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Di Prima Diane: more books (100) | ||
41. Gli Autori Della Beat Generation: Diane Di Prima Translate this page diane di prima. Nasce nel 1934. Cresce a New York City. Frequenta loSwarthmore College ma abbandona gli studi per diventare scrittrice http://www.newcitylights.com/autori_beat_generation/diane_di_prima.htm | |
42. UofL - Diane Di Prima (1934- ) Collection diane di prima (1934 ) collection. Collection diane di prima (1934-) collection Date/Extent 1934 - , 9.5 linear ft. http://special.library.louisville.edu/display-collection.asp?ID=431 |
43. Diane Di Prima: Sunglasses And Berets MiPo Zine And Poetry Board January 2002 Angela Armitage diane di prima Sunglasses and Berets. photo diane di prima. dianedi prima beat poet and groupie. Revised sterling beat poet. http://www.mipoesias.com/dianediprima.html | |
44. Diane Di Prima: The Dark Beauty Of Beat Poetry - Suite101.com Related Subject(s) di prima, diane Criticism and interpretation , Women poets,American 20th century , American poetry 20th century History and http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/12813/71133 | |
45. FAMED SAN FRANCISCO POET DIANE DI PRIMA TO READ AT SJSU Contact Alan Soldofsky, (408) 9244432. or Tanya Orman, (408) 924-1166.FAMED SAN FRANCISCO POET diANE di prima TO READ AT SJSU. SAN JOSE, Calif. http://www.sjsu.edu/news_and_info/releases/040997b.html | |
46. HallPoets.com :: Di Prima, Diane Read Reviews, Compare and Buy the item you want from the most trusted shop in theworld. You are here Poets, AZ Poets ( D ) di prima, diane. Search http://hallpoets.com/index.php/browse/70207/name/Di Prima, Diane/page/1 | |
47. Literature & Fiction / Poetry / Poets, A-Z / ( D ) / Di Prima, Diane 1. Loba (Penguin Poets) by diane di prima, et al. Penguin USA (Paper) Paperback 256 pages (August 1998), 2. Pieces of a Song Selected Poems by diane di prima. http://hallpoets.com/poets_a-z/81.shtml | |
48. Diane Di Prima Excerpt Back to Features Main Page. MODERN PAGANS Excerpt from interview withdiane di prima. diane di prima I have a root in some kind of http://www.researchpubs.com/latest/mpex_ddiprima.html | |
49. RE/Search Publications -- RE/Search #2 -- "Cool" By Diane Di Prima Books. Cool by diane di prima. from RE/Search 2, 1981. Back toThe Shocking Tabloid Issues. diane has been cool since the 1950's. http://www.researchpubs.com/books/tab2exc1.shtml | |
50. Jacket 13 - Diane Di Prima - Sonnet Sequence diane di prima. Early in August 2001, poet David Hadbawnik visited with diane di primato interview her about her new book, Recollections of My Life as a Woman. http://jacketmagazine.com/13/diprima.html | |
51. Jacket 18 - David Hadbawnik Interviews Diane Di Prima diane di prima. Early in August 2001, poet David Hadbawnik visited with diane diprima to interview her about her new book, Recollections of My Life as a Woman. http://jacketmagazine.com/18/diprima-iv.html | |
52. The Dance Of Memory - Diane Di Prima diane di prima, hailed as the first and most important female writer of the BeatMovement, has authored more than 40 books and contributed to hundreds of http://www.ciis.edu/lifelong/sp03/sp03_s5.html | |
53. Diane Di Prima, Memorie Di Una Beatnick Translate this page Memorie di una beatnick (diane di prima) Parma, Guanda, 1994, pp. 181,lire 22.000. Il titolo del romanzo di diane di prima, Memorie http://italiani.clifo.unibo.it/AmericaEng/USAEng/ItalianAmericanPoetry/reviews/D | |
54. Diane Di Prima- Poems diane di prima. LES AMERICAINS. we are feral rare as mountain wolves our heartsare pure stupid we go down. pitted against our own. October 5, 2001. http://mcclure-manzarek.com/diprima.html | |
55. WAC | Press Release | 2001 | Diane Di Prima Contact Karen Gysin 612.375.7651 karen.gysin@walkerart.org. BEATERA POETdiANE di prima WILL READ FROM HER MEMOIR MAY 6 AT WALKER ART CENTER. http://www.walkerart.org/generalinfo/press2001/press056.html | |
56. Article On Djuna Barnes & Diane Di Prima By Apollinaire Scherr ~~~~~ To The Dogs The Dove by Djuna Barnes Like Murder Cake by Dianedi prima article in sfgate.com by Apollinaire Scherr Tickets Directions http://www.sffringe.org/media/dove.html | |
57. Absurdist Season 1999: Montgomery, Marowitz, Ionesco, Beckett, Di Prima, Barnes, Opening May 4 for four weeks of Tuesday/Wednesday productions was MURDER CAKE LIKEby the high priestess of beat poetry diane di prima opposite TO THE DOGS http://www.sffringe.org/absurd99.html | |
58. DIANE DI PRIMA, 1934 - diANE di prima, 1934 . This Kind of Bird Flys Backward. New York TotemPress, 1958. Like. New York American Theatre for Poets, 1960. http://www.cla.sc.edu/ENGL/LitCheck/diprima.htm | |
59. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Books - Periods & Movements - 20th A great resource for United States New - Lifestyle - Books - Periods Movements- 20th Century - Beat Generation - Authors - di prima, diane. http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=548917 |
60. Hibblen Radio - Diane Di Prima Hibblen Radio Click to return Home, diANE di prima. I'll be updatingthis section coming soon! She's a great author and talks openly http://www.hibblenradio.com/DianediPrima.html | |
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