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         Hesse Hermann:     more books (100)
  1. Siddhartha, Demian, and Other Writings: Hermann Hesse (German Library) by Egon Schwarz, Ingrid Fry, 1992-11-01
  2. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, 2008
  3. Gertrude: A Novel by Hermann Hesse, 2005-08-01
  4. Siddhartha in English and German by Hermann Hesse (Halcyon Classics) by Hermann Hesse, 2010-01-07
  5. Hermann Hesse: Pilgrim of Crisis : A Biography by Ralph Freedman, 1997-05
  6. El Juego de Los Abalorios by Hermann Hesse, Hermann Hesse, 1978
  7. Hermann Hesse by Colin Wilson, 1974
  8. Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, 1971
  9. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, 1974
  10. My Belief: Essays on Life and Art by Hermann Hesse, 1976-05-06
  11. Demian by Hermann Hesse, 2007
  12. Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, 1969
  13. Demian by Hesse Hermann, 1974
  14. Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, 1983-06

41. Revolutionary Girl Utena Review By Xuande - DALnet #anime
An overview of the story, with opinions on character development and links to hermann hesse's Demian. 80/100

42. Hermann Hesse
Translate this page hermann hesse, 1877 - 1962. Sein Leben - Biographie Sein Werk SchweizIndex. Links - Weitere hermann hesse-Web-Sites. http//www.gss
Hermann Hesse, 1877 - 1962
Sein Leben - Biographie
Sein Werk
Seine Zeit - Literaturgeschichtliches
Im Bild - Galerie ...
Links - Weitere Hermann Hesse-WebSites
Sein Leben - Biographie
Projekt Gutenberg.DE:
University of California at Santa Barbara, Germanic, Slavic and Semitic Studies:
Hermann Hesse: Background, childhood, and youth (1877-1895)
(sehr ausfuehrliche Biographie der ersten Jahre in englischer Sprache)
Buchhandlung Fuchs, Calw:
Ausfuehrlicher tabellarischer Lebenslauf (in englischer und deutscher Sprache), mit Bildern
Deutsches Historisches Museum (LEMO):
Ausfuehrlicher tabellarischer Lebenslauf, mit Bildern"
W. Vocke: Daten der deutschen Dichtung: Tabellarischer Lebenslauf mit ausfuehrlichem Werkverzeichnis

43. Das Rezensionsforum
Rezension zu Anni Carlsson und Volker Michels (Hrsg.) hermann hesse Thomas Mann Briefwechsel . Von Thomas Bollwerk in 7/1999.

44. Hermann Hesse - 125. Geburtstag
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45. Hugo Ball: Hermann Hesse
Sein Leben und sein Werk (1927).

Kino Musik Bestseller ... Gutenberg-DE
Autoren A - Z
Startseite Info CD-ROM ... Druckversion
Hugo Ball
Hermann Hesse
Sein Leben und sein Werk
Inhalt: Das Vaterhaus Die Kindheit Kloster Maulbronn Hermann Lauscher und Peter Camenzind ... Druckversion
Politik ... Mediadaten
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46. Hermann Hesse
Propone alcune liriche del noto scrittore.
Canzone di viaggio Sole illumina il mio cuore,
vento disperdi le mie pene e i miei lamenti!
Piacere più profondo non conosco sulla terra
se non di andare lontano.
Per la pianura seguo il mio corso,
il sole deve ardermi, il mare rinfrescarmi
per condividere la vita della nostra terra
dischiudo festoso i miei sensi.
E così ogni nuovo giorno mi deve
nuovi amici, nuovi fratelli indicare,
finchè lieto posso tutte le forze celebrare, e di ogni stella diventare ospite e amico. Sera sul Mar Rosso Dai deserti ardenti avanza fluttuando un vento venefico, cupo attende il mare appena mosso, centinaia di gabbiani inquieti sono per il bollente inferno nostri compagni. Fulmini squarciano impotenti dell'orizzonte il limite, della pioggia non conosce il beneficio questa terra maledetta. Lassù però netta e serena si trova sola una quieta nuvola; l'ha posta per noi Dio, Perchè più a lungo non fossimo afflitti e soli in questo mondo. Mai dimenticherò quel nulla sconfinato e questo inferno opprimente che trovai nel luogo più caldo della terra; ma che lassù la nuvoletta sorridente stesse

47. Hermann Hesse Prints
hermann hesse Prints. Hals, Frans Hanks, Steve Haring, Keith hesse, hermann Hiroshige,Utagawa Hokusai, Katsushika Holbein, Hans Homer, Winslow Hopper, Edward I.
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Art Prints Abstract Prints Art Deco Prints Baroque Prints ... Mounted
We make it easy to buy Hermann Hesse Prints online. First, click on the image you are interested in. Then click on the "add to cart" button. From there, you can check out, continue shopping, or have your Hermann Hesse Prints professionally framed or mounted.
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Art Print
20 in. x 24 in.
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20 in. x 24 in.
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48. LOdE-1999-3
de hermann hesse. Fabelo pri tri fratoj arestitaj. Tradukis el la germana Wolfgang Kirschstein
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  • Aleksander Kor¼enkov. [Al la legantoj]
  • Halina Gorecka, Aleksander Kor¼enkov. Frunte kun kamarado L.I.Bre¼nev
  • UEA transiris al eýro Zamenhofa lernejo en danøero Boguslaw Sobol. Meso en Varsovio Reinhardt Fössmeier. AIS: nova senatano ... Kurte
  • Tatjana Kulakova. Konferenco de UES Aleksas Masiukas. Nova¼oj el Murmansk Oæjo Dadajev. Melnikov æampionas Donacoj
  • Valentin Melnikov. Kiel propagandi Esperanton Petro Chrdle. Esperanto kiel pontolingvo Grigorij Berezin. Juda kaj satana aý sankta afero? Sergej Pa¶omov. Frenezuloj estas multaj ... Leterkesto (Ludoviko De Doncker, Tamara Durnickaja, Ivan Vereþæagin, Svetlana Hasjuk, Kjell Randehed)
  • Sergio Pokrovskij. Slavonaj skriboj (4)
  • Hermann Hesse. Tri tilioj (Wolfgang Kirschstein) Wolfgang Hildesheimer. Iom granda aæeto (Wolfgang Kirschstein)
  • Bard Hekland. Kompreni æi-landon? Neniam!
  • 49. Hermann Hesse - Sein Leben Und Wirken
    Lebenslauf Hesses und Informationen ¼ber sein Denken sowie Buchvorstellungen mit Kommentaren und Links (von J¶rg Erdmann).
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    50. Hesse, Hermann
    Translate this page hermann hesse. Geb. am 2.07.1877 in Calw, gest. am 9.08.1962 in Montagnola.Der Sohn eines deutsch-baltischen Missionars besuchte

    Kino Musik Bestseller ... Gutenberg-DE
    Autoren A - Z
    Startseite Info CD-ROM ... Druckversion
    Hermann Hesse
    Werke u.a.
    • 1904 Peter Camenzind 1905 Unterm Rad 1919 Demian 1922 Siddhartha 1927 Der Steppenwolf 1943 Das Glasperlenspiel
    Im Projekt Gutenberg-DE gesperrt bis 2033
    Autoren A-Z
    Startseite Info CD-ROM ... Druckversion
    Politik ... Mediadaten
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    51. Hermann Hesse
    Presenta la vita dell'autore e alcune opere.
    web hosting domain names email addresses related sites Hermann Hesse Nasce a Calw, in Germania, nel 1877. Viene insignito nel 1946 del premio Nobel per la letteratura. Le sue opere, incentrate su personaggi alla ricerca di se stessi, hanno affascinato intere generazioni, conoscendo un vasto successo che dura ininterrotto dagli anni Sessanta e Settanta. Dop aver abbandonato gli studi in seminario, prosegue la sua formazione da autodidatta: lo spirito ribelle e polemico contro ogni valore istituzionalizzato trova espressione nelle trame dei primi due romanzi Peter Camenzind (1904) e Sotto la ruota Demian (1919), sul tema del dualismo simbolico fra il personaggio onirico Demian e l'individuo reale Sinclair; Siddharta (1922), che rielabora in toni lirici vicende della vita giovanile del Buddha, riflette l'interesse per il misticismo orientale. Nel Lupo della steppa Narciso e Boccadoro (1930). Con l'ultimo romanzo, Il gioco delle perle di vetro Muore a Lugano nel 1962; l'ultima poesia che leggerete in questa piccola antologia, Scricchiolio di un ramo spezzato , la scrive il giorno prima della sua morte.

    52. HipBone: Hermann Hesse
    Notes and essays on the design of glass bead games.
    Hermann Hesse, the Swiss-German novelist who wrote Steppenwolf Siddhartha Demian , and Narcissus and Goldmund , won the Nobel for his final novel and masterpiece, Magister Ludi . This is the book in which he describes the fabulous game known as the "Glass Bead Game" describes it clearly enough that you can almost taste the excitement of playing it, but somehow manages not to tell you exactly how it is played. This section of HipBone's site contains materials about Hesse himself and his novel. You could say the first Nobel for a Web-based computer game design was awarded to novelist Hermann Hesse who received the Prize for Literature in 1946 for his novel, Magister Ludi ... It's not strictly accurate, of course, to say his Nobel was for game design but it does get a point across: that the design for a game, the "Glass Bead Game", was central to Hesse's book. Literature is a marvelous thing, and sometimes a very great writer will write a book that seems extraordinarily prescient to those who live fifty or a hundred years later. That's certainly the case with Hesse's novel. Since Hesse completed the book in 1943, a lot of things have happened which Hesse certainly couldn't have predicted not least among them, the personal computer the internet and the web. And yet the Glass Bead Game as Hesse describes it is eerily reminiscent of these things. Timothy Leary said the Game was prophetic of the personal computer, Stanford futurist Paul Saffo claims Hesse's book is the finest introduction to the best of modern business practices, Alan Watts compares the Game to a psychedelic experience...

    53. Hesse, Hermann
    Translate this page deu.jpg (1524 Byte), hesse, hermann 1877 - 1962. In diesem Arbeitsbereich der Literaturkönnen Sie sich mit den literarischen Werken von hermann hesse befassen.
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    Hesse, Hermann
    Pseudonym Emil Sinclair; ; Sohn eines Missionspredigers; aufgewachsen in Calw/Württemberg, soll Theologe werden, entflieht aber 1892 aus dem evangelisch-theologischenSeminar Maulbronn; danach Mechanikerlehre in einer Calwer Turmuhrenwerkstatt, dann 1895 Buchhandelslehre in Tübingen, ab 1899 Buchhändler und Antiquar in Basel; nach ersten schriftstellerischen Erfolgen ab 1904 in Gaienhofen/Bodensee; Indienreise; ab 1912 Ostermundingen bei Bern; im 1. WK Rot-Kreuz-Helfer und in dt. Kriegsgefangenenfürsorge tätig; wohnt seit 1919 bis zu seinem Tod in Montagnola bei Luzern; ab 1923 Schweizer Staatsangehöriger; Nobelpreis für Literatur;
    In diesem Arbeitsbereich der Literatur können Sie sich mit den literarischen Werken von Hermann Hesse befassen. WERKE u. a.: Peter Camenzind (Roman, 1904), Unterm Rad (Roman, 1906); Gertrud (Roman, 1910), Demian (Roman, 1919), Siddharta ("ind.DIcht."1922), Der Steppenwolf (Roman, 1927); Narziß und Goldmund (Erzählung, bis 1930), Das Glasperlenspiel (Roman, 1943,entstanden seit 1931)

    Biografia, pensiero e aforismi.
    HERMANN HESSE BIOGRAFIA Curò per i lettori tedeschi la biografia in inglese di C.E. Dawson (1881), e così pure David Livingstone. L'amico dell'Africa (seconda edizione 1899). Dopo un anno di lavoro come donna di servizio a Corcelles, dove aveva imparato anche il francese (conosceva altre cinque lingue), la piccola Maria Gundert ritorna in India e fa esperienza, grazie alla confidenza con il missionario Hebich, di un cambiamento radicale avvenuto nella propria esistenza: decide di "dedicarsi, d'ora in avanti, alla realizzazione del regno di Dio sulla terra". A questa scelta è legato anche il matrimonio. Nel 1865 sposa il missionario Charles Isenberg (1840-70), originario di Londra, con il quale lavora presso la missione di Heiderebad. Deve però tornare improvvisamente in Europa, dove Isenberg muore. Da questo matrimonio nascono i due fratellastri di Hermann Hesse: Theodor e Karl Isenberg. Il figlio Hermann porta i nomi di entrambi i nonni. Pur non avendo conosciuto personalmente il nonno paterno (1802-96) cercò tuttavia di risvegliare i legami di sangue con l'Est (l'Estonia apparteneva dal 1721 alla Russia) attraverso un interesse coltivato nel corso della sua esistenza per la politica e la letteratura di quel paese. Carl Hermann Hesse, in qualità di medico dello stato russo, rimase da parte sua indifferente al pensiero positivistico-materialistico dominante a quel tempo. Organizzò regolarmente nella propria casa letture bibliche, nel 1833 fondò un orfanotrofio ed esercitò la propria attività fedelmente fino alla morte, rivelando un'etica professionale oggi difficilmente riscontrabile fra i medici.

    55. Siddhartha - Herman Hesse - The Book & Glossary Of Terms Hindu, Sanskrit, Buddhi
    Hindu, Sanskrit, Buddhist and German.
    Glossary of terms used in Siddhartha - Hindu, Sanskrit, Buddhist and German.
    Siddhartha a novel written by Herman Hesse.
      non duality, identity of the spirit and matter - essentially are all 'one'.   The philosophical belief that underlies the teaching in the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads .  There is only one Consciousness, one Supreme Spirit, despite multiplicity; this is the 'ultimate truth' in the text known to Vasudeva and Buddha. Atman:   breath, principle of life, the individual soul; in the grammar of Sanskrit it is also used as the reflexive pronoun: oneself Bhagavad Gita:   A series of discourses between Lord Krishna and the warrior prince Arjuna from which flow the essential teachings of Indian philosophy, equivalent to the New Testament.  It forms one episode in India's Great Epic, the Mahabharata , written later than the 'classical' Upanishads Brahman:   from root 'bhri' to grow, expand, increase.  Hence the 'swelling of soul' that leads to the meaning of the self existent, impersonal Spirit, the Absolute, the Eternal, the Universal essence from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return; not generally an object of worship, but rather of meditation and knowledge. Brahmin:  not to be confused with Brahman (see above).  The priestly class, highest of the four division in ancient Hindu society; strictly speaking, one who knows and repeats Vedas, e.g. Siddhartha and his family.

    56. Das Hermann Hesse-Portal
    Biographie, Informationen, Bild und Tondokumente zu hermann hesse.

    Hermann Hesse

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    Online-Informationsangebot zu Person, Werk und Wirkung Hermann Hesse Literatur

    57. - Das Hermann Hesse Portal
    Diese Seite ist f¼r alle bestimmt, die gerne hermann hesse lesen und solche, die sich noch auf den Geschmack bringen lassen wollen.

    58. Hesse, Hermann
    hesse, hermann. hermann hesse, 1957. Wide World Photos. (b. July2, 1877, Calw, Ger.d. Aug. 9, 1962, Montagnola, Switz.), German
    Hesse, Hermann
    Hermann Hesse, 1957 Wide World Photos (b. July 2, 1877, Calw, Ger.d. Aug. 9, 1962, Montagnola, Switz.), German novelist, poet, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, whose main theme deals with man's breaking out of the established modes of civilization to find his essential spirit. With his appeal for self-realization and his celebration of Eastern mysticism, Hesse posthumously became a cult figure to young people in the English-speaking world. Unterm Rad Beneath the Wheel ), in which an overly diligent student is driven to self-destruction. Hesse remained in the bookselling business until 1904, when he became a free-lance writer and brought out his first novel, Peter Camenzind, about a failed and dissipated writer. The inward and outward search of the artist is further explored in Gertrud (1910) and Rosshalde (1914). A visit to India in these years was later reflected in Siddhartha (1922), a lyric novel based on the early life of Buddha. During World War I, Hesse lived in neutral Switzerland, wrote denunciations of militarism and nationalism, and edited a journal for German war prisoners and internees. He became a permanent resident of Switzerland in 1919 and a citizen in 1923, settling in Montagnola. A deepening sense of personal crisis led Hesse to psychoanalysis with J.B. Lang, a disciple of Carl Gustav Jung. The influence of analysis appears in

    59. Poems Of Hermann Hesse
    Kleine Sammlung von Gedichten Hesses.
    Hermann Hesse
      Stufen ...
      Kleiner Knabe
      Hat man mich gestraft,
      Halt ich meinen Mund,
      Weine mich in Schlaf,
      Wache auf gesund.
      Hat man mich gestraft,
      Will ich nicht mehr weinen,
      Lache mich in Schlaf.
      Aber ich, ich bleibe
      Immer, immer da.
      (Hermann Hesse)
    Stufen Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern. Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne, Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben. Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten, Der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen, Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen, Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise, Es wird vielleicht auch noch die Todesstunde Des Lebens Ruf an uns wird niemals enden ... Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde ! Kornfelder stehen leer und ohne Blick; Uns all das fern und sagenhaft erscheinen, Was heut wir in der Hand zu halten meinen, Und jede Blume wunderbar verirrt. Der Ginster starrt in braunen Besen. Der Wald im Mai gewesen ?

    60. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Hesse, Hermann (Featured Authors)
    Looking for the best facts and sites on hesse, hermann? HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Literature World Literature German Featured Authors hesse, hermann.
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