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         Dobyns Stephen:     more books (100)
  1. The Gettysburg Review Volume 2 Number 1, Winter 1989 by Jeffrey Eugenides, Garrison Keillor, et all 1989
  2. La Capilla de la Muerte by Stephen Dobyns, 1997
  3. The Two Deaths of Senora Puccini by Stephen Dobyns, 1988
  4. Saratoga Strongbox by Stephen Dobyns, 1998
  5. Saratoga Headhunter (Signed by author) by Stephen Dobyns, 1985-01-01
  6. Boy In The Water by Stephen Dobyns, 1999
  7. DANCER WITH ONE LEG. A Novel by Stephen. DOBYNS, 1983
  8. Man of Little Evils 1ST Edition by Stephen Dobyns, 1973-01-01
  9. Saratoga Snapper (Signed by author) by Stephen Dobyns, 1986
  10. Concurring Beasts; Poems by Stephen Dobyns, 1971-01-01
  11. The Two Deaths of Senora Puccini by Stephen Dobyns, 1998-01-01
  12. Pallbearers Envying the One Who Rides by Stephen. DOBYNS, 1999-01-01
  13. Concurring Beasts by Stephen Dobyns, 1971-01-01
  14. Griffon: Poems. by Stephen. DOBYNS, 1976-01-01

81. DoubleTake 19 | Stephen Dobyns
here were days when lily hendricks would look from the picture window of her mobilehome for an hour or more, watching the clouds making round, hopeful shapes
here were days when lily hendricks would look from the picture window of her mobile home for an hour or more, watching the clouds making round, hopeful shapes in the air. What was hopeful for Lily was anything ongoing: clouds moving west to east, birds keeping busy, progress being made. But mostly the western Michigan sky was overcast and life didn't care squat. Mostly life tried to pen you up within its chain link fence. Lily had a little dog named Joyce that would bring her the box of Kleenex whenever Lily cried and the tears spilled onto her lap. The dog, half cocker, half beagle, would yip and wag her tail. Joyce was always upbeat. Lily had also tried teaching Joyce to fetch the bottle of Old Crow, but Joyce could only manage a pint bottle, and Lily liked to buy her bourbon by the gallon.
Lily was sixty-three. She had had five children and she had given all five up for adoption. But that was long ago. In those days, whenever she was with a new man and she asked herself should she or shouldn't she, the wildness always won. Maybe two of the children had had the same father, but Lily wouldn't put money on it. She hadn't played the field; she'd played the county. But that was history. Now she had Burt on Saturdays and Herbert on Wednesdays and weeks would go by when neither of them could get it up. They were older men who liked their quiet, and they did what they were told.
In the past year Lily had thought more about her five children than in the previous twenty-five. This was not a result of awakened conscience: they had tracked her down. Robbie had been first. He was forty-five and taught high school in Monroe, outside of Detroit. Lily felt proud that one of her children was a schoolteacher. He had phoned, and she was a little cool until she realized that he didn't want money and he wasn't going to complain. Robbie's father was one of three possible men. All dead now. Maybe it had been that time she had done it in the hayfield, or maybe that time in the back seat of a Plymouth. She had asked Robbie: "What color's your hair?"

82. Stephen Dobyns: Die Kirche Der Toten Mädchen
stephen dobyns. stephen dobyns was born in Orange, New Jersey, in 1941.
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Stephen Dobyns Quelle: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag Originaltitel: The Church of Dead Girls
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rainer Schmidt Quelle: Online Poetry Classroom
5***** Ein Meisterwerk
4**** Ein wirklich gutes Buch, sehr lesenswert
3*** Empfehlenswert
1* Die Zeit kann man sich sparen
0 Schade um das Papier Eingetragen am 22.05.2002

83. Books
Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, 4. dobyns, stephen,The Church of Dead Girls, 5. dobyns, stephen, Boy in the Water, 4.
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Jim's Home Page
Select a Page Style Moonlight Sunset Black on white Home About Soapbox Books Film Music Bikes Fishing ... z Here's a list of what is currently on my bookshelf. I rate books from 1 to 5. There are not many books that I buy that I don't like. I have years of experience selecting them. Currently, I'm writing book reviews for some of these. Hmmm, maybe someone can critique my writing style. If the book's title is a hyperlink, you can click on it to read the review. Do you think that you know of a book I might enjoy reading? You can activate a form that allows you to mail a recommendation to me! Author Title Jim's Rating (out of 5) Ambrose, David Superstition Anderson, Poul The Boat of a Million Years Anderson, Poul Starfarers Anzetti, Toni Typhon's Children Banks, Iain A Song of Stone Banks, Iain The Business Banks, Iain The Wasp Factory Banks, Iain M. Use of Weapons Banks, Iain M. The Player of Games Banks, Iain M. Excession Banks, Iain M. Feersum Endjinn Banks, Iain M. Against a Dark Background Banks, Iain M.

84. Buchtipp/Rezension Stephen Dobyns - Die Kirche Der Toten
stephen dobyns spielt in einer
Morde in der Kleinstadt
Der Roman "Die Kirche der toten Mädchen" des Amerikaners Stephen Dobyns spielt in einer amerikanischen Kleinstadt. Aurelius liegt 10 Meilen von Utica entfernt und mit seinen 7000 Einwohnern, der heruntergekommenen Hauptstraße, dem Einkaufszentrum am Stadtrand, der Bibliothek und dem College ist Aurelius genauso oder doch so ähnlich jedem bekannt. "Es ist nichts Neues, wenn man sagt, eine Kleinstadt ist wie eine Familie. Selbst mit Fremden teilt man seine Erlebnisse. Man fährt durch die selben Straßen wie sie, kauft in denselben Geschäften ein." "Man denkt an den Weg, den Menschen im Leben einschlagen. Bei manchen sieht es einfach aus. Sie zögern nicht. Sie sehen gut aus, sind intelligent, und das Leben öffnet sich vor ihnen wie das Rote Meer sich vor Moses auftat. Aber selbst auf das Leben solcher Menschen kann ein Schatten fallen." "Stellen Sie sich zwei Landschaften vor...Die erste ist ein Feld auf dem Höhepunkt des Frühlings: Blumen blühen, alles wächst. Kaninchen rennen herum, Schmetterlinge flattern von Blüte zu Blüte. Und jede Menge Vögel: Rotkehlchen, Meisen, Drosseln, vielleicht ein paar Fasane. Ein Murmeltier spaziert vorbei. Die Apfelbäume stehen in Blüte, und die Vögel bauen ihre Nester in den Zweigen. "Klingt nach Walt Disney".

Search Refine Search. 5 items matched your search for dobyns, stephen free 1 5 displayed. Boy in the Water, stephen dobyns, Stephen&free=free

86. Buechernachlese - Stephen Dobyns: Die Zwei Tode Der Señora Puccini
Translate this page buechernachlese. stephen dobyns. Die zwei Tode der Señora Puccini. stephen dobynshält einen bis zur letzten Seite mit seiner erzählerischen Kraft in Atem.
Stephen Dobyns
"Klassentreffen" Ulrich Karger Sofern angegeben, sind die Buchpreise die des jeweiligen Erscheinungsjahres!
verweist auf die redaktionell betreuten Rezensionen © by Ulrich Karger
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87. The Street, Stephen Dobyns -- Traducción De Leandro Wolfson
Translate this page (Or) stephen dobyns, New and Selected Poems 1966-1992, Londres Penguin,1994 . Biography of stephen dobyns at the Encyclopaedia Britannica Site.
Nota introductoria y traducción de Leandro Wolfson
Cierta concepción filosófica de la traducción llevó a Friedrich Schleiermacher, y después de él a Francis Newman, José Ortega y Gasset, Walter Benjamin, Vladimir Nabokov y otros a proponer que ésta debía recorrer un trayecto inverso al que se supone comúnmente: en lugar de aproximar el texto extraño al lector volviéndolo natural, la traducción debía aproximar al lector hacia el texto extraño haciéndole sentir dicha extrañeza.
La versión 1 de este poema responde a ese propósito e intenta ofrecer una transcripción formal. Mantiene el orden de las cláusulas y recurre a estructuras que, sin violar la gramática, se apartan lo menos posible de las originales. No se preocupa por obtener un texto natural o bien redactado. Sigue la puntuación inglesa casi en su totalidad. Traduce algunos verbos por su acepción más corriente ( make , en los versos 15 y 16, por «hacer») o utiliza expresiones ajenas al acervo del castellano para forzar la simetría ( had a half thought se convierte en «tuvo un medio pensamiento» en el verso 16;

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