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61. Ice Skating Links Stars on ice Featuring Alexei Yagudin, kurt browning, Todd Eldredge where the magicof Disney on ice will be Figure skating TV Specials TV listing of exhibitions http://www.iceskatingaddict.com/links.htm | |
62. Ice-Sk8.com - Discover Figure Skating Accessories And Figure Skating Dresses Her Philippe Candeloro Donald Jackson movies Kristi Yamaguchi kurt browning Fan Page GordeevaDiscover Card Stars on ice Traci's Figure skating Pages Short http://www.ice-sk8.com/links.htm | |
63. The 80s Server: Sports -- Ice Skating ice skating has become one of the most widely winners of the World Championshipsof figure skating. 1989 Men kurt browning, Canada Women Midori Ito, Japan http://www.80s.com/Entertainment/Sports/IceSkating/ | |
64. Listings Of The World Sports Skating Ice Skating Skaters 3) Anissina, Marina and Peizerat, Gwendal (4) Baiul, Oksana (8) browning, kurt (4)Butyrskaya of pictures of figure gold medal Olympian and ice skating champion http://listingsworld.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/ |
65. · PairsOnIce.com · Skating Links Johnny Weir A Rising Star Official site. kurt browning A Tribute to kurt browningThe kurt Klub. Todd Eldredge Glory On ice Todd Eldredge News. http://www.pairsonice.net/links.php?fs=Mens |
66. Basic Info (Main Page) kurt browning was born on June 18, 1966 in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta kurt hasbeen called the Gene Kelly of the ice. kurt is known for his versatility. http://members.aol.com/melroze758/page1/BasicInfo.htm | |
67. Kurt Browning FAQ on being a hockey player, and he started figure skating as a way to get more icetime Other highlights of kurt browning's amateur career include being a three http://members.aol.com/debidds/kurtbrowningfaq.html | |
68. GO.ionUS.com Your Interactive Online Neighborhood Search Engine: Sports/Skating/ Links. kurt browning A Star Among the Stars A fan page devoted tofour-time World Champion kurt browning. Includes lots of photos http://go.ionus.com/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating/Skaters/Browning__Kurt/index.shtm | |
69. Ice Wars: Four The World Competition my food while watching him adjusting his cup on the ice prior to skating. kurt Browningended the evening and the competition with his upbeat number to http://figureskating.about.com/library/weekly/aa030800a.htm | |
70. Smucker's Stars On Ice Cast During his incredible career, browning has earned four World age 15 to forego a careerin ice hockey and career, judges have always admired kurts excellence http://www.starsonice.com/cast/cast_detail.asp?CastID=32 |
71. Kurt Browning - ScratchSpin.com kurt browning's Gotta Dance Vancouver, BC 10/26/01 Page 1 Page Grand Slam of FigureSkating - Charleston SC 9/26-27 Stars On ice - Fairfax VA 4/3/98 Ensemble http://www.scratchspin.com/skaters/kbrowning.shtml | |
72. Biography On June 19, 1998, Mr. browning received the Jacques Favart kurt appeared on a posterfor the Canadian School Library He has toured with Stars On ice and Tom http://kurtkountry.tripod.com/newkb/id1.html | |
73. Kurt Browning well. . That camaraderie is central to browning's recently released biographyKurt Forcing the Edge. When St. Elmo's Fire on ice. . http://www.umanitoba.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol20no1/kurtbrowning.html | |
74. Skatingforums.com - Kurt Browning In Newmarket it, but sometimes your mind is somewhere else. (kurt browning, 2000 Blades on Icearticle Rogers' TV yesterday afternoon about 3 PM and saw B K skating. http://www.skatingforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4835 |
75. Kurt Browning kurt browning. During hisincredible career, browning has earned four World FigureSkating Championships and four at age 15 to forego a career in ice hockey and http://www.skatingsource.com/kurt.shtml | |
76. Department Of Recreation - Highlights From Reflections On Ice 2000 Four Time World Champion, kurt browning, was the star of the Universityof Denver's ice Show Reflections 2000 . The University http://www.recreation.du.edu/special/amIce2000.html | |
77. SLAM! Elvis Stojko: Elvis, Kurt: Showdown On Ice Elvis, kurt Showdown on ice. is expected to break out this Saturday, involving kurtbrowning and his be a dress rehearsal for the worlds, browning and Stojko http://www.canoe.ca/SlamElvisStojko/93feb3_story.html | |
78. Dreams On Ice Ally had the cab driver drop her off at the Delta Center; where the ice skatingevents were being held. She turned to find herself facing kurt browning. http://www.angelfire.com/wa3/bsweetdelight/dreams/chapter50.html | |
79. Quotesaboutk 100 Years of Canadian Sports special kurt browning was a 100 Years of CanadianSports special (kurt is) an the moment he steps on the ice. Sandra Bezic http://kurtbrowning.homestead.com/quotesaboutk.html | |
80. Jane's Skating Rink retired in 2000 from performing and though he will continue to be active in theskating world, his style and elegance will be missed. kurt browning never won http://www.janeek.com/skating.htm | |
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