden und sind Mittäter. Wir duldeten ein so schnelles wie schmutziges Geschäft. Ich schäme mich meines zum bloßen Wirtschaftsstandort verkommenen Landes, dessen Regierung todbringenden Handel zuläßt und zudem den verfolgten Kurden das Recht auf Asyl verweigert. Ein Friedenspreis wird vergeben. Wenn diese einen Schriftsteller von Rang ehrende Auszeichnung einen solchen Namen zu Recht trägt, wenn der Ort dieser Feier, die Paulskirche, nicht bloß Kulisse sein soll, wenn Literatur, wie die von mir gepriesene, noch einen Anstoß geben kann, dann sind alle hier heute versammelten Autoren, Verleger, Buchhändler, ein jeder, der sich politischer Verantwortung bewußt ist, ermahnt und aufgerufen, Yasar Kemals Appell zu folgen, ihn weiterzutragen und mit ihm dafür zu sorgen, daß in seinem Land endlich die Menschenrechte geachtet werden, keine Waffengewalt mehr wütet, sondern bis in die letzten Dörfer Frieden einkehrt."

64. - Yasar Kemal
Memed, My Hawk yasar kemal LITERATURE • 1998 • PAPER • 192 PAGESThe tale of a rebellious boy in the Taurus mountains of Southern
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65. Salman, The Solitary - Yasar Kemal
Salman, the Solitary yasar kemal LITERATURE • 1999 • PAPER •320 PAGES A tale of jealousy, displacement and ethnic rivalry
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Salman, the Solitary
Yasar Kemal
A tale of jealousy, displacement and ethnic rivalry by Turkey's best known contemporary novelist. In this powerful novel set in the early 20th century, a Kurdish peasant on the border of Turkey and Iraq finds a young boy left for dead. View Book Bag
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66. Yasar Kemal "Campaign Of Lies"
Campaign Of Lies. By yasar kemal. Increase your cruelty and therebyhasten your decline. Anatolian proverb. Perhaps for the first
Campaign Of Lies
By Yasar Kemal
"Increase your cruelty and thereby hasten your decline." - Anatolian proverb Perhaps for the first time in history, a century has acquired a name before it has even begun: the 21st century will be called the "century of human rights". In our century, we have made no progress in this field. Worse, on the threshold of the 21st century there are many signs that we have turned one hundred and eighty degrees and are running in the opposite direction. From October 28, 1923, the very first day of its founding, until today, the Turkish Republic has developed into a system of unbearable repression and cruelty. It has tried to hide from the eyes of humanity with the oriental art of feigning and deviousness. The Turkish Republic has established such a tyranny over the Anatolian people that they wish thousandfold the return of the Ottoman autocracy. Until the introduction of a multiparty system in 1946, there could not have been a single villager  be it a young girl, woman, Kurd, Turk or Laz  who did not endure the lashes of the gendarmes. Like a hurricane, the republican force blew over Anatolia destroying everything. How is it that the people in Turkey could suffer so much cruelty, torture, poverty, and hunger for over 70 years? This is indeed a miracle. To establish such a regime of repression in a country on the border of Europe is not an easy venture. The Turkish state has accomplished it. For that, its citizens have paid a high price. They have lost their human honour.

67. Error 404
Ordfronts hemsida, yasar kemal. yasar kemal Gökceli föddes 1923i Hemite, en by i provinsen Adana i södra Turkiet. När han var
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404 Not Found The Web server cannot find the file or script you asked for. Please check the URL to ensure that the path is correct. Please contact the server's administrator if this problem persists. -

68. Kemal, Yasar Website Results :: Linkspider UK
kemal, yasar Websites from the Linkspider UK. kemal, yasar Directory. CompleteResults for kemal, yasar Related Topics. Keyword kemal, yasar.,Yasar/
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69. /Ses/Savunma/Yasar Kemal
/Ses/Savunma/yasar kemal Sayin Yargiclar, Burada sanildigi gibi oyleklasik bir savunma yapacak degilim. Bir takim yanlislari duzeltmek
/Ses/Savunma/Yasar Kemal Sayin Yargiclar, Burada sanildigi gibi oyle klasik bir savunma yapacak degilim. Bir takim yanlislari duzeltmek zorundayim: Sayin Savcinin bu durusmada dayanagi benim yazim degil, Milliyet ve Hurriyet gazetelerinin sozum ona Almanca'dan cevirttikleri, yazimla cok az ilgisi olan ozetleri ya da carpitmalaridir. Der Spiegel dergisinde cikan yazimla Hurriyet ve Milliyet'te cikan yazilari guvendigim bir Almanca uzmanina gonderdim, bu ozetler ya da ceviriler dergideki yaziya benziyor mu, diye. Uzman arkadas, ben dedi isin icinden cikamadim. Butun cumleler baglamindan kopmus. Bir koca paragraf yarim cumleye indirilmis, o da degistirilerek. Bu yazi benim yazim degil dersem hic de yanlis soylemis olmam. Bu yazi Milliyet ve Hurriyetin yazisi. Ben bu yazidan hic bir bicimde yargic karsisina cikarilamazdim. Beni karsiniza Sayin Savci Hurriyet ve Milliyet'in yazimi carpitmasi ve gene Hurriyet ve Milliyet'in gudumlu kalemlerinin bana hucumlari, kiskirtmalari yuzunden getirdi. Kaldi ki, butun cimbizla yazimi ayiklamalarina karsin bu yazilarda suc ogelerine rastlamak kolay degildir. Oyleyse savci, yandasi yargic, beni nasil karsiniza gonderebildiler, iste korkunc olan budur. Bir kere bir yazar bir butundur. Bir makale de bir butundur. Bir yazidan cimbizla parcalar, cumleler cekerek, carpitarak bir yazari boylece suclarsak, yeryuzunde, birakalim yeryuzunu bizim Turkiye'de mahkum edilmeyecek, o da en vicdanli yargiclarca, yazar olamaz. Bir yazari suclamak icin o yazinin butunune bakilir. Benim yazima gelince, o yazininin savunmasi icindedir. Yazimi Hurriyet ve Milliyet gazeteleri gibi beni savunmasiz birakmak icin cimbizla ayiklayip carpitirsaniz belki, carpitan zeki bir adamsa, suc bulabilirsiniz.

70. Yashar Kemal
by Talat Salt Halman). Yashar kemal was born yasar kemal Gökçeliin Adana, in autumn 1922, into a family of wellto-do landlords.
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Prolific Turkish novelist, short-story writer, and essayist, whose novel Ince Memed (1955, Memed, My Hawk) made him world famous. The book, which had several sequels, depicts a conflict between poor tenant farmers and rural landwoners, the Aghas. This struggle creates a young hero, a kind of mixture of Jesse James and Che Guevara, who becomes a famous outlaw and a legend of South Anatolia. " People have always created their own worlds of myths and dreams, perpetuating their lives in those imaginary worlds. At times of duress, they have created more such worlds, which have given them haven and facilitated their lives. In their transition from one darkness to another, having acquired the consciousness of death, they have realized their lives and the joy of living in the world of myths and dreams they have created." (Yashar Kemal in his acceptance speech of the 1997 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, trans. by Talat Salt Halman) After studying two years at a secondary school, Kemal ended his formal education. In his teens and twenties Kemal worked in odd jobs. He was a cottonpicker, farmhand, construction foreman, clerk, cobbler's helper, and substitute teacher. During these years Kemal become familiar with Turkish folklore. His first book, published in 1943, was a compilation of folk elegies, which he had collected in his region. He also wrote short stories and published poems in a local magazine in Adana and small magazines elsewhere.

71. Library Of Forbidden Literature - YASAR KEMAL YARGILADI
yasar kemal YARGILADI. Yeni Politika May 15-21, 1995. yasar kemal'in yargilayansavunmasini oneminden dolayi aynen yayinliyoruz. Sayin Yargiclar,.
Kurdish Library
Library Of Forbidden Literature
Yeni Politika - May 15-21, 1995
Yasar Kemal'in yargilayan savunmasini oneminden dolayi aynen yayinliyoruz.
Sayin Yargiclar, Burada sanildigi gibi oyle klasik bir savunma yapacak degilim. Bir takim yanlislari duzeltmek zorundayim: Sayin Savcinin bu durusmada dayanagi benim yazim degil, Milliyet ve Hurriyet gazetelerinin sozum ona Almanca'dan cevirttikleri, yazimla cok az ilgisi olan ozetleri ya da carpitmalaridir. Der Spiegel dergisinde cikan yazimla Hurriyet ve Milliyet'te cikan yazilari guvendigim bir Almanca uzmanina gonderdim, bu ozetler ya da ceviriler dergideki yaziya benziyor mu, diye. Uzman arkadas, ben dedi isin icinden cikamadim. Butun cumleler baglamindan kopmus. Bir koca paragraf yarim cumleye indirilmis, o da degistirilerek. Bu yazi benim yazim degil dersem hic de yanlis soylemis olmam. Bu yazi Milliyet ve Hurriyetin yazisi. Ben bu yazidan hic bir bicimde yargic karsisina cikarilamazdim. Beni karsiniza Sayin Savci Hurriyet ve Milliyet'in yazimi carpitmasi ve gene Hurriyet ve Milliyet'in gudumlu kalemlerinin bana hucumlari, kiskirtmalari yuzunden getirdi.

72. Human Rights Articles - Turkish Writer Yasar Kemal Receives Hellman/Hammett Awar
Kurdish Library Human Rights Articles. Title 31 May 96 Turkish WriterYasar kemal Receives Hellman/Hammett Award 31 May 1996. Human
Kurdish Library
Human Rights Articles
Title: 31 May 96
Turkish Writer Yasar Kemal Receives Hellman/Hammett Award 31 May 1996
Human Rights Watch announced the award of a Hellman/Hammett grant to Yasar Kemal, the world renowned Turkish writer, who was tried and convicted in March 1996 on charges of "inciting racial hatred by way of regional and racial discrimination." Kemal was given a twenty-month suspended sentence and warned if he repeats his crime in the next five years, the sentence will become active.
The charges against Kemal were based on articles he wrote that were published in the collection, Freedom of Thought in Turkey. In a trial opening in Istanbul today, ninety-eight intellectuals who claim responsibility for publication of the book have been similarly charged with inciting racial hatred. They, like Mr. Kemal, have said "we have no choice but to commit a crime in order to defend our freedom."
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki (formerly Helsinki Watch)
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki was established in 1978 to monitor and promote domestic and international compliance with the human rights provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Accords. Jonathan Fanton is the chair of the advisory committee and Alice Henkin is vice chair. Holly A. Cartner is the executive director. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki is a division of Human Rights Watch, which was established in 1978 to monitor and promote the observance of internationally recognized human rights worldwide. Kenneth Roth is the executive director. Robert L. Bernstein is the chair of the board and Adrian W. DeWind is vice chair.

73. Kultur-Netz: Laudatio Von Günter Grass Zu Yasar Kemal
Translate this page Der Schriftsteller Günter Grass würdigte in seiner Laudatio den FriedenspreisträgerYasar kemal als einen Autor, dessen Romane den Leser nicht loslassen
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 1997
Frankfurt am Main (dpa): "In der Türkei ist das Volk der Kurden bis in diese Tage hinein staatlicher Willkür und militärischen Aktionen ausgesetzt, deren Opfer zumeist Frauen und Kinder sind. Rassenwahn und von Überheblichkeit verdeckter Mangel an Toleranz, Kriege und Kriegsfolgen markieren die Geschichte unserer Länder. (...) wenn Literatur, wie die von mir gepriesene, noch einen Anstoß geben kann, dann sind alle hier heute versammelten Autoren, Verleger, Buchhändler, ein jeder, der sich politischer Verantwortung bewußt ist, ermahnt und aufgerufen, Yasar Kemals Appell zu folgen, ihn weiterzutragen und mit ihm dafür zu sorgen, daß in seinem Land endlich die Menschenrechte geachtet werden, keine Waffengewalt mehr wütet, sondern bis in die letzten Dörfer Frieden einkehrt." Gehe zu: Antwort von Walter Jens zu Hintzes Kritik an Grass Gehe zu: Archiv Auskunft Kultur-Netz

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  • 76. Kurdish Observer - Kurdish Daily News
    language Noam Chosky OHAL Politics What state said. yasar kemal .17 Dec 2002 Accession to EU passes through respect to Kurds .

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    77. Yasar Kemal
    It was during those same days that Yaþar kemal's novel Salman, the Solitarywas published. Yaþar kemal set out from an autobiographical incident.
    Photograph by Müslim Giþ • Essay by Zülfü Livaneli When John Lennon was killed the world went into a state of shock, since the murderer turned out to be a fan of Lennon's and not an enemy. The murderer, Mark Chapman, had his walls covered with John Lennon posters. He listened only to his songs. In a sense, Chapman sought his identity through John Lennon. The fascination kept growing, became unbearable and eventually turned into a destructive urge.
    It was during those same days that Yaþar Kemal's novel Salman, the Solitary was published. This was quite a dense book, for years in the making. Yet, when it came out, it was at the dead center of current events. Though the names were different, the book was an analysis of Chapman, Lennon and the transformation of fascination into violence.
    Yaþar Kemal set out from an autobiographical incident. When he was a child, his step-brother had fatally stabbed his father at the mosque, right in front of the five year old Yaþar. (As a result, Yaþar Kemal would lose his ability to speak and be a stutterer for a period of time).
    It was as a novelist and not as a witness that Yaþar Kemal would recount this life-altering event, hence the secret to his writing. Out of this family tragedy, he would craft a novel that explored the intricate psychology behind the transformation of fascination into violence. Thus, he could also shed light on the complex make-up of the Lennon assassination.

    78. Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog
    Translate this page 2 Web-Sites in der Kategorie kemal, yasar. Siehe auch. Top World DeutschKultur Literatur Autoren und Autorinnen K kemal, yasar ( 4).,_Yasar

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    Surf Tipps News Entertainment Games Sport 2 Web-Sites in der Kategorie Kemal, Yasar Book review of "Salman the Solitary" A brief review of Kemal's novel "Salman the Solitary", about life in an Anatolian mountain village. Liminality, Ritual and Social Performance Article by Kemal Silay on Yashar Kemal's legend of the Karachullu Y¼r¼ks and the 'problems' of nomadic entity in Anatolia. Siehe auch Top: World: Deutsch: Kultur: Literatur: Autoren und Autorinnen: K: Kemal, Yasar Open Directory Project werden Sie Editor makeAD("","/SITE=DE.EX.EXCITE/AREA=SEARCH/POS=R1/LANG=IT/AAMSZ=144x120",144,120) makeAD("","/SITE=DE.EX.EXCITE/AREA=SEARCH/POS=R2/LANG=IT/AAMSZ=120x600",120,600)

    79. Listings Of The World Arts Literature Authors K Kemal, Yasar
    http// Added Nov-25-02; Danny Yee's Book Reviews Salmanthe Solitary Post Review A brief review of kemal's novel Salman the Solitary,_Yasar/

    80. Carpe Librum - Suchen
    Translate this page kemal, yasar. yasar kemal hat sich mit der reichen und verschlungenen Mythologie Südanatoliensauch ein Stück seiner Kindheit wiedererzählt- und verarbeitet.
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