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Kowal Kristy: more detail |
61. Women's Swimming - Official Athletic Site, University Of Women's swimming diving at the NCAA 1) GEORGIA 139.82 ** 1) SHEALY, COURTNEY JR25.46 3) BATEMAN, MELISSA SR 24.70 2) kowal, kristy JR 27.29 4) WILLIAMS http://calbears.ocsn.com/sports/w-swim/recaps/032099aaa.html |
62. Women's Swimming - Official Athletic Site, University Of California Golden Bears NCAA Women's swimming diving Day 1 1 4) GEORGIA 130.78 130.64 1) WILLIAMS,STEFANIE FR 22.92 3) TIMMONS, BETH SR 22.84 2) kowal, kristy JR 22.79 4 http://calbears.ocsn.com/sports/w-swim/recaps/031999aaa.html | |
63. RaceDates - Newsroom victories on day one of the NCAA Women's swimming diving Championships on SeniorsKristy kowal and Courtney Shealy, who both won individual titles tonight http://www.cryonet.org/kqb/racedates/news/archive/ncaa_w_1.html | |
64. RaceDates - Newsroom the Arizona Wildcats for their secondstraight NCAA swimming diving title on Shealy'swin was followed by teammate's kristy kowal's American record win in http://www.cryonet.org/kqb/racedates/news/archive/ncaa_w_fin.html | |
65. The University Of Southern California Trojans - Official Athletic Site - Women's Pac10 Women's swimming diving Championships 2002 PACIFIC-10 CONFERENCE WOMEN'Sswimming CHAMPIONSHIPS 2/28 NCAA RECORD 207.66 kristy kowal GEORGIA 1999 PAC http://usctrojans.fansonly.com/sports/w-swim/stats/022702aae.html | |
66. The University Of Southern California Trojans - Official Athletic Site - Women's Pac10 Women's swimming diving Championships 2002 PACIFIC-10 CONFERENCE WOMEN'Sswimming CHAMPIONSHIPS 2 NCAA RECORD 59.05 kristy kowal GEORGIA 1998 PAC-10 http://usctrojans.fansonly.com/sports/w-swim/stats/022702aac.html | |
67. Indiana University Athletics - Women's Swimming & Diving Results Women's swimming diving. USA swimmingNational Meets Phillips 66 National swimmingChampionships - 3/19 CHN American A 224.56 9/21/2000 kristy kowal, USA US http://iuhoosiers.com/womensswimminganddiving/results/01-02/wswr03-20-02.html | |
68. KIAT.NET - Sydney 2000 - Swimming 200m Breaststroke SEP 21, Agnes Kovacs (HUN), 224.35. kristy kowal (USA), 224.56. diving.3m Springboard SEP 28, Mingxia Fu (CHN), 609.42. SYNCHRONIZED swimming. http://www.kiat.net/olympics/sydney2000/swimming.html | |
69. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets - Official Athletic Site NISCA State Top 16 Award for 100 breast, as well as 200 medley relay and 400 freerelay Broke kristy kowals 100 Georgia Tech Athletics Women's swimming. http://ramblinwreck.ocsn.com/sports/w-swim/mtt/heiser_laura00.html | |
70. Women's Swimming Diving All-Time Honors NCAA TEAM CHAMPIONS Christy Soulakis, UK, (diving). 1998, kristy kowal, UG, (swimming). Kathy Pesek,UT, (diving). 1999, kristy kowal, UG, (swimming). Michelle Davison, USC, (diving). http://www.secsports.com/new/sports/swim/womenalltimehonors.html | |
71. SLAM! Sports: 2000 Summer Games Swimming Photo Gallery US swimming sensation Eric Moussambani kristy kowal hugs teammate Boxing, Canoe/Kayak,Cycling, diving, Equestrian. Softball, swimming, Synchro swimming, Table Tennis, http://www.canoe.ca/2000GamesGallery/swimming.html | |
72. 2000 Olympic Results For Swimming, Water Polo, Diving, Triathlon From WWA swimming Sydney International Aquatic Centre, O= Olympic Record, W=World Record 1,Agnes Kovacs (Hungary), 0224.35. 2, kristy kowal (United States), 0224.56. http://www.worldwideaquatics.com/olympics/swimresults.htm | |
73. Athletes : Top : Sports : Water Sports : Swimming And Diving : Athletes Featured Sites. Sites. Barbosa, Ubirajara Nogueira Profile of thisbrazilian diver, including titles and swimming and diving links. http://www.theolympicsite.org/Top/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athlet | |
74. Electricbrain Home: Index: Sports: Water Sports: Swimming And Diving: Athletes: Famous quotes The Commandments of the EE (1) Beware of lightningthat lurketh in an uncharged condenser lest it cause thee to http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athle | |
75. Sports Water Sports Swimming And Diving Athletes Polish Yellow Barbosa, Ubirajara Nogueira Profile of this brazilian diver, includingtitles and swimming and diving links. Benko, Lindsay- In http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/170011/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athl |
76. Browsing Sports Water Sports Swimming And Diving Athletes Browse Sports Water Sports swimming and diving Athletes http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/At | |
77. 2003 SEC Swimming And Diving Championship 200 backstroke, Keegan Walkley, Georgia, 155.27, 2000. 100 breaststroke, KristyKowal, Georgia, 59.88, 2000. 200 breaststroke, Anne Poleska, Alabama, 208.80,2001. http://www.auburntigers.com/secswim/secrecords.shtml | |
78. Kowal, Kristy Information Sites All Format Long Search Words Top Sports Water Sports Swimmingand diving Athletes kowal, kristy Special K The http://watersportsorg.com/SwimmingandDiving/Athletes/Kowal,Kristy/ | |
79. Athletes Information Sites States. Barbosa, Ubirajara Nogueira Profile of this brazilian diver,including titles and swimming and diving links. Couto, Abilio http://watersportsorg.com/SwimmingandDiving/Athletes/ | |
80. DogBytes - Kowal Takes Silver 07/28/01 'We could not be more proud of kristy,'' said Jack kowal could join Shealy in themedley relay, but Sunday's has collected all eight gold in the swimming pool http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/072801/dog_0728010058.shtml | |
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