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         Dumas Alexandre:     more books (102)
  1. The Man in the Iron Mask (Oxford World's Classics) by Alexandre Dumas, 2009-02-01
  2. Ten years later by Alexandre Dumas, Auguste Maquet, 2010-07-30
  3. The Regent's Daughter by Alexandre Dumas pe¿re, 2010-07-06
  4. The Vicomte De Bragelonne or Ten Years Later, Being the Completion of "The Three Musketeers" and "Twenty Years After" (1884) (Novels by Alexandre Dumas) by Alexandre Dumas, 1884
  5. Georges (Modern Library Classics) by Alexandre Dumas, 2008-06-10
  6. The Conspirators - The Chevalier d'Harmental by Alexandre Dumas pe¿re, 2010-07-06
  7. The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas, 2006-08-17
  8. Georges (Barnes and Noble Library of Essential Reading) by Alexandre Dumas, 2008
  9. Signature Classics - The Man in the Iron Mask (Signature Classics Series) by Alexandre Dumas, 2000-06
  10. Vaninka Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas Père, 2010-07-24
  11. Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas père, 2006-11-03
  12. The Vicomte de Bragelonne (Oxford World's Classics) by Alexandre Dumas, 2009-08-03
  13. The Three Musketeers (Qualitas Classics) by Alexandre Dumas, 2010-09-01
  14. Louise de la Vallière (Oxford World's Classics) by Alexandre Dumas, 2009-08-03

1. Alexandre Dumas - Biography And Works
Alexandre Dumas. Extensive Biography of Alexandre Dumas and a searchable collection of works. melodramatic, and actually not faithful to the historical facts. Alexandre Dumas was born in VillesCotterêts.
Home Author Index Shakespeare The Bible ... Alexandre Dumas
Louise de la Valliere
Ten Years Later

The Black Tulip

The Count of Monte Cristo
Twenty Years After
Man In The Iron Mask
Alexandre Dumas
Search all of Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was one of the most famous French writers of the 19th century. Dumas is best known for historical adventure novels like The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo , both written within the space of two years, 1844-45, and which belong to the foundation works of popular culture. He was among the first, along with Honoré de Balzac and Eugène Sue, who fully used the possibilities of roman feuilleton, the serial novel. Dumas is credited with revitalizing the historical novel in France, although his abilities as a writer were under dispute from the beginning. Dumas' works are fast-paced adventure tales that blend history and fiction, but on the other hand, the are entangled, melodramatic, and actually not faithful to the historical facts.
Alexandre Dumas was born in Villes-Cotterêts. His grandfather was a French nobleman, who had settled in Santo Domingo (now part of Haiti); his paternal grandmother, Marie-Cessette, was an Afro-Caribbean, who had been a black slave in the French colony (now part of Haiti). Dumas's father was a general in Napoleon's army, who had fallen out of favor. After his death in 1806 the family lived in poverty. Dumas worked as a notary's clerk and went in 1823 to Paris to find work. Due to his elegant handwriting he secured a position with the Duc d'Orléans later King Louis Philippe. He also found his place in theater and as a publisher of some obscure magazines. An illegitimate son called Alexandre Dumas fils, whose mother, Marie-Catherine Labay, was a dressmaker, was born in 1824.

2. Alexandre Dumas Père
Translate this page Donald Kerr's e-mail Dumas (père), Alexandre (néerlandais/Dutch) Dumas (quatresentences) dumas alexandre ojciec (1802-1870) (polonais/Polish) Dumas décrit
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Anicet-Bourgeois, Auguste Beaucé, Jean-Adolphe Béranger, Pierre Jean de Berlioz, Hector Berry, Caroline Ferdinande Louise, duchesse de Bocage, Pierre-Martinien Tousez Browne, Gordon Brune, Guillaume Marie Anne Cady, C. Conrad Chiriac, Alexandra Cooper, James Fenimore Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien de Dash, Comtesse Dauzats, Adrien Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Dermoncourt, Paul Ferdinand Stanislas Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline Devéria, Achille Donizetti, Domenico Gaetano Maria Doré, Gustave Dorval, Marie Dumas fils, Alexandre Dumas père, Alexandre Dumas, Thomas-Alexandre Ferrier, Ida Feuillet, Octave Féval fils, Paul Féval père, Paul-Henri-Corentin Gaillardet, Frédéric Garibaldi, Giuseppe Gautier, Théophile Gay, Delphine Gigoux, Jean Girardin, Émile de Gregori, Luigi

3. Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, biografie en bibliografie van Nederlandstalige uitgaven internationale. site over. alexandre. Dumas. met links. naar vrijwel



english summary

DUMAS père bibliografie
vertaalde werken van alexandre dumas menu biografie bibliografie smaadschrift zoeklijst ... on web-link: Dumas Père Web site een internationale site over alexandre Dumas met links naar vrijwel alle pagina's op het web over dumas Ben je in het bezit van een 19de eeuwse uitgave van Dumas neem dan contact op: Menno Walsweer

4. Ex Libris Archives: Alexandre Dumas
Reviews of certain of books. Includes information about which books comprise the Three Musketeers saga.Category Arts Literature Authors D Dumas, Alexandre......Home Ex Libris Authors Alexandre dumas alexandre Dumas. let'sbuckle some swash Have you Zenda. Books by Alexandre Dumas. • The
Home Ex Libris Authors : Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
let's buckle some swash Have you seen our weblog or our monthly book review? We all know Dumas as the author of the Three Musketeers saga and the Count of Monte Cristo ; in addition to these he wrote hundreds of other novels, only a few of which are available in English. We think of them as classics, but to the audience of the day they were the most popular historical novels going. The major problem in finding Dumas' novels in English is finding good unabridged editions. Most English editions of Dumas' work that are currently available are abridged; these should be avoided, in my opinion. The abridgement of The Man in the Iron Mask is usually particularly bad. It is only the final part of a much larger work , and usually gets gutted of the material relating back to the earlier parts. As a result you enter the tale in the middle, with no explanation of why the characters are currently doing what they are doing. I found it most unpleasant on my first try, and in fact never finished reading that version of the tale. However, there is happy news. Dumas' best known books, including all of the books in the

5. Alexandre Dumas
alexandre DUMASpère. bibliografie van in het nederlandsvertaalde werken van alexandre dumas,



english summary

DUMAS père bibliografie
vertaalde werken van alexandre dumas menu biografie bibliografie smaadschrift zoeklijst ... on web-link: Dumas Père Web site een internationale site over alexandre Dumas met links naar vrijwel alle pagina's op het web over dumas Ben je in het bezit van een 19de eeuwse uitgave van Dumas neem dan contact op: Menno Walsweer

6. Corso Di Letteratura - Gli Autori
Translate this page dumas alexandre’. Alexandrè (Villers-Cotterets, Sassons, 1802-Puys, Dieppe, 1870) romanziere e drammaturgo francese. Figlio di

7. WIEM: Dumas Alexandre Ojciec
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia D......dumas alexandre, ojciec (18021870), popularny pisarz francuski. DumasAlexandre, ojciec (1802-1870), popularny pisarz francuski. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Literatura, Francja
Dumas Alexandre ojciec widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Dumas Alexandre, ojciec (1802-1870), popularny pisarz francuski. Wspó³twórca powie¶ci historycznej w skali ¶wiatowej. Syn zubo¿a³ego genera³a napoleoñskiego, zazna³ w m³odo¶ci wiele biedy. Nie uzyska³ systematycznego wykszta³cenia, przedk³adaj±c nad nie ¿ycie pe³ne przygód, bra³ udzia³ w  rewolucji 1830 i w powstaniu G. Garibaldiego 1851-1853 na emigracji w Belgii, gdzie schroni³ siê bardziej przed wierzycielami domagaj±cymi siê zwrotu d³ugów ni¿ z powodów politycznych. Autor ponad 300 tomów dramatów i powie¶ci (zatrudnia³ tak¿e wspó³pracowników, daj±c swoje nazwisko). Zyska³ rozg³os romantycznym dramatem historycznym Henryk Walezy i jego dwór (1829, wystawienie polskie 1850). W Théâtre Historique, który sam stworzy³, wystawia³ dramaty historyczne i adaptacje swoich powie¶ci. By³y one zarazem romansami przygodowymi, do dzi¶ zachowuj±cymi sw± atrakcyjno¶æ, ekranizowanymi i adaptowanymi w postaci seriali telewizyjnych, np. Trzej muszkieterowie (1844, wydanie polskie 1846)

8. WIEM: Dumas Alexandre Syn
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia D......dumas alexandre, syn (18241895), powiesciopisarz i dramaturg francuski. DumasAlexandre, syn (1824-1895), powiesciopisarz i dramaturg francuski. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Literatura, Francja
Dumas Alexandre syn widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Dumas Alexandre, syn (1824-1895), powie¶ciopisarz i dramaturg francuski. Naturalny syn A. Dumasa-ojca . Cz³onek Akademii Francuskiej Debiutowa³ jako poeta, nastêpnie publikowa³ powie¶ci, Przygody czterech kobiet i jednej papugi (1846, wydanie polskie 1849), Sprawa Clémenceau (1866, wydanie polskie 1883) oraz ciesz±c± siê do dzi¶ popularno¶ci± Damê kameliow± (1848, wydanie polskie 1870) - ta melodramatyczna powie¶æ, ukazuj±ca tragediê "kobiety upad³ej", zosta³a adaptowana z ogromnym sukcesem na scenê (1852, wystawienie polskie 1879) oraz zainspirowa³a G. Verdiego do skomponowania s³ynnej opery Traviata. Dama Kameliowa zosta³a zekranizowana z  G. Garbo w roli g³ównej. Dumas by³ tak¿e autorem wielu komedii obyczajowych, Pó³¶wiatek (1855, wydanie polskie 1869), Cudzoziemka (1876, wydanie polskie 1877). Tematykê tê porusza³ równie¿ w artyku³ach i broszurach, np. Dochodzenie ojcostwa (1883, wydanie polskie 1883).

9. Cäsar Dumas Alexandre
Translate this page Cäsar dumas alexandre. Titel Cäsar. Autor dumas alexandre. RubrikBelletristik Romane Erzählungen Caesar Gajus Julius Französische
Cäsar Dumas Alexandre
Titel: Cäsar.
Autor: Dumas Alexandre
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Caesar Gajus Julius Französische Literatur Historische Romane Rom (Staat Reich)
Bellini Umberto Der Engel von...

Defoe Daniel Die Abenteuer de...

Astley Judy Küstenzauber....

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10. Die Schwarze Tulpe Dumas Alexandre
Translate this page Die schwarze Tulpe dumas alexandre. Titel Die schwarze Tulpe. Autordumas alexandre. Rubrik Belletristik Romane Erzählungen
Die schwarze Tulpe Dumas Alexandre
Titel: Die schwarze Tulpe.
Autor: Dumas Alexandre
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Französische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
Kategorie: Belletristik
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11. Dumas Alexandre - By Enrico Gerosa
Translate this page dumas alexandre (1802 - 1870) Scrittore, romanziere e drammaturgo.Il padre di Alexandre, mulatto, figlio dello scapestrato marchese
Dumas Alexandre (1802 - 1870)
Scrittore, romanziere e drammaturgo
Il padre di Alexandre, mulatto, figlio dello scapestrato marchese Davy de la Pailleterie e della schiava nera Marie Dumas, era nato nell’isola di Santo Domingo. Tornato in Francia con il padre divenne Dragone. Era alto 1 metro e 95 e nel 1793 era già Generale nell’armata d’Italia. Fu amante di Paolina Bonaparte e nei fienili afferrandosi alla trave maestra riusciva a sollevarsi da terra, cavallo compreso. Era capace di infilare le dita indice e medio nelle canne di due fucili e col braccio teso tenere le armi in perfetta linea orizzontale. Alexandre, nato nel 1802, aveva cinque anni quando suo padre morì. La madre in lacrime lo sorprese con un fucile in mano mentre gridava: “ Adesso vado in cielo ad ammazzare Dio che ha ucciso papà.” Durante la Restaurazione, per motivi politici (suo padre era Repubblicano) decise di presentarsi col nome della madre: Dumas. Evitò per un pelo di entrare in seminario e divenne un noto puttaniere. Alexandre giocava a biliardo con strabiliante abilità tanto che si narra avesse vinto, solamente in alcune partite, oltre 600 bicchieri d'assenzio. Fu da sempre goloso di cioccolata e col tempo coltivando la sua gran passione per la cucina divenne un grassone. Non beveva molto vino ma sapeva distinguere dal sapore le fonti e le fontane da cui proveniva l’acqua che beveva.

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Your search for dumas+alexandre yielded 66 results using author Displayingresults 1 to 25. 1. Man in the Iron Mask, The Dumas, Alexandre

13. Who2 Profile: Alexandre Dumas
ALEXANDRE DUMAS • Author. Alexandre Dumas is remembered for writingsome of the most famous and popular novels in French literature.
ALEXANDRE DUMAS Author Alexandre Dumas is remembered for writing some of the most famous and popular novels in French literature. Beginning in 1844 he had a string of brilliantly successful books, including "The Three Musketeers" (1844), "The Count of Monte Cristo" (1845) and "The Black Tulip" (1850). Dumas was also famous for his reckless spending and lavish lifestyle, and he was frequently in debt. In his last days he was supported by his illegitimate son, the author Alexandre Dumas the Younger.
Extra credit : Dumas and his son are often referred to as Dumas (father) and Dumas fils (son). The Alexandre Dumas Pere Website
Terrific collection of Dumas data, in English and French The Works of Dumas
Online texts of several of his works Legends: Swashbucklers and Fops
Fun site places Dumas and his characters amongst other hearty types Fireblade Coffeehouse: Alexandre Dumas
Big list of good links to Dumas online Birth:
24 July 1802 Birthplace:
Villers-Cotterets, France Death:
5 December 1870
(natural causes) Best Known As:
The author of "The Three Musketeers" Shop for Posters at

14. Chicot The Jester Dumas Alexandre
Chicot the Jester dumas alexandre. Author dumas alexandre.Title Chicot the Jester Subject Literature Fiction
Chicot the Jester Dumas Alexandre
Author: Dumas Alexandre
Title: Chicot the Jester
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15. The Half Brothers Dumas Alexandre
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Author: Dumas Alexandre
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16. : Dumas Alexandre
dumas alexandre, Chercher Par titre Recherche avancée Versla recherche avancée. dumas alexandre (1803-1870).

17. Dumas Alexandre Der Graf Von Monte Christo
Translate this page dumas alexandre Der Graf von Monte Christo. Titel Der Graf von MonteChristo. Autor dumas alexandre. Rubrik Belletristik Romane
Dumas Alexandre Der Graf von Monte Christo
Titel: Der Graf von Monte Christo.
Autor: Dumas Alexandre
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Französische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
Kategorie: Belletristik
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18. Dumas Alexandre Die Drei Musketiere
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Dumas Alexandre Die drei Musketiere
Titel: Die drei Musketiere.
Autor: Dumas Alexandre
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Französische Literatur Historische Romane
Kategorie: Belletristik
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19. Dumas Alexandre Der Graf Von Monte Christo 3 CDs
Translate this page dumas alexandre Der Graf von Monte Christo 3 CDs. Titel Der Graf vonMonte Christo. 3 CDs. Autor dumas alexandre. Rubrik Belletristik
Dumas Alexandre Der Graf von Monte Christo 3 CDs
Titel: Der Graf von Monte Christo. 3 CDs.
Autor: Dumas Alexandre
Rubrik: Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Französische Literatur Romane Erzählungen Hörbuch Hörspiele
Kategorie: Belletristik
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20. Alexandre Dumas Père
Le site web Alexandre Dumas père The Alexandre Dumas père Web Site
Oeuvres ... Links Alexandre Dumas fut un des écrivains les plus couronnés de succès, bien aimés, et prolifiques de l'Histoire. J'étais étonné par le manque de renseignements dans le web, aussi ai-je construit mon propre site. J'espère qu'il vous plaira. Alexandre Dumas was one of the most successful, beloved, and prolific writers in history. I was stunned by the lack of information on the web about him, so I started my own compendium. I hope you enjoy it Biographie
Brièvement, qui était Dumas? Biography
Briefly, who was Dumas? Oeuvres
J'ai rassemblé les oeuvres électroniques, et j'ai créé une bibliographie raisonnable. Works
I have collected the online works and I have created a reasonable bibliography. Galerie
Images et photographies de Dumas et son oeuvre. Gallery
Pictures and photographs of Dumas and his work. Liens
Autres sites. Links
Other sites. Personnages
Personnages concernant Dumas. People People related to Dumas. Le Club Dumas Un club pour discuter Dumas.

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