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         Junger Ernst:     more books (100)
  1. Die Autorität des Zeugen: Ernst Jüngers politische Theologie by Peter Trawny,
  2. Im Bauche des Leviathan: Tagebuch und Maskerade, Anmerkungen zu Ernst Jungers "Strahlungen" (1939-1948) (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Jorg Sader, 1996
  3. Ernst Jünger / Friedrich Hielscher. Briefwechsel by Friedrich Hielscher, 2005-04-30
  4. Ernst Junger (German Edition) by Martin Meyer, 1990
  5. Der "Neue Stil" in Ernst Jungers "Strahlungen": Genese, Funktion und Realitatsproduktion des literarischen Ich in seinen Tagebuchern (Abhandlungen zur ... und Literaturwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Wolfgang Brandes, 1990
  6. Ernst Jungers magischer Realismus (Germanistische Texte und Studien) (German Edition) by Volker Katzmann, 1975
  7. Conversaciones Con Ernst Junger (Spanish Edition) by Julien Hervier, 1990-01
  8. Ernst Junger: Eine Biographie (German Edition) by Paul Noack, 1998
  9. Le traité du sablier by Ernst Jünger, 1995-01-18
  10. In dienst van Leviathan: Ernst Junger, tijd en werk 1895-1932 (Aspekt bio) (Dutch Edition) by Jan Ipema, 1997
  11. Ein Ernst Junger--Brevier: Jungers politische Publizistik 1920 bis 1933 : Analyse und Dokumentation (Forum Wissenschaft. Studien) (German Edition) by Bruno W Reimann, 1995
  12. Bibliographie der Werke Ernst Jungers (Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft) (German Edition) by Horst Muhleisen, 1996
  13. Das teilbare Individuum: Korperbilder bei Ernst Junger, Hans Henny Jahnn und Peter Weiss (German Edition) by Roswitha Schieb, 1997
  14. Zwischen Traum Und Trauma: Ernst Jungers Fruhwerk by Michael Gnadinger, 2003-01

61. Zoeken Naar Citaten
Uw heeft gezocht op Auteur = ernst junger. Er zijn 2 citaten gevonden.Pagina 1 van 1. Mandje is leeg. Fouten betekenen voor het Junger

62. Ernst Junger W Publicystyce I Literaturze Polskiej Lat 1930-1998. Antologia Teks
ernst junger w publicystyce i literaturze polskiej lat 19301998. Antologiatekstów. opracowanie Wojciech Kunicki opracowanie Krzysztof
opracowanie: Wojciech Kunicki
opracowanie: Krzysztof Polechoñski
Tytu³: Ernst Junger w publicystyce i literaturze polskiej lat 1930-1998. Antologia tekstów
No¶nik: druk
Dzia³: ksi±¿ka
Identyfikator: 83-229-1850-X
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroc³awskiego
Powy¿sz± pozycjê mo¿na kupiæ w sklepie

Zapraszamy do sklepu internetowego

63. ::Junger::
elaborar. ernst Jünger va compondre com a editor literari tres fotollibreslligats a la I Guerra Mundial Luftfahrt ist not! de
La Nau Sala d'Exposicions Del 20 d'octubre del 2000 al 7 de gener del 2001 De dimarts a dissabte de 10 a 14 hores i de 16 a 20 hores. Diumenge de 10 a 14 hores. ENTRADA LLIURE. A partir de l’inici del gran conflicte bèl·lic de 1914-18, i també durant el període d’entreguerres, es dispara irrefrenablement la figuració de la guerra en múltiples aspectes. No sols en un sentit directament polític al servei dels governs contendents, sinó també com un esforç massiu de representació amb l’afanyde veure, conèixer i elaborar el significat d’esdeveniments tan traumàtics. La fotografia de guerra, de producció innúmera gràcies a les agències, els estats majors i els particulars (inclosos els soldats que porten una càmera a la motxilla), satisfà aquesta necessitat inmediata de veure, de representar, d’elaborar. Ernst Jünger va compondre com a editor literari tres foto-llibres lligats a la I Guerra Mundial: Luftfahrt ist not! de 1928 (sense indicació de lloc, ni data) [Necessitem l’aviació!];

64. C-Theory: Article 65-Ethics, Automation, And The Ear (Part 2)
Transcriber. The ~Tischrede~ of ernst junger's 100th Birthday Party., on Sat, 21 Sep 96 163509. junger, ernst.
Article 65-Ethics, Automation, and the Ear (Part 2)
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:45:41 -0400 Listening through the Technologized Ear
As Richard reflects on the honey-gathering activity of the glass
bees, which is purely mechanical and no longer pollinates the flower
in return for its gift, he realizes that "On this level economic
considerations were entirely unimportant; here one had to enter into
another sphere of economythe titanic. One had to make a different
accounting" (101). It is this ~different accounting~, in ways imagined
as even other than the "titanic," that we will have to begin to
account for, and be accountable to, as the old lines of the organic
and inorganic, the natural and the artificial continue to shift at a dizzying rate of speed. Marcus Bullock articulates the dilemma in which we find ourselves when both explanation and inquiryas either traditional philosophy or literatureare outpaced by the pace of the technological.

65. Humanist Archives Vol. 8 : 8.0064 Qs: Wesley; Junger; Iter Italicum; Spearin (4/ Subject John Wesley's Journal (2) Date Sat, 11 Jun 94 1226 PDT (8 lines)From Jeremy Parzen IZZY8OL@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU Subject ernst junger (3) Date
8.0064 Qs: Wesley; Junger; Iter Italicum; Spearin (4/60)
Tue, 21 Jun 1994 22:34:35 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0064. Tuesday, 21 Jun 1994.
(1) Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 16:53:23 +0100 (BST) (13 lines)
Subject: John Wesley's Journal
(2) Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 12:26 PDT (8 lines)
Subject: Ernst Junger
(3) Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:07:42 +0100 (MET) (22 lines)
Subject: iter italicum
(4) Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 16:58:39 -0400 (EDT) (17 lines)
From: lenoblem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lenoble Michel) Subject: Spearin carole Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 16:53:23 +0100 (BST) Subject: John Wesley's Journal Dear All

66. Autores Alemães
Translate this page Letra I. Ihering. Letra J. Jaeger, Werner. Jaspers, Karl. Jellinek, Georg. junger,ernst. Letra K. Kant. Kantorowicz, ernst. Kantorowicz, Hermann. Kautsky. Kelsen,Hans.
Autores Germânicos Ordem Alfabética A B C D ... Z Letra A Adorno Ahrens, Heinrich Althusius Arendt, Hannah Letra B Benjamin Bernstein Bloch Bluntschli Bohemer Letra C Cassirer, Ernst Cathrein, Viktor Clausewitz Letra D Dilthey Letra E Eckhart Engels Letra F Feuerbach Fichte Frederico II da Prússia Freud, Sigmund ... Fromm Letra G Gadamer Gierke Goebbels Letra H Habermas Haeckel, Ernst Haller, Karl Ludwig von Hallstein, Walter ... Herder, Johann Gottfried Hertling, Georg Conde Hertwig, Oskar Herzl, Theodor Hess, Rudolf Heydrich, Reinhard Hildebrand, Bruno Hilferding, Rudolf Himmler, Heinrich Hindenburg Hintze, Otto Hitler, Adolf Höffe, Otfried Horkheimer, Max Hugo, Gustav ... Husserl Letra I Ihering Letra J Jaeger, Werner Jaspers, Karl Jellinek, Georg Junger, Ernst Letra K Kant Kantorowicz, Ernst Kantorowicz, Hermann Kautsky ... Krause Letra L Larenz, Karl Lask, Emil Lassalle, Ferdinand Lehmbruch, Gehrard ... Luxemburg Letra M Mannheim Martini Marx Meinecke ... Muller, Adam Letra N Nietzsche Novalis Letra O Letra P Popper Puchta Pufendorf Letra Q Letra R Radbruch Rahner Ranke Ratzel ... Rosenberg Letra S Savigny Schaffle Scheler Schelling ... Schlozer, A.

67. Wessex Books Catalog
The Violent Eye ernst junger's Visions and Revisions of the EuropeanRight. junger, ernstLiterary Criticism German History. History

68. CUL Technical Services Manual/TSSU Procedures/Master Global Change List
a JewishArab relations $y 1949-1967, $a Arab-Israeli conflict $y1948-1967. $a junger, ernst, $d b. 1895, $a junger, ernst, $d 1895-.
Table of Contents Index to TSSU Procedures Previous page Next page
CUL Technical Services Manual
Authority Section Procedures/Global Changes
OLD FORM: CHANGED TO: $a Game-laws $a Game laws $a Germany $x Constitutional history $a Constitutional history $z Germany $a Germany $x Constitutional law $a Constitutional law $z Germany $a Germany $x Industries $a Industries $z Germany $a Germany $x Industries $x Location $a Industrial location $z Germany $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1945- $a Germany $x Politics and government $y 1945-1990 $a Germany West $x Constitutional law $a Constitutional law $z Germany West $a Glass-workers $a Glassworkers $a Goldsmith, Oliver, $d 1728-1774 $a Goldsmith, Oliver, $d 1730?-1774 $a Great Britain $x Constitutional history $a Constitutional history $z Great Britain $a Great Britain $x Constitutional law $a Constitutional law $z Great Britain $a Great Britain $x Economic conditions $y 1918- $a Great Britain $x Economic conditions $y 1918-1945 $a Great Britain $x Economic conditions $y 1945- $a Great Britain $x Economic conditions $y 1945-1933 $a Great Britain $x Economic policy $y 1945- $a Great Britain $x Economic policy $y 1945-1964 $a Great Britain $x Industries $a Industries $z Great Britain $a Great Britain $x Nobility $a Nobility $z Great Britain $a Great Britain $x Peerage $a Nobility $z Great Britain $a Great Britain $x Politics and government $y 1979- $a Great Britain $x Politics and government $y 1979-1997

Translate this page di Comunità. - junger, ernst “Trattato del ribelle” Adelphi. - KAMINSKI diComunità. -junger, ernst “Trattato del ribelle” Adelphi. -KAMINSKI
GRAFTON, Anthony “Il signore del tempo” Laterza HENNINGSEN, Gustav “L’avvocato delle streghe” Garzanti
CLASSE 300 - SCIENZE SOCIALI “Codice regionale dell’ambiente” Regione Toscana “Codice regionale dell’ambiente. Aggiornamento” Regione Toscana “Segnali ambientali in Toscana 2001” Regione Toscana FERRARI, Carlo “Biodiversità dall’analisi alla gestione” Zanichelli FABIETTI, Ugo “Storia dell’antropologia” Zanichelli LICHTNER, Maurizio “La qualità delle azioni formative” Franco Angeli FERRARI ZUMBINI, Massimo “Le radici del male” Il Mulino HUXLEY, Juilian “Noi Europei” Ed. di Comunità JUNGER, Ernst “Trattato del ribelle” Adelphi KAMINSKI, Andrzej “I campi di concentramento dal 1896 a oggi” Bollati Boringhieri “Le forze armate dalla guerra di liberazione alla nascita della Repubblica 1943-1947” “Multiculturalismo” Feltrinelli KEEGAN, John “Il volto della battaglia” Il Saggiatore “Dal banco alla cattedra” ETS
“Cherchez le mot. Dizionario tematico e fraseologico francese-italiano” Zanichelli VALLOMY BETTARINI, Maria Luisa “Succiole al fuoco” Polistampa

70. Timebase(TM) - Selected Biographies - J
junger, ernst (b.1895) German novelist, born in Heidelberg. His realisticnovels were influenced by his experiences in World Wars I and II.

A B C D ... Z JABOTINSKY, VLADIMIR (ZEEV): Founder of Brith Trumpeldor (BETAR), an activist Zionist youth movement associated with HA-ZOHAR. JODL, ALFRED Colonel-General and Chief of staff of the German armed forces supreme command (OKW) from August 23, 1939 until dismissed by Hitler on May 23, 1945. Found guilty of war crimes at Nuremberg and executed on October 16, 1946. JUNG, KARL GUSTAV (1875-1961) World famous psychoanalyst who created a psychological typology theory and used mythological and cultural-historical material. Jung's role during the Third Reich is still a matter of controversy. JUNGER, ERNST (b.1895) German novelist, born in Heidelberg. His realistic novels were influenced by his experiences in World Wars I and II. Junger was a friend of Hielscher who visited him in Paris in Oct. 1943. Junger said that "while the 19th century was the century of reason, the 20th was the century of cults." Junger used the code-name "Kniebolo" for Hitler and said that Hitler "lived on" cults which accounted for the "total incapacity of liberal-minded people to see even where he stands." Junger lived to well over a hundred years old and in the 1950's experimented with LSD. Lived his final years in the small village of Wilflingen, near Lake Constance in southern Germany. Junger's novels include Storm of Steel

71. Fond Studovny Germanistiky
Translate this page Jungandreas, Wolfgang. Niedersachsisches Worterbuch. GB 1125. junger, ernst. StrahlungenI. Lit 2 Jun I. junger, ernst. Strahlungen II. Lit 2 Jun I. Jungk, Robert.
Verfasser / Autor Titel / Titul Signatura Jacob, Ines Kubus 19 - Weihnachten und die Zeit davor_ Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg Lan 2 Kub 19 Jacob, Ines Kubus 19 - Weihnachten und die Zeit davor_ Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg Lan 2 Kub 19 Jacobi, Johann Georg Gedichte GI 2400 Jacobs, E. Verstehen Sie das? X Jacobs, Eberhard Verstehen Sie das ? GB 3044 Jacobsen, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) Geschichte des deutschen Films Kuk 2 Ges Jaeger, Marc A. Zukunft des Abendlandes GO 6000 Jaehrling, Gertrud Bausteine Fachdeutsch fur Wissenschaftler GB 3044 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/ Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/2 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/3 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/4 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/5 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/6 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/7 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/8 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/9 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich Deutsche Sprachlehre GB 3044/10 Jagel, Wolf-Dietrich

72. Junger
Translate this page Nesta obra escrita em 1951, ernst Jünger teve uma intuição crítica notável,ao demonstrar os contornos da miséria e da alienação humanas circunscritas
O Passo da Floresta C S P O Passo da Floresta
Cotovia, Lisboa, 1995
J. M. Carvalho Ferreira

73. Max-Ernst-Stipendium Der Stadt Brühl
Translate this page Das Max-ernst-Stipendium der Stadt Brühl, das seit 1971 jährlich Mal ausgeschrieben.DasStipendium dient der Förderung junger Künstlerinnen und Künstler
Max-Ernst-Stipendium der Stadt Brühl zur Förderung junger Künstler Das Max-Ernst-Stipendium der Stadt Brühl, das seit 1971 jährlich vergeben wird, wurde 2001 bereits zum 31. Mal ausgeschrieben.Das Stipendium dient der Förderung junger Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die nicht älter als 35 Jahre sind und die sich noch in der Kunstausbildung befinden sollen. Stichtag ist der Geburtstag des Künstlers, der 2. April. Das Stipendium für den Preisträger ist mit 3.500 EURO dotiert; das Werk des Zweitplatzierten wird mit 1.000 EURO und das des Drittplatzierten mit 500 EUROausgezeichnet. Für alle Preisträger wird eine gemeinsame 2-wöchige Ausstellung in der Galerie am Schloss ausgerichtet. Die Jury, die die Preiträger jeweils im Januar auswählt, besteht aus Fachjuroren/innen, dem Bürgermeister und einem Einwohner der Stadt. Bis zu fünf Arbeiten - Gemälde, Plastiken, Objekte oder Videos (auf VHS) - können eingereicht werden. Die Bewerbungsunterlagen für die Teilnahme können bei der Stadt Brühl, Kulturamt, 50319 Brühl, schriftlich oder 02232/792700 telefonisch angefordert werden.

74. Junger
The Storm of Steel by ernst junger The Storm of Steel by ernst junger is the memoirof one of Germany's greatest heroes of World War I. Wounded seven times
This web site was created for FREE at Visit to get your free web site - no programming required. Javascript is either disabled or not supported by this browser. This page may not appear properly. The Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger
The Storm of Stee l by Ernst Junger is the memoir of one of Germany's greatest heroes of World War I. Wounded seven times, Junger was one of the original stormtroop leaders, developing many new tactics, and eventually winning the Pour le Merite towards the end of the war.
Junger considered himself an intellectual, as well as a warrior, so The Storm of Steel offers many of his insights into the changing nature of warfare at the beginning of the 20th Century. In interesting contrast to many other memoirs of the war, Junger does not see his conflict as being an impersonal meat grinder. Rather, Junger's war is an experience in which it becomes possible for the individual soldier to truly be tested to his limits. The war is not just a faceless conflict. It is an almost primeval struggle in which the only thing that separates the winner from the loser is the ability of individuals to be able to emotionally and spiritually overcome the immense obstacles put in their way. Accountability to nation and comrades drives all men on, but it is their inner strength that will ultimately govern their destiny.
In this sense

75. Electronic Reserves - Items List
HIST 112 Permanent Reserves Undergrad Library. junger, ernst Copse 125 A Chronicle from the Trench Warfare of 1918 Preface.

76. BBC - History Trail - Wars And Conflict
ernst junger. ernst junger (18951998) enlisted in 1914, and was wounded fourteentimes, winning the highest German decorations including the Pour le Mérite.
Ernst Junger Ernst Junger (1895-1998) enlisted in 1914, and was wounded fourteen times, winning the highest German decorations including the Pour le Mérite. He wrote over 60 books on a wide variety of subjects, but is best remembered for Storm of Steel (1920) which described battle as the true test of a man, and is one of the most arresting personal accounts of the war, from which this quotation is taken. His patriotism appealed to Hitler, but he was never a Nazi, and although he served in the Germany army in World War Two, he was dismissed following the July 1944 bomb plot.

77. Rassegna Stampa
Translate this page 22 Un Novecento color bruno E' morto ieri all'età di 102 anni, ernst junger. Ungrande testimone del secolo che ha diviso la critica ernst junger.
La rassegna stampa di
Gli argomenti del giorno

Bibliografie Biografie e autobiografie Critica letteraria ... Testi
la Repubblica Spettacoli , Pag. 38
Oggi e domani a Napoli lo spettacolo con cui lo scrittore e il regista debuttano in palcoscenico
I TOTEM del '900

Baricco e Vacis, lezione di fine secolo. I due interpreti si alternano ai microfoni leggendo e commentando brani di teatro e letteratura, da Beckett a Gadda. Due serate complementari che finora sono andate in scena solo in provincia
di Aldo Lastella
Corriere della Sera Cultura e Spettacoli , Pag. 31
Tutti i libri del "titano", che fu scoperto in Italia negli anni Settanta

[Bibliografia di Junger]
la Repubblica Cultura , Pag. 36
BIBLIOGRAFIA Da Mondadori nel 1942 il primo libro "italiano"
Biografie e autobiografie
Corriere della Sera Cultura e Spettacoli , Pag. 31 A favore Francois Mitterand: "Una persona libera" [Note critiche su Ernst Junger di vari intellettuali] Corriere della Sera Cultura e Spettacoli , Pag. 31 Contro [Note critiche su Ernst Junger di vari intellettuali] Corriere della Sera Cultura e Spettacoli , Pag. 31

78. Ernst Jünger Zum 100. Geburtstag
Translate this page ist es natürlich kein Zufall, daß nicht erst zum Hundertsten ernst Jüngers nur AberSiebzehn Verwundungen noch als sehr junger Mann, eine Seele aus Leder
von Elke Schmitter - DIE ZEIT Nr. 13, 24.3.1995

"Gewiß ist es wichtig, zu wissen, was die Stunde schlägt, doch dafür muß die Uhr gehen"
1. Also, im Ausland ist er sehr beliebt. 2. Er hat nicht nur, er schreibt auch Stil. 7. Er hat das Zeug zum Dichter der Nation.

79. I Libri Del Movimento Degli Uomini
Translate this page Dumezil. - Milano Adelphi, 1990. junger, ernst. Il trattato del ribelle/ ernst, junger. - Milano Adelphi, 1998. Franz, Marie Luise von.
I libri del movimento degli uomini Una bibliografia di partenza: Berry, Wendell Con i piedi per terra / Wendell Berry; traduzione e redazione di Giovanni Arca. - Como: Red, 1996 Bly, Robert Per diventare uomini: come un bambino spaventato si può trasformare in un uomo completo e maturo / Robert Bly. - Milano: A. Mondadori, 1992 Il piccolo libro dell'ombra: guida alla scoperta del nostro lato oscuro / Robert Bly. - Como: Red, 1992 Dumezil, E. Le sorti del guerriero: aspetti della funzione guerriera presso gli indoeuropei / E. Dumezil. - Milano: Adelphi, 1990 Junger, Ernst Il trattato del ribelle / Ernst, Junger. - Milano: Adelphi, 1998 Franz, Marie Luise von L'eterno fanciullo / Marie Luise von Franz. - Como: Red, 1989 Kazinski , T.J. (Unabomber) Il Manifesto: contro la società tecnologica / T.J. Kazinski; prefazione di C. Risé. - Milano : Barbarossa, 199- Mitscherlich, A. Verso una società senza padre / A. Mitscherlich . - Milano: Feltrinelli, 1977 Monick, E.

80. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. *Écrivains*
Translate this page 1803) HOFFMANN (ernst THÉODOR WILHELM) NÉ, A, KONIGSBERG (1766-1822) HOLZ (ARNO)NÉ, A, RASTENBURG (1863-1929) junger (ernst) NÉ, A, HEIDELBERG EN, 1895.
Index général aéroport affluents Centrale nucléaire et hydroélectriques Chefs-Lieux Collines de Rome Communes Compositeurs Constellations Cyclades Déesses Dieux Divinités Écrivains Fleuves Côtier FLeuves des enfers Fleuves Historiens Homme d'état Homme Politiques Lacs Massifs Mathématiciens Noms Peintres Poètes Ports et Ports Fluviaux Rivières Sculteurs Théologiens Torrents Villes ÉCRIVAINS ECRIVAINS ALGÉRIENS DID, (MOHAMMED) NÉ, A, TLEMCEN EN, 1920.

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