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1. Oakville Lawyer, David Allan Harris, Barrister & Solicitor, Home Page Criminal lawyer in Halton, Ontario, conducts trials and appeals. http://www.lawyers.ca/dharris | |
2. David Ryan Harris: David Ryan Harris David Ryan harris david Ryan Harris. Includes video clips, interactivesong lyrics, video montage, online connection and more . http://www.musicfan.com/ecd/details/259.html | |
3. David Harris A descriptive and pictorial look at things Australian especially sport, music, the outdoors and technology. http://www.vicnet.net.au/~dharris | |
4. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Aristotle | Harris, David People Candidates Independent David harris david Harris PartyIndependent. Constituency Hull since 1992. Fullname David Harris. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/person/0,9290,-8020,00.html | |
5. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Aristotle | Harris, David People Candidates Conservative David harris david Harris PartyConservative. Constituency St since 1992. Fullname David Harris. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/person/0,9290,-2237,00.html | |
6. David Harris Program notes from the 2000 World Saxophone Congress in Montréal, Québec, Canada.Category Arts Music Composition Composers H Harris, David......David Harris (Australie Australia). David Harris has been teaching compositionat the Adelaide Institute TAFE School of Music since 1987. http://www153.pair.com/bensav/Compositeurs/Harris.David.html | |
7. Harris David L DDS MSD - Dentists - Dentists-Orthodontists (Straightening-Braces harris david L DDS MSD Dentists, DentistsOrthodontists (Straightening-Braces), SPACECENTER ORTHODONTICS MEMBER AAO BRACES FOR ADULTS CHILDREN COMPLIMENTARY http://www.yellowpages-ads.com/01160036 | |
8. Harris David L DDS MSD - Dentists - Dentists-Orthodontists (Straightening-Braces harris david L DDS MSD Dentists, DentistsOrthodontists (Straightening-Braces), SPACECENTER ORTHODONTICS MEMBER AAO GENTLE, SPECIALIZED CARE BRACES FOR ADULTS http://www.yellowpages-ads.com/00562556 | |
9. Nonfiction Harris, David,David, Harris A Society Of Signs? Nonfiction Harris, David,David, Harris A Society of Signs? Subject NonfictionAuthor harris david David Harris Ramoniene, Meilute,Press, Ian http://www.books-finder.com/Harris-David-David-Harris/A-Society-of-Signs-0415111 | |
10. South Australian Author - David Harris David Harris. About David Harris. David is a writer and adventurer whoidentified the lost City of Rome in China. He taught from reception http://www.adelaidecitycouncil.com/childrenslibrary/authors/davidharris.htm | |
11. Alphabet Sea Spencer, Carolyn,Harris, David,Harris, Da Children's Books Books. Title Alphabet Sea Subject Children's Books Author SpencerCarolyn harris david Harris da Devilbiss, Carl A Book of Hope http://www.ultrabooks.com/Spencer-Carolyn-Harris-David-Harris-da/Alphabet-Sea-18 | |
12. Professor David's Exams Rutgers Law School Newark. Law School Exams Archive. Professorharris david. LEGAL PROFESSION Fall 1998. BACK TO EXAM ARCHIVES. http://newark.rutgers.edu/~exams/HDavid.html | |
13. Jure AB - Juridisk Nätbokhandel Titlar av harris david Sida 1 av 1 Cases and Materials on InternationalLaw STUDENTUTGÅVA (NY UPPLAGA) harris david Sweet http://www.jure.se/ns_old/listforfattare.asp?fuid=2362&fname=Harris David |
14. Search Results Two Hundred Fifty Years of Bookselling. Home. Matches for Your Search The 'author(s)'key is harris david 169 matches found Records 120 are displayed. http://www.johnsmith-bookshops.co.uk/searchitems.asp?author=Harris, David&prd=1 |
15. About David Harris DAVID ALLAN HARRIS BA, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor 297 Church Street Oakville,Ontario, L6J 1N9 Tel. (905) 8423211. ABOUT DAVID ALLAN HARRIS. http://lawyers.ca/dharris/about.htm | |
16. David Harris David Harris. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociologyat the University of Michigan. I also have appointments http://www.allharris.com/ | |
17. HARRIS DAVID (USSR EXPELLEE) harris david (USSR EXPELLEE). USSR 1986 Geheim Magazine (Germany) 1987 5(40); Washington Post 1986-10-20 (A9). pages cited this search http://www.namebase.org/xhap/David_-28ussr_expellee-29_Harris.html | |
18. HARRIS DAVID A (AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE) harris david A (AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE). Council on Foreign Relations.Membership Roster. 2001; Friedman,R. Zealots for Zion. 1992 http://www.namebase.org/xhap/David_A_-28american_jewish_committee-29_Harris.html | |
19. SWAN /All Libraries Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Harris Daniel Will See Will Harris Daniel1 Harris Danielle 3 harris david 4 harris david 1929 1991 1 harris david http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,367,383/search/aHarris, David, 1961-/ahar | |
20. David & Jan Harris' Photo Gallery Galleries of landscapes and wildlife, and biographical notes.Category Arts Photography Photographers Solo Exhibitions H......Gallery of artistic photographic images by david harris and Jan harris,updated regularly. david Jan harris' Photo Gallery. Your http://www.david.j.harris.photoshot.com/ourframe.htm | |
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