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         Djebar Assia:     more books (100)
  1. Children of the New World: A Novel of the Algerian War (Women Writing the Middle East) by Assia Djebar, 2005-10-01
  2. Women of Algiers in Their Apartment (Caribbean and African Literature)
  3. The Tongue's Blood Does Not Run Dry: Algerian Stories by Assia Djebar, 2010-01-01
  4. L' Amour, La Fantasia (French Edition) by Assia Djebar, 1995-01-01
  5. Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade by Assia Djebar, 1993-03-15
  6. Algerian White by Assia Djebar, 2003-07-01
  7. Ces voix qui m'assiegent: --en marge de ma francophonie (Collection "L'identite plurielle") (French Edition) by Assia Djebar, 1999
  8. Loin de Médine by Assia Djebar, 2001-02-21
  9. Oran, Langue Morte (French Edition) by Assia Djebar, 2001-10-03
  10. Fantasia by Assia Djebar, 1990-09-01
  11. Assia Djebar, ou, La resistance de l'ecriture: Regards d'un ecrivain d'Algerie (French Edition) by Mireille Calle-Gruber, 2001
  12. So Vast the Prison: A Novel by Assia Djebar, 2001-05-10
  13. Postcolonial Haunting and Victimization: Assia Djebar's New Novels by Michael O'riley, 2007-03
  14. Ich-Entwurfe Im Hybriden Raum - Das Algerische Quartett Von Assia Djebar (Mittelmeer: Literaturen - Kulturen) by Elke Richter, 2008-01

1. Assia Djebar
Biography, selective bibliography.Category Arts Literature Authors D Djebar, Assia......Assia Djebar was born in Cherchell, a small coastal town near Algiers.She attended the primary school where her father taught French
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B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Assia Djebar (1936- ) - pseudonym of Fatima-Zohra Imalayen Algerian novelist, translator, and filmmaker, one of North-Africa's best-known and most widely acclaimed writers. Djebar has also published poetry, plays, and short stories, and has produced two films. In her books Djebar has explored the struggle for social emancipation and the Muslim woman's world in its complexities. Her strong feminist stance has earned her much praise. Several of her works deal with the impact of the war on women's mind. "Just so I could have worries that never change whether it's peace or wartime, so I could wake up in the middle of the night and question myself on what it is that sleeps in the depths of the heart of the man sharing my bed... Just so I could give birth and weep, for life never comes unaccompanied to a woman, death is always right behind, furtive, quick, and smiling at the mothers..." (from 'There Is No Exile' in Women in Their Apartments '"The other women have grown silent," I said. "The only one left to weep now is the mother... Such is life," I added a moment later. "There are those who forget or who simply sleep. And then there are those who keep bumping into the walls of the past. May God take pity on them!"'

2. Assia Djebar
Short biography, description of "Fantasia, an Algerian Cavalcade", selected bibliography.Category Arts Literature Authors D Djebar, Assia......Assia Djebar. Biography. 1936 Born in FatimaZohra Imalayen in Cherchell, Algeriaon August 4. Selected Bibliography. Djebar, Assia. Vaste est la prison roman.
Assia Djebar
Biography 1936 Born in Fatima-Zohra Imalayen in Cherchell, Algeria on August 4. 1957 Publishes first novel, La Soif , under pen name Assia Djebar. 1958 Publishes second novel, Les Impatients . Marries Walid Garn. Works toward advanced degree in history at University of Algiers. 1962 Publishes novel Les Enfants du Nouveau Monde 1967 Publishes novel Les Alouettes Naives Rouge l'Aube , a play written in collaboration with husband Garn, performed at the third Panafrican Cultural Festival held in Algiers. Publishes volume of poetry, Poems pour l'Algerie heureuse 1977 Directs her first film, La Nouba des femmes du Mont Chenoua 1979 Directs second film, La Zerda ou les chants de l'oubli , a documentary juxtaposing French newsreels of World War I and II and Algerian women singing traditional songs. 1980 Publishes short story collection, Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement . Marries Malek Alloula, Algerian writer, and they reside in Paris Appointed to Algerian Cultural Center in Paris. 1985 First novel of projected quartet published, L'Amour, la fantasia

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Das tut Assia Djebar mit dem ihr eigenen Rhythmus, der ihr eigenen Melodie, mal mit kühler Prägnanz, mal mit

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Über Assia Djebar

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Soeben erschienen:
Die Ungeduldigen
Lesereise Oktober 2000

Leben, Werk, Auszeichnungen, Sekundärliteratur Clarisse Zimra: Eine Frau aus Algier Leben und Werk. Analyse und Interview. Tahar Ben Jelloun: »Der Körper der Frau ist dem Eroberer entronnen. Dies wird uns heute erzählt, in großartiger Sprache, durch eine große Schriftstellerin.« Internet Links Foto: © Horst Tappe Die Mitteilung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels Djebar über Djebar Über Weißes Algerien . Die mündliche Überlieferung. Warum ging Sherezades Schwester mit? Schreiben in Europa »Plötzlich war mir klar geworden, dass mein Schreiben sich nach anderen Orten sehnte.« A ll ihre Bücher sind ein Versuch, zu erhellen, was war, zu sagen, was ist. Das tut Assia Djebar mit dem ihr eigenen Rhythmus, der ihr eigenen Melodie, mal mit kühler Prägnanz, mal mit poetischen Metaphern – das unmittelbar Bedrängende und den weiten Horizont der Geschichte gleichermaßen im Blick.«

4. Zbq - Fehler
Assia Djebar. Arts Literature Authors D Djebar, Assia (9). Englisch (9)
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5. Bluewin News Kultur Auszeichnung Für Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar erh¤lt den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels.,1001,30819,00.html

6. DJEBAR Assia - Une Année De L'Algérie En France
Translate this page djebar assia ajouter cette page dans vos favoris envoyer cette page à un ami imprimercette fiche Littérature (née en 1936) Née Fatma-Zohra Imalayène à

7. Djebar Assia - Loin De Médine
Translate this page Djebar (Assia) / Loin de Médine. Date de la note 16/11/2001. Celivre veut montrer que la femme, aux premiers temps de l' Islam
Date de la note : 16/11/2001 Son livre est constitué de petites histoires courtes portant toutes sur des femmes qui ont, à un titre ou un autre, vécu dans la mouvance du prophète. Femmes réelles ou imaginaires ? Elles sont en tous cas fortes, présentes, et ont chacune à sa manière un sens de la liberté qu'il serait difficile de mettre en œuvre aujourd'hui dans le monde musulman sur la défensive. Certaines sont chefs de guerre, d'autres prophétesses, d'autre "griot" du prophète Mahomet, ou encore reines de petites tribus. Bibliographie Mesure d'audience et statistiques
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8. Djebar Assia - Rozhovor
Assia Djebar (vlastním jménem Fatima Zohra Imalayene). Narodila se 4.8. 1936 v Cherchellu (Alžírsko). Rozhovor Assia Djebar Pamet žen.
livres Djebar, A.: Návraty bez návratu , povídka v èeském pøekladu P. Christova Assia Djebar (vlastním jménem Fatima Zohra Imalayene) Narodila se 4. 8. 1936 v Cherchellu (Alžírsko). V letech 1953 až 1954 studovala historii na univerzitì v Alžíru, poté na École Normale Supérieure v Sevres. V roce 1956 byla vylouèena za úèast na demonstracích alžírských studentù. V roce 1958 se provdala. Pracovala jako novináøka v deníku al-Mudžáhid v Tunisu. Po získání doktorátu z historie byla od roku 1959 asistentkou na univerzitì v Rabatu, od roku 1962 v Alžíru. Od roku 1980 žije ve Francii. V souèasnosti pøednáší na univerzitì v New Yorku. Svùj první román o emancipaci mladé Alžíøanky La Soif (Žízeò) napsala v jedenadvaceti letech. V rychlém sledu následovala další díla: Les Impatients (Netrpìliví, 1958), Les Enfants du nouveau monde (Dìti z nového svìta, 1962). V roce 1967 vyšla její románová freska o Alžírsku za války za nezávislost Les Alouettes naives (Naivní skøivánci). Pak se na více než deset odmlèela. Až v roce 1980 vychází její povídková kniha Les Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement (Alžírské ženy ve svých bytech). V roce 1985 následuje její zèásti autobiografický, zèásti historický román

9. Djebar Assia: Návraty Bez Návratu
livres Djebar, A. rozhovor. Assia Djebar Návraty bez návratu Cesty tama zase zpátky, pravidelné príjezdy, návraty, pozvolné vracení se.
livres Djebar, A.: rozhovor Assia Djebar
Návraty bez návratu
Cesty tam a zase zpátky, pravidelné pøíjezdy, návraty, pozvolné vracení se. Jejich poèítání a jejich odpoèítávání v bujarém nadšení èi v návalech melancholie. Návrat do vlasti, na zemi, do domu mého otce.
Znovu se usadit, znovu zaèít, znovu zakoøenit. Tehdy se do mì zahryzlo pøání, jediné pøání, odjet. Cloumala mnou jediná posedlost, nijak velká, ale opakovala se každého sluneèného dne. Touha pøekroèit práh, projít dveømi, protéci nepatrným otvorem. Tìlo ztvrdlé ležením na matracích položených na zemi pohlcoval stín, setrvávalo v koutì tmavé chodby. Tehdy promluvilo svìtlo, jeden paprsek na zemi, možná pouhé zdání. Odejít, odejít, odejít!
Odejít - s bosýma nohama, nebo snad už obutá a obleèená, s mokrými vlasy a dítìtem v ruce. Záludnì se tam krèilo nebezpeèí zadušení, šera, uvržení do díry. Touha byla odejít, odejít.
Celé ètyøi roky a celé dva roky mì ulice naprosto odmítají pøijmout. Za soumraku mì vyhánìjí, posílají pryè. Zùstanu hodinu i dvì sedìt na schodech a pozoruji barvy nebe v zapadajícím slunci a nesmírnou rychlost, jakou se noc zmocòuje celého mìsta.
Pozoruji, napájím se tím odlivem, dokud se nerozhodnu pomalými krùèky odejít, vrátit se do prázdného domu.

10. Librairie De L'Orient - Editions Al Bouraq - Livres Sur Le Monde Arabe Et Sur L'
Translate this page Littérature / Féminine, BLANC DE L'ALGERIE (LE) Auteur djebar assiaEditeur Albin Michel Collection Hors Collection Convoquer

11. Librairie De L'Orient - Editions Al Bouraq - Livres Sur Le Monde Arabe Et Sur L'
Translate this page Littérature / Féminine, ORAN, LANGUE MORTE Auteur djebar assia Editeur Actes Sud Collection Babel Une jeune Algérienne revient

12. Il Libro Della Settimana
Translate this page djebar assia, L'amore, la guerra, tr. di Marin D. e Salvadori E., 1995, 250 p.,Lit. djebar assia, Bianco d'Algeria, tr. di Salvadori R., 1998, 190 p., Lit.
il libro della settimana la superclassifica i consigli di lettura ... l'archivio
Assia Djebar
Ombra sultana
"Qui, su questa terra, vi uccidono chiudendovi dietro dei muri e delle finestre occultate. Non hai fatto il primo passo all'esterno che già ti senti esposta! Laggiù, nessuno ti guarda, nessuno ha veramente occhi!"
derra, ferita. Per le strade della città si libera anche del velo che la nasconde e cammina "nuda", clandestina e inebriata, fino a quando non si impone il rientro nell'appartamento lussuoso e nel ruolo di schiava privilegiata . Quando tale ribellione viene confessata da lei alla madre, la reazione è violenta: quel matrimonio, che ora Hajila mette in pericolo, rappresenta un vantaggio per tutta la sua famiglia che poteva sperare di liberarsi dalla miseria e dal disprezzo sociale. Eppure nemmeno le colpevolizzazioni plateali della madre sanno trattenere la giovane donna che, di giorno in giorno, accumula odio per il marito impostole e amore complice per il bambino che l'uomo aveva avuto da una prima donna straniera. Un episodio drammatico la libererà definitivamente dal senso di inferiorità colpevole, dal rispetto umile per il marito. L'uomo non l'aveva mai posseduta in sei mesi di matrimonio, ma una notte la stupra e da allora quel "rito" violento si ripete per molte notti. Ma il disprezzo che tale violenza sa provocare in lei le aggiunge forza e la toglie invece all'uomo
Quest'ultimo romanzo di Assia Djebar ha ancora delle donne per protagoniste

13. Assia Djebar
assia djebar L'amour, la fantasia. Assia Djebar (° 1936) is one of the mostimportant figures of XXth century francophone Maghrebian literature.
assia djebar
L'amour, la fantasia
On the occasion of the publication of L'amour, la fantasia (1985), the first translation in Slovene of a novel by Assia Djebar, the publishing house Mladinska knjiga and City of Women present the work of the Algerian author, film-director and academic. Besides a presentation of the book we will screen her film La Nouba, des femmes du Mont Chenoua (1978) at Slovenska kinoteka.
Assia Djebar
The film La Nouba, des femmes du Mont Chenoua (winner of the FIPRESCI Award at the Venice Film Festival, 1978) takes its title and structure from the "Nouba", a traditional song of five movements. The film mingles narrative and documentary styles to document the creation of women's personal and cultural histories. Returning to her native region 15 years after the end of the Algerian war, Lila is obsessed by memories of the war for independence that defined her childhood. In dialogue with other Algerian women, she reflects on the differences between her life and theirs. In lyrical footage she contemplates the power of grandmothers who pass down traditions of anti-colonial resistance to their heirs. Reading the history of her country as written in the stories of women's lives, Assia Djebar's La Nouba des Femmes du Mont-Chenoua is an engrossing portrait of speech and silence, memory and creation, and a tradition where the past and present coexist.

14. Heinemann: Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar is considered as a major woman writer in Maghreb. By the timeshe was thirty, she had written four novels in French. Assia Djebar.
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15. Assia Djebar
Translate this page Assia Djebar. Titel Assia Djebar. Autor Rubrik Literaturwissenschaft Romanischedjebar assia Kategorie Schröder Dietmar Unser täglic
Assia Djebar
Titel: Assia Djebar.
Rubrik: Literaturwissenschaft Romanische Djebar Assia
Schröder Dietmar Unser täglic...

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16. NYU > FAS > Faculty > Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar Silver Professor; Professor of French Ph.D., UniversitéPaul Valéry. Major Interests bounded rationality, implementation
Close this window Back to Alphabetical Listing Page Assia Djebar
Silver Professor; Professor of French and Francophone Studies
École Normale Supérieure de Sèvres B.A., Sorbonne, Paris; Ph.D., Université Paul Valéry. Major Interests: French and Francophone; Women writing; Women of Islam Selected Works:
    A. Books
    In French, Pocket books (Éditions de Poche)
    L’Amour, la fantasia , Livre de Poche
    Le blanc de l’Agérie , Livre de Poche
    Les alouettes naives , Babel
    Les nuits de Strasbourg , Babel
    Oran, langue morte , Babel
    Vaste est la prison , Livre de Poche
    Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement In English, paperback (Éditions de Poche) Algerian white , Seven Stories A Sister to Scheherazade , Heinemann Fantasia : An Algerian Cavalcade , Heinemann So vast is the prison , Seven Stories Women of Algiers in their apartments , Virginia Press These books have been translated into German, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan-Arabic, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Slovakian, Slovenian, Polish, Portuguese, Greek, Norwegian, Swedish, Bosnian and Romanian. B. Films

17. Fantasia Assia Djebar - Compare 62 Book Stores - NEW & USED BOOKS
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Searched for Fantasia Assia Djebar books. titles matched your search. Search took seconds. Related Writers: Assia Djebar Dorothy S. Blair DJEBAR ASSIA Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade, Vol. 1
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Paperback / January 1993 / 0435086219
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Assia Djebar, Dorothy S. Blair 
Hardcover / July 1996 / 0704326108
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18. Librairie Gallimard Montréal - Rayon
Translate this page LES ALOUETTES NAIVES - djebar assia. ACTES SUD EDITIONS - 05/1997, généralementdisponible dans les 10 jours, $17.50. AMOUR FANTASIA - djebar assia. LIB.

19. Women Make Movies - Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar. Assia Djebar has a Doctorate in French Literature and Civilization,from the Ancienne élève de l´Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.
Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar has a Doctorate in French Literature and Civilization, from the Ancienne élève de l´Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. She is currently a Professor of Francophone Literature and Civilization at New York University. She is an accomplished and award winning author, critic and filmmaker. Selected writing include: "Filles d´Ismaël dans le vent et la tempête" Florence: Ed. Giunti (2000); "Ces voix qui m´assiègent: En marge de ma francophonie", Paris: Albin Michel and "Montréal: Les presses de Université de Montréal" (1999); "Les Nuits de Strasbourg", Paris: Actes Sud (1997); "Oran, langue morte", Paris: Actes Sud (1997); "Le blanc de l´Algérie", Paris: Albin Michel (1996); "Vaste est la prison," Paris: Albin Michel (1994); "Loin de Médine," Paris: Albin Michel (1991); "Fantasia, an Algerian Cavalcade", London: Quartet (1989) and "New York": Heineman (1992); "Ombre sultane", Paris: J.C Lattès (1987); "L´amour, la fantasia," Paris: J.C Lattès (1985)
She has won the following awards: Peace Prize of Frankfurt Book Fair (2000); International Prize
of Palmi (Italy); Marguerite Yourcenar Prize for Literature (Boston, MA); International Literary Neustadt Prize (1996); International Critics´ Prize, Biennale of Venice, for the film "La nouba des femmes du Mont Chenoua" (02/02)

20. Assia Djebar
Assia Djebar. Assia Djebar studovala v letech 1953 až 1954 na univerzitev Alžíru, poté na Ecole normale supérieure v Sèvres.
Assia Djebar
(vlastním jménem Fatima Zohra Imalayene) Za svùj film La Nouba des femmes du mont Chenoua získala v roce 1979 mezinárodní cenu kritiky v Benátkách. V roce 1995 získala Cenu Maurice Maeterlincka v Bruselu, v roce 1996 v USA International Literary Neustadt Prize, v roce 1998 Cenu Marguerite Yourcenarové za povídky Oran, langue morte , v roce 2000 získala prestižní nìmeckou Cenu míru na veletrhu ve Frankfurtu.
La Soif, 1957
Les Impatients, 1958 Les Enfants du n ouveau m onde, 1962 Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement, 1980 L’Amour, la fantasia, 1985 Ombre sultane, 1987 Loin de Médine, 1991 Vaste est la prison, 1995 Le Blanc de l’Algérie, 1996 Les Nuits de Strasbourg, 1997 La Femme sans sépulture, 2002

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