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Eggers Dave: more books (100) | |||||||||||||||
41. AIGA : VOICE2 dave eggers, author, editor, designer. dave eggers was one of thefounding editors of Might magazine and is currently the editor http://www.voice.aiga.org/speakers/eggers_dave.html | |
42. Interests Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in dave eggers . Interestedusers The following users are also interested in dave eggers. http://www.livejournal.com/interests.bml?int=dave eggers |
43. Alphamusic - Dave Eggers Translate this page AUDIO/Belletristik/Romane/Erzählungen Div. eggers, dave Gelesen von Fröhlich,Andreas - Ein herzzereißendes Werk von umwerfender Genialität. 4 Cassetten. http://www.alpha-musik.de/139/3426640139.html | |
44. FoE! Log #9: Dave Eggers And His Flaming Lips FoE! LOG 9 dave eggers AND HIS FLAMING LIPS. .After a twoweek hiatus the FoE! Log returns with its biggest http://www.aphrodigitaliac.com/mm/archive/2000/05/15/ | |
45. FoE! Log #8: The Dave Eggers Backlash Is "Five Minutes Ago" FoE! LOG 8 THE dave eggers BACKLASH IS SO FIVE MINUTES AGO . .This, the eight edition of the FoE! Log, will be the last for two weeks. http://www.aphrodigitaliac.com/mm/archive/2000/05/01/ | |
46. Dave Eggers - Der Neue Star Der Hipsterliteratur Translate this page Eine Betrachtung zu dave eggers Biografie A Heartbreaking Work of StaggeringGenius und sein Magazin McSweeneys. themen, dave eggers Biographie. http://www.u-lit.de/artikel/eggers1.html | |
47. Dave Eggers - Der Neue Star Der Hipsterliteratur Tl. 3 Translate this page Eine Betrachtung zu dave eggers Biografie A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Geniusund sein Magazin McSweeneys - 2. Teil. themen, u-lit Literatur Magazin. http://www.u-lit.de/artikel/eggers3.html | |
48. Flamboyantly Humble By Max Watman dave eggers, flamboyantly humble, ashamed of his success, wallowing in thatsame success, the biggest dork of all, has secondorder vanity, bad. http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/21/dec02/eggers.htm |
49. A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius dave eggers. http://www.culturevulture.net/Books/Heartbreaking.htm | |
50. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Author Dave Eggers To Speak At Town Meeting April 6 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., author dave eggers to speak at town meeting April 6 EmilyBreeze, Public Affairs (217) 3335010; breeze@uiuc.edu 3/29/02 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/02/0329rfkeggers.html | |
51. TAP: Vol 14, Iss. 2. The Write Stuff. Lorraine Adams. Send a letter to the editor. The Write Stuff From cult to culture, dave eggersand Co. They are waiting for dave eggers to sign copies of his first novel. http://www.prospect.org/print/V14/2/adams-l.html | |
53. The Age: Searching For The Real Dave Eggers Author of bestseller I A heartbreaking work of staggering genius /I , dave Eggersis notoriously distrustful of the media, refusing all telephone and in http://www.theage.com.au/books/2001/04/27/FFXYD1TT0MC.html | |
54. 100 Dogs | 1-50 Dave Eggers Jokes 150 dave eggers Jokes By Jack Szwergold Here for your reading enjoymentis numbers 1 to 50 of 101 dave eggers jokes. Answer One. dave eggers. http://www.100dogs.com/writing/200302/150_dave_eggers_jokes.shtml | |
55. 100 Dogs | 51-101 Dave Eggers Jokes Here for your reading enjoyment is numbers 51 to 101 of 101 dave eggersjokes . 100 Dogs. 100 dogs beer? dave eggers Draft! Footnote http://www.100dogs.com/writing/200302/51101_dave_eggers_jokes.shtml | |
56. System Message: Error Author, Comment. ColdBacon El Presidente Posts 158 (11/5/01 61233pm) Reply ezSupporter, How do you like dave eggers? Too bad Mark http://pub18.ezboard.com/fcoldbaconfrm17.showMessage?topicID=42.topic |
57. Dave Eggers A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius dave eggers (Simon Schuster) have foundtwo good writers. Good writers are hard to find. The other is dave eggers. http://www.ralphmag.org/eggers-gallagherZL.html | |
58. You Shall Know Our Velocity By Dave Eggers | PopMatters Book Review You Shall Know Our Velocity by dave eggers, review by Mitch Pugh I have mixedfeelings about dave eggers. I have mixed feelings about dave eggers. http://www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/y/you-shall-know-our-velocity.shtml | |
59. Fluffybunny.com - Mr. Happy - Dave Eggers Is A Fucking Superstar dave eggers is a fucking superstar By Mr. Happy, Back to the Essays.March 2, 2000 dave eggers is a fucking superstar. I went http://www.fluffybunny.com/eggers.html | |
60. Metro Pulse Online: Dave Eggers When nowsuddenly-famous writer dave eggers was orphaned at age 21, he tookcustody of his 8-year-old brother, Toph, and lived to write about it. http://www.metropulse.com/dir_zine/dir_2000/1010/t_gamut.html | |
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