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Slutskaya Irina: more detail |
41. Rocky Mountain News: Figure Skating ice dance. In fourth place after the short program, she leapfrogged Sasha Cohen,Russian irina slutskaya and favorite It all happened in figure skating. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/figure_skating/article/0,1299,DRMN_269_100 | |
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44. Ladies' Links Michelle Kwan A Figure skating Champion Michelle irina NikolaevaHarmony on ice ShanellNoji Robinson Website Joannie Rochette irina slutskaya irina slutskaya http://heartofgold.topcities.com/links/women.html | |
45. The Figure Skating Corner: Figure Skating Fan Pages: Ladies Web by Charles Main Portland ice skating Society New Pearson Michelle Kwan - GraceOn ice by Padma by Daphne Kitchin Yuka Sato - JPN irina slutskaya - RUS by http://home.snafu.de/eberl/fan_l.shtml |
46. The Figure Skating Corner - Sparkassen Cup On Ice 1997 - Report Sparkassen Cup on ice Report. competition for two time European Champion irina slutskaya(Russia), since her slutskaya two-footed her triple lutz, doubled the http://home.snafu.de/eberl/archiv/1997-98/sp97repo.shtml | |
47. Sports: Skating: Ice Skating: Skaters - WorldSearch.com Sandhu, Emanuel (3); slutskaya, irina (3); Speed Skaters@ (27); Stojko http//www.icedance.com/grushina- size 1k. 5. Polk's Lady Figure skating Pages Fan site http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters | |
48. Photosport ® | Stock Photos - Figure Skating John Zimmerman; (Ladies Singles) Sasha Cohen, Michelle Kwan, irina slutskaya, YukaSato photos, John Hancock (R) Champions on ice(TM Professional figure skating. http://www.photosport.com/figureskating/ | |
49. 2000 World Figure Skating Championships - Ladies Results I came off the ice and we said 'it's 1 Michelle Kwan (USA) 2 irina slutskaya (RUS)3 Maria Related Sites World Figure skating Championships (ISU) - World http://figureskating.about.com/library/weekly/aa040100a.htm | |
50. Webshots Community - ABC Sports International Figure Skating Challenge Digital Sports skating ABC Sports International Figure skating Challenge Digital Digitalpictures of the figure skating competition (not ice. irina slutskaya, irina 2, http://community.webshots.com/album/57530673otcbxF | |
51. Webshots Community - Figure Skating Competitions-Ladies Stars On ice. Champions On ice. Champions On ice II. Community Sports skatingFigure skating CompetitionsLadies. Michelle Kwan, irina slutskaya, irina slutskaya. http://community.webshots.com/album/55195662ZnRmjg | |
52. ESPN.com - SKATING - Slutskaya Edges Kwan In Short Program a difficult time defeating her main rival, irina slutskaya, this season to win worldslast year, beating slutskaya in the her face as she floated along the ice. http://espn.go.com/skating/news/2001/0323/1160733.html | |
53. ESPN.com - SKATING - Kwan Rediscovers Confidence With Fourth World Title And slutskaya won't be the only one Kwan will t think it's quite the pressure Michelleor irina are feeling shape for next year, the pairs and ice dance teams http://espn.go.com/skating/news/2001/0326/1162133.html | |
54. CJOB.com - Winnipeg News Sports Talk Internet - Skating skating championship (AP) Russia's irina slutskaya will not song TORONTO (CP) -Canadian ice dance champions US skating federation denounces judging system http://www.cjob.com/news/sports_general.cfm?newscat=skating&shownews=10 |
55. CNNSI.com - 2002 Winter Olympics - Figure Skating - Slutskaya SALT LAKE CITY (AP) irina slutskaya was so busy a very interesting situation, slutskaya said scoring explained Kostya Kennedy ice economics Kelley http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2002/figure_skating/news/2002/02/21/slutskaya_side |
56. Figure Skating News And Information Featuring Michelle Kwan, Sarah Hughes And Mo copyright J. Barry Mittan Art of Figure skating Calender. a double axel and touchedher hand on the ice. irina slutskaya, on the other hand, skated a flawless http://figureskatingdivas.homestead.com/article1004.html | |
57. Figure Skating News And Figure Skating Links: QuickSports in All ice skating. Official Website International Figure skating The website MichelleKwan, Tara Lipinski, irina slutskaya, Katarina Witt http://quickfound.net/sports/figure_skating_news_and_links.html | |
58. U.S. Figure Skating Association | News and won the 2003 Russian title over irina slutskaya. included two future World champions(slutskaya and Maria feel more comfortable on the ice, Sokolova said http://www.usfsa.org/news/2002-03/washington-part8.htm?siteid=983 |
59. U.S. Figure Skating Association | News midAugust, bringing Olympic-caliber skating and entertainment to Olympic ladies medalists,(LR) irina slutskaya of Russia on the Champions on ice 2002 Olympic http://www.usfsa.org/news/2001-02/coi-tour02.htm | |
60. UNI-CASH.COM - When Others Offer Insignificantly, We Use Up-to-date Ways To Impr slutskaya, irina Skaters ice skating skating. http://www.sport-dir.com/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Slutskaya,_Irina/ | |
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