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Dekle William O: more detail |
41. D Website Results :: Linkspider UK 27); Degas, Edgar@ (11); Deighton, Len@ (3); Dekker, Thomas@ (7);dekle, william O.@ (1); Del Piero, Alessandro@ (9); Del Rio, Dolores http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Reference/Biography/D/ | |
42. EGS Database Translate this page Bill (-) DEHANEY, Mark Allan (-) DEHANEY, Robert (-) DEHANEY, Robert O. (-) DEHART,Amber Leigh dekle, Virginia (23 Nov 1855-12 Mar 1930) dekle, william (Jun 12 http://www.edenfield.org/dbase/mindex/sind0256.htm |
43. EGS Database Parents. Rose O. Durden. Date of birth 1890 Date of death Place of birth Bellevue,Bossier, Louisiana. 1800 Children of Mary dekle and william Durden. http://www.edenfield.org/dbase/dbase14/abw00041.htm | |
44. CLASSIFIEDS.TERADEX.COM - Entertainment/Literature/Authors/D Defoe, Daniel, Douglas, Marjory Stoneman, Deighton, Len, Dove, Rita, dekle,william O. Doyle, Arthur Conan, Delany, Samuel R. Drayton, Michael, http://classifieds.teradex.com/Entertainment/Literature/Authors/D/ | |
45. Browsing Reference Biography D Category James Deezen, Eddie Defari Defoe, Daniel DeGarmo, Chris Degas, Edgar DeGeneres,Ellen Deighton, Len DeJohnette, Jack Dekker, Thomas dekle, william O. del Arco http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Reference/Biography/D/ |
46. USS JUNEAU ROSTER COMPLETE INFORMATION OFFICERS AND CREW Davis, william O., S1c, 1305 Sherry La., Shawnee, OK 74801('49'51)P . dekle, Carroll,ET2, 3122 W.Hearn Road, Phoenix, AZ 85053-5754('52-'53)cldekle@cox.net. http://www.strato.net/~plumbob/rostjun119.htm | |
47. New Page 1 J. K, Dees, . Danny, M, Deese, 11/14/70. Roy, E, Degan, May 1987. Cliff, dekle,Nov. 1974. Al, Fancher, 1972. W. G (Bill), Feagin, . william, O, Fleming, . Andrew,W, Ford, Jr. . http://www.southernairways.org/employee_memoriam.htm | |
48. MetaEUREKA Metasearch Dean, Pamela, Deaver, Jeffery. Defoe, Daniel, Deighton, Len. Dekker, Thomas,dekle, william O. DeLancey, Kiki, Delany, Samuel R. Delderfield, RF, DeLillo,Don. http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Arts/Literature/Authors/D/ |
50. Name2 Covington, Nellie Aaron. Cowart, Ada O. Cowart, Annie Gay. Daley, Rafe. Daley, T.Daley, william Roan. Daniel, Albert Pierce. Dederscheck, Infant. dekle, Ellen Jones. http://members.aol.com/gran319/name2.htm | |
51. Biographies COQUILLETT, Daniel william (18561911) Carpenter (1945); COSTA 1867) Del Giudice(1868) (B,L,O); COSTA LIMA dekle, George Wallace (1916-2000); DE LOTTO, Giovanni http://www.sel.barc.usda.gov/scalenet/biograph.htm | |
52. Open Directory - Reference: Biography: D 11); DeGeneres, Ellen@ (7); Deighton, Len@ (3); DeJohnette, Jack@(4); Dekker, Thomas@ (7); dekle, william O.@ (1); del Arco, Jonathan http://www.mptdo.com/Reference/Biography/D/ | |
53. Fort Myers, Florida, FMHS Senior Class Roster, Class Of 1974 CARICE LYNN BOWER WINFIELD SCOTT BOYETTE william O BRADSHAW MAVIS LEE CANNON CHARLESB CANTIENY william BRIAN CARLEY DIXIE LEE DAY JOHN ERVIN dekle III NANCY http://www.oregonisonline.com/users/stewart/1974.htm | |
54. Reference: Biography: D - WorldSearch.com Dekker, Thomas@ (4); dekle, william O.@ (1); del Arco, Jonathan@ (2);Del Piero, Alessandro@ (10); Del Rio, Dolores@ (1); Del Toro, Benicio http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Reference/Biography/D | |
55. Surfside Florida: Communicate With Your Representatives www.dca.state.fl.us/EmailSecretary.cfm, william O. Monroe, CPA 850488-1554 E-mailc/o Ingrid King Carolyn A. dekle, Executive Director South Florida Regional http://town.surfside.fl.us/communicate.html | |
56. Manuscript List E F GH I J K L M NO P Q Deal, Albert M. Deal, Alfred Deeds dekle, Bernard dekle familyDeLoach John Olin, 19081983 Elder family Elder, william Cullen Elemetary http://www2.gasou.edu/special_collections/manu/ | |
57. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/fl/jackson/cemetery/collchap.txt Ada J Oct 14 1898 Nov 18 1983 COKER, william M Sep 16 Aug 30 1964 CONDRAD, AM 18391929 h/o Sarah Conrad 17 1975 DEESE, Charlie Andrew Feb 3 1975 dekle, AN Oct http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/fl/jackson/cemetery/collchap.txt | |
58. Lexington Bar Members *. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A. Adams, Gregory. Anderson,Jeffrey. Applegate, william. Arsi, Joseph. DeFede, John. dekle, Chris. Dell, Wayne. http://www.lexingtonbar.org/FSL5CS/Custom/Members.asp | |
59. Attorneys Table Of Contents N Davis, James R DeFede, John A. dekle, Chris Dell Jr., Wes Kastanes, George A Keesley,william Paul Keisler E. Knight, David Koon Jr., Clifford O Kotti, Douglas http://www.lexingtonbar.org/FSL5CS/Custom/indexattorneys.asp | |
60. Pullen Library - Special Collections & Archives - Tracy W. O'Neal Photographic C Bryant, Raymond O. Date 02/00/64 Box Description Daw, william Date01/03/64 Box 26 Description dekle, Maurice; Fortson Office Date 09/17/64...... http://wwwlib.gsu.edu/spcoll/collections/AV/oneal/oneal026.htm | |
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