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Dolan Tom: more detail |
1. Swimming Technique: Training Tom Dolan For Sydney 2000, October 2001 Books Nutrition/Health. diving - Books Videos. Dryland/Stretch/Strength and basketball, Jack Nicklaus and golf, Bill Gates and business, tom dolan and swimming. Great men of http://www.swiminfo.com/articles/swimtechnique/articles/200110-01st_art.asp | |
2. Swimming And Diving: Dolan, Tom - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For World Wide Web, 1. tom dolan Olympic Gold Medalist Contains biographicalinformation, a picture, and career highlights. http//www http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Swimming_and_Diving/Dolan,_Tom | |
3. Dynamic Directory - Sports - Water Sports - Swimming And Diving - Athletes - Dol Top SportsWater SportsSwimming and DivingAthletesdolan, tom (1) tom dolan Olympic Gold Medalist - Contains biographical information, a picture, and career highlights. http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Di | |
4. Swimming And Diving - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, De Bruijn, Inge (1); dolan, tom (1); Hall, Gary, Jr Malchow, tom (2); O'Neill, Susie(2); Popov, Alexander (3 Safety presented by the International swimming Hall of http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Swimming_and_Diving | |
5. Sports: Water Sports: Swimming And Diving: Athletes - WorldSearch.com De Bruijn, Inge (1); dolan, tom (1); Hall, Gary, Jr Malchow, tom (2); O'Neill, Susie(2). Popov, Alexander (3 Safety presented by the International swimming Hall of http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/At | |
6. Electricbrain Home: Index: Sports: Water Sports: Swimming And Diving: Athletes Index Sports Water Sports swimming and diving Athletes, home index write privacy.Thompson, Jenny Torres, Dara De Bruijn, Inge dolan, tom Louganis, Greg Kowal http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athle | |
7. DiNONET Web Directory | Sports | Water Sports | Swimming And Diving | Athletes De Bruijn, Inge (1); dolan, tom (1); Hall, Gary, Jr Malchow, tom (3). O'Neill, Susie(2); Popov, Alexander brazilian diver, including titles and swimming and diving http://www.dinonet.net/Top/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athletes/ | |
8. Top20SwimmingandDiving.com - Online Directory For Swimming And Diving. 20 swimming and diving Sports Events Olympics swimming (3) Add to favorites.Categories. Add to favorites De Bruijn, Inge@ 1 Add to favorites dolan, tom@ 1 http://www.top20swimminganddiving.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?base=/Sports/Events/Olym |
9. Sydney 2000 - Swimming, Synchronised Swimming, Diving tom dolan, USA, Erik Vendt, USA, Curtis Myden, CAN. SYNCHRONISED swimming. divingMEN, Springboard, Xiong Ni, CHN, Fernando Platas, MEX, Dmitry Sautin, RUS. Platform. http://www.scrambled-card.com/oly2000/Sydney06.htm | |
10. Sports Water Sports Swimming And Diving Athletes Dolan, Tom Polish Yellow Pages Sports Water Sports swimming and diving Athletes dolan, tom 422051Polish Yellow Pages YP.pl. English Version Polskie Firmy Firmy http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/422051/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athl | |
11. WebGuest - Open Directory : Sports : Events : Olympics : Swimming De Bruijn, Inge@ (1); dolan, tom@ (1); Hall, Gary Jr.@ (3 Krayzelburg, Lenny@ (3);Malchow, tom@ (3). O'Neill, Susie Sports Water Sports swimming and diving (1,045 http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Sports/Events/Olympics/Swimming/ | |
12. Listings Of The World Sports Water Sports Swimming And Diving media, and fan sites of swimming and diving athletes. Search, Complete Directory.Subcategories De Bruijn, Inge (2) dolan, tom (2) Hall, Gary http://listingsworld.com/Sports/Water_Sports/Swimming_and_Diving/Athletes/ |
13. Aqua Links Official site including links to articles, results, and pictures.Category Sports Water Sports swimming and diving Athletes...... 400IM Prelims and Final Results Team USA (tom with the Phillips 66 National swimmingChampionships. Wilkens finishes his 200IM heat, while dolan prepares for http://uweb.superlink.net/lwilkens/aqualink.html |
14. KIAT.NET - Sydney 2000 - Swimming swimming (diving, Synchronized swimming, Water Polo) Sydney International SEPT 16Four swimming finals daily for 8 in the 100m Butterfly and tom dolan sets WR http://www.kiat.net/olympics/sydney2000/swimming.html | |
15. 2002 SEC Swimming And Diving Championships Men's swimming 1985 NCAA Record 408.75 tom dolan MICHIGAN 1995 http://www.ladybacks.com/championship/swim/2002secheat1.html | |
16. 2002 SEC Swimming And Diving Championships Men's swimming THIS EVENT EVENT 8 WOMEN's PLATFORM diving SEC Record 1985 NCAA Record408.75 tom dolan MICHIGAN 1995 http://www.ladybacks.com/championship/swim/2002secpsych.html | |
17. The Official Site Of The Patriot League - Swimming & Diving for the American University swimming and diving team, hasn transition, renewing hisvow to swimming and to idol, US Olympic gold medalist tom dolan, worked out http://patriotleague.ocsn.com/sports/c-swim/spec-rel/020203aaa.html | |
Printer-Friendly Format E-mail this article Mark Liscinsky HEADLINES Szabo Takes 13th in 200 Breaststroke at NCAAs American's Szabo Advances to Consolations in 200 Breaststroke American's Szabo Earns All-America Honors In 100 Breaststroke RELATED LINKS OCSN Newswire Email this to a friend A Senior Script: Mark Liscinsky Feb. 2, 2003 THE HERO'S SCENE If he had written the script, you can bet that Mark Liscinsky wouldn't have lost. In a swimming race with teammate Dominick Szabo, Liscinsky surges ahead early but is scorched in the end by Szabo. CUT TO FINALE Fueled by bitterness and retaliation, Liscinsky splashes water in his rival's face. FADE OUT A believer in taking control of your own destiny, Liscinsky probably would have been the hero or accepted his fate of losing in a more dignified manner. But this was a friend's short film and Liscinsky was just acting. For most of the 2002-03 season, Liscinsky, a senior co-captain for the American University swimming and diving team, hasn't had to deal with defeat too much. He's set countless personal bests, and multiple pool and meet records. | |
18. Georgia Swimming & Diving - The Official Site Of The University Of Georgia Athle Men Finish 10th The men's swimming and diving team concluded Team as announced byUSA swimming earlier this 2000 gold medalists Misty Hyman, tom dolan and tom http://georgiadogs.fansonly.com/sports/c-swim/spec-rel/2001-02review.html | |
19. Directory :: Look.com De Bruijn, Inge (1) dolan, tom (1) Hall, Gary, Jr Lenny (3) Louganis, Greg (5) Malchow,tom (2), O this brazilian diver, including titles and swimming and diving http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=170011 |
20. RollTide.com | University Of Alabama Official Athletic Site Kathy Pesek (UT) 658.40 in 1998. Men's swimming and diving Records. Event. MattCetlinski (UF) 415.57 in 1985. tom dolan (Michigan) 408.75 in 1995. http://www.rolltide.com/Swimming/6065.asp | |
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