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81. Sun-Sentinel.com Entertainment - Stars On Ice Center 2555 NW 136th Ave., Sunrise Plan on having a hot time with these ice skatingstars. Featuring Olympic champions Tara Lipinski, kurt browning, Jamie Sale http://www.showtimeinteractive.com/top/1,1419,S-Showtime-Home-X!EventDetail-3548 | |
82. Links Kazakova Personal Data Elegance On IceFan Page Page -by Dawn Jaksons kurt browning-kurt Klub Homepage A Dedication to The Greatest skating Pair's Partner http://www.emeterio.com/patinaje/links.htm | |
83. Welcome To StarsOnIce.com In 1993, browning was inducted into the Canadian Sports Personal Notes kurt andhis wife Sonia Rodriguez were 2nd 2001 Sears Open 3rd 2000 ice Wars - 1st http://canada.starsonice.com/cast/cast_detail.asp?CastID=20 |
84. CBS SportsLine - NewsWire Rounding out the SNOWDEN ON ice cast is fourtime men's figure skatingWorld champion, kurt browning. browning holds the distinction http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/sportsticker/html/general/LGNS/GEN--SNOWDEN-X.HTM |
85. New Page 1 Brian Boitano's Holiday skating Spectacular Sending Me Angels, Kathy Aladdin onIce (1995) Kristi played Jasmine opposite kurt browning as Aladdin http://www.ontheice.org/eventhist.shtml | |
86. The Kurt Klub directory.vaionline.it vi permette di accedere al directory di siti italiani. E' organizzato per aree geografiche e aree temeatiche. Fa parte del portale Vaionline che ti offre molti altri servizi. http://www.pa-racing.com/kurtklub |
87. Figure Skating Fan photos taken at an ice show with pictures of all participating skaters.Category Sports skating ice skating Skaters Torvill and Dean...... http://www.ualberta.ca/~droles/skate/stars2/stars2.html | |
88. Amy's Skating Photos - Halloween On Ice 1998 http://www242.pair.com/amossman/PHOTOS/hoi98.html | |
89. JHB ONLINE: FIGURE SKATING RESOURCES Your Site Here To submit your figure skating (on ice) related web page or sitefor inclusion on this list, PLEASE CLICK HERE to email the Webmaster. http://members.tripod.com/~kurtkountry/sk8link.html | |
90. Ice Skating Tickets ~ShowTime Ticket Services~ Figure Skating Tickets - Champion ice skating Tickets For Sale. ShowTime Ticket Services specializes inquality ice skating tickets! Our service, selection and competitive http://www.showtimetickets.com/EventList.asp?catid=594 |
91. Ice Skating International: Online http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/results/sk8usa98.htm | |
92. UNI-CASH.COM - When Others Offer Insignificantly, We Use Up-to-date Ways To Impr Skaters ice skating skating. SportsGirls.net Dorothy Hamill Features collectionof pictures of figure gold medal Olympian and ice skating champion. http://www.sport-dir.com/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
93. Browsing Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters Category Browse Sports skating ice skating Skaters Liz Allen's Figure skating Homepage Eleganceon ice! Liz Allen's Official Figure skating and Modeling Homepage. http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ | |
94. Figure Skating Links Nothing matches the excitement generated on the ice by pair skating, nothing isas dangerous nor requires technical expertise, grace, splitsecond timing and http://www.suzannecooper.com/latenite/skate.html | |
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