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         Budrys Algis:     more books (100)
  1. False Night By Budry by Algis Budrys, 1954-01-01
  2. Budrys' Inferno by Algis Budrys, 1963-01-01
  3. Budrys Inferno F799 by Algis Budrys,
  4. The falling torch by Algis Budrys, 1974-01-01
  5. SOME WILL NOT DIE... by Algis. Budrys, 1961
  6. Rogue Moon by Algis Budrys, 1960
  7. S-F The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy : The Man Who Liked Lions; The Cosmic Expense Account; The Far Look; When Grandfather Flew to the Moon; The Doorstop; Silent Brother; Stranger Station; Each an Explorer (Second Annual Volume) by Judith (editor); Daley, John Bernard; Kornbluth, C. M.; Thomas, Theodore L.; Malpass, E. L.; Bretnor, R.; Budrys, Algis; Knight, Damon; Asimov, Isaac; Garrett, Randall; Russell, Ray; Nathan, Robert; Thorne, Roger; Abernathy, Robert; Reynolds, Mack Merril, 1957
  8. The Unexpected Vision by Algis Budrys, 1960
  9. The falling Torch by Budrys Algis, 1964
  10. Tomorrow No.21 by Algis Budrys(Editor), 1996
  11. Astounding Science Fiction (July, 1957) by Isaac Asimov, Lester Del Rey, et all 1957-07-01
  12. The Falling Torch by Algis Budrys, 1972-01-01
  13. Astounding Science Fiction(December 1956) by Isaac Assimov, Algis Budrys, et all 1956-12
  14. SIX (6) GREAT SHORT SCIENCE FICTION NOVELS: Galley Slave; Project Nursemaid; Final Gentleman; Chain Reaction; Rule Golden; Incommunicado by Groff (editor) (Isaac Asimov; Judith Merril; Clifford D. Simak; Algis Budrys; Damon Knight; Katherine MacLean) Conklin, 1960

81. OCPHP: Authors
A new drug which improves memory and cognition saves the day providing solutionsto those who have been administered the drug. Bibliography budrys, algis.
Authors September 16 1997
Bachman, Richard (aka Stephen King)
The Running Man
Bagdikian, Ben H.
The Media Monopoly (nonfiction)
Baird, Wilhelmina
Vermilion Sands
Baker, Will
Shadow Hunter
Ballard, J. G.
The violence of car crashes and the eroticism of mechanized death become the obscene focus of a group of car crash survivors and their lovers.
The Atrocity Exhibition
Ballard studied medicine in college and it shows here. Through a series of fragmented `compressed novels', Ballard traces the break- down of a doctor at a mental hospital.
Vermilion Sands
The Wind from Nowhere
The Drowned World
The Voices of Time and Other Stories
Terminal Beach
The Drought
The Drowned World
The Crystal World
The Impossible Man
The Overloaded Man
The Day of Forever
The Disaster Area
The Four-Dimensional Nightmare
Banks, Iain M.
The Player of Games
a master gameplayer leaves his safe home in the Culture to play for the highest stakes in the universe.
Consider Phlebas
A reclusive shapeshifter caromes through the borders of the Culture-Idarolan war.

82. Sci-fi Set In Chicago
Virus. Point SF, 1994. budrys, algis. Hard Landing. budrys, algis. Living Alonein the Jungle. Fantastic Chicago, Edited by Martin H. Greenberg.
•Waiting for Harry?


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Science Fiction set in Chicago Many science fiction books and short stories have been set in Chicago. While I have included old books that may or may not still be in print, I have not included short stories published in magazines before 1990 because they are too hard to find. Anderson, Pohl. Orion Shall Rise . Baen, 1991.
Asimov, Isaac . Pebble In the Sky . Doubleday, 1950..
Bova, Ben. "Grandfather Sam." Chicon 2000 Guest of Honor Publication.
Brin, David. Foundation's Triumph . HarperPrism, 1999. Brown, Molly. Virus . Point SF, 1994. Budrys, Algis. Hard Landing . Warner Questar, 1994.

83. YARG Archiv Buchkritiken
Translate this page Yarg Archiv - budrys, algis von Stefan Ohlerich. Harte Landung Einigeausserirdische Raumfahrer stürzen auf der Erde ab und mischen
Yarg Archiv - Budrys, Algis
von Stefan Ohlerich
Harte Landung
Einige ausserirdische Raumfahrer stürzen auf der Erde ab und mischen sich dann unter die Bevölkerung, um nicht weiter aufzufallen. Was man aus den "X-Akten" kennt, gibt es hier auch: Aliens in der Obhut der US-Navy,
Geheimdienste auf der Jagd nach körperlichen Anomalien und Vertuschungsaktionen der Regierung zur Verdummung der Bevölkerung.Der Stil dieses Buches scheint darin zu bestehen, daß es keinen Stil hat. Obduktionsberichte wechseln sich ab mit Aktenvermerken, zerhackten Teilen aus Tagebüchern und "Niemals enthüllten" Berichten diverser Art. Besonders ärgerlich wird es, wenn in den Berichten der Aliens der eigene Tod beschrieben wird (offensichtlich auf Wolke 7 in die Feder des Herrn Budrys diktiert ?). Das Ganze ist völlig unzusammenhängend und wirkt wie durch den Wolf gedreht. Ich würde lieber selber mit dem Raumschiff abstürzen, als dieses Buch nochmal zu lesen. Da hilft auch der kleine Gag am Rande nicht
weiter, das die Aliens den Watergat-Skandal auslösten und der Menschheit die Segnungen des Schwingkopf-Rasierers brachten.

84. Mars SF Novel Bibliography: Budrys - Butler
budrys Butler. Please e-mail Gene Alloway with any additions, corrrections,or sugestions. budrys, algis The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn . Fawcett1967.

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Science Fiction Novels
Budrys - Butler
Please e-mail Gene Alloway with any additions, corrrections, or sugestions.
Budrys, Algis
The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn . Fawcett:1967.
Bulmer, Kenneth (as Philip Kent)
Home is the Martian
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Fighting Man of Mars . Metropolitan:1931.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Fighting Man of Mars . Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.:1948.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Fighting Man of Mars . Ace:1963. Ace paperback F-190.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Fighting Man of Mars . Ballantine:1964. Martian Series #7. first Ballantine paperback printing. Ballantine paperback U2037.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Fighting Man of Mars . Canaveral:1974.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Princess of Mars . McClurg:1917. 1st edition. Printed in Chicago.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Princess of Mars . Methuen:1919. 1st British edition.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Princess of Mars . Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.:1948.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Princess of Mars . Ballantine:1963. Martian Series #1. 1st Ballantine paperback printing. Ballantine #U2031.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice

85. - Books By Author
Search. Title. Please log in. Books by algis budrys. Here is a list of our booksby algis budrys . There are 3 books by this author in our collection.

86. SF Reviews Michaelmas By Algis J. Budrys
Michaelmas. Copyright 1977 by algis J. budrys. SOJALS rating Perfect (5/5).I first read this in 1979 and most recently on the 23rd January 2002. J. Budrys_1977_Michaelmas.htm
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Algis J. Budrys
SOJALS rating Perfect (5/5) I first read this in 1979 and most recently on the 23rd January 2002. It is the early years of the 21st Century. Laurent Michaelmas is the top, most respected and most acclaimed reporter. He is urbane and civilised, he rubs shoulders with the rich and famous, and almost no door is closed to him. In his private life he is a isolated and lonely man, afraid of emotional entanglements and even perhaps a little paranoid. The United Nations Astronautics Commission has a major manned space mission scheduled to the outer planets. The mission is now to be commanded by the Russian astronaut, Papashvilly, due to the tragic death of the original commander Walter Norwood some months previously. When world-famous Professor Nils Limberg announces that the supposedly-long-dead Walter Norwood is in fact alive, having been restored from the brink of death by dint of the Professor's magnificent skill and astonishing medical techniques, the world is stunned. But Michaelmas realises that something is seriously wrong. He knows Norwood could not have survived his shuttle crash so who is lying? Who could gain from such lies? Moreover, Michaelmas is especially concerned because he believes that it is possible that this bizarre announcement may in some way be directed against him, to expose him, and to topple him. For Michaelmas has a secret. He believes he is more than a world-renowned journalist. Michaelmas believes that he rules the world, controlling it absolutely and guiding it in the path he has chosen.

87. Alphamusic - L. Ron Hubbard
Translate this page Sonntag, den 09. Februar 2003. Hubbard, L. Ron budrys, algis Writers of the FutureBuch Bridge Publications VÖ-Datum 6/1990 Bestell-Nr. 0-88404-504-8 5.42 EUR.
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit L. Ron Hubbard : BATTLEFIELD EARTH Teil 1 EUR 3.00 Alle 1 Artikel bei eBay aufrufen Ausschlussklausel

88. Budrys A.
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

89. Budrys Algirdas Jonas (1931 -)
The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

90. Born
11 White, James In de Ban van het Gevaar - Born - 1969 - SF 11 - 192 blz. 12Budrys, algis - Terugkeer in de Toekomst - Born - 1969 - nr 12 - 181 blz.
Born Deze pagina is in continue bewerking en bedoeld als bron van informatie voor geïnteresseerde Essef liefhebbers. Niet alle boeken die hier zijn opgenomen kunnen worden geleverd. Wilt u weten welke boeken momenteel leverbaar zijn dan moet u kijken onder de knop "Essef" en vervolgens klikken op de eerste letter van de achternaam van de schrijver van het boek dat u zoekt. Voor Bundels / Anthologien: Klik Hier Born SF- reeks Anderson, Poul - Geen Plaats meer op Aarde - Born - 1968 - SF1 - 188 blz - De onbarmhartige planeet Rustum dreigt voor aardse kolonisten een kolkend slagveld te worden... Jones, D. F. - Afmars der Vrouwen - Born - 1969 - 1e druk - SF 2 - 188 blz - Een vastberaden groep regeerders vormt een levende barrière tegen de catastrofe die Engeland met totale vernietiging bedreigt: Een explosie van onvruchtbaarheid... 03: Farmer, Philip J. - De Nacht van het Licht - Born - 1968 - SF 3 - 188 blz - Een wrekende God eist vreemde slachtoffers op een huiveringwekkende planeet. Dick, Philip K. - Laarzen in de Nacht

91. Budrys A.
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Contents ABC of Authors Authors B ... Thesaurus Budrys, Algis [.à.] Budrys, Algis // . - Œèíñê: ˆŠŽ "ƒàëàêñèàñ", . - Œ.: ŽŽŽ "Œåæäóíàðîäíûé öåíòð ôàíòàñòèêè", . CD-ROM (HTML). [.à.] Budrys, Algis [Algirdas] (Jonas) //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 1 . - Chicago: Advent, . P. 73-74. Ash B. Algis Budrys //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, . P. 57-58. [JC] Budrys, Algis // The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - Lnd.: Granada, . P. 93-94. [JC] Budrys, Algis // The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction . - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, . P. 169-171. [JC] Budrys, Algis // The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0 . - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., Budrys, Algirdas Jonas // Who Goes There . P. 24. [.à.] Budrys, Algis (Algirdas Jonas) // Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur . S. 221-223. [Foto] [.à.] Budrys, Algis (Algirdas Jonas) // Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur . S. 279-281.

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