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21. AN - Vies Sportives - Chefs De File - Edouard Lalonde Translate this page En 1950, on a désigné Edouard « newsy » lalonde (1887-1971 newsy » avaitaussi été lune des premières étoiles de la Ligue nationale de hockey. http://www.archives.ca/05/0527/05270303_f.html | |
22. NA - Sporting Lives - Leaders Achievers - Edouard Lalonde newsy lalonde (18871971) was voted the best Canadian lacrosse player of theHalf Century in 1950 and was one of the early stars of the National hockey http://www.archives.ca/05/0527/05270303_e.html | |
23. Hockey Hall Of Fame - Hockey Humour Total hockey The Official Encyclopedia of the National hockey League (Andrews yougive him a penalty for? demanded Canadiens captain newsy lalonde of referee http://www.hhof.com/html/humour.shtml | |
24. Hockey Hall Of Fame - Hockey Humour question was greeted with a shrug, so lalonde told Hall Sorry about that newsy, Hallsaid http://www.hhof.com/html/humour.htm | |
25. L'Expresso - Le Cybermagazine Culturel Franco-québécois Translate this page 2000 le premier entraîneur-chef de lhistoire des Citadelles de Québec dans laLigue américaine de hockey, suite au Edouard « newsy » lalonde 1932-1934. http://lexpresso.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=97 |
26. MCQ Facts About Society Mad About Hockey Important Dates February 16, 1921 newsy lalonde of the Montreal Canadiens scores 5 goals againstHamilton. March 25, 1924 The Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup. http://www.mcq.org/societe/hockey/pages/aadates_4.html | |
27. NHL Art Ross Trophy Winners - Stats Hockey . Stats hockey. Winner Joe Malone newsy lalonde Joe Malone newsy lalonde Punch BroadbentBabe Dye Cy Denneny Babe Dye Nels Stewart Bill Cook Howie http://statshockey.homestead.com/artross.html | |
28. Hockey Hall Of Famers - Stats Hockey . hockey HALL OF FAMERS There are 225 members. David Michael Kurri, Jari Lach, ElmerJames Lafleur, Guy Damien * lalonde, Edouard newsy Langway, Rod http://statshockey.homestead.com/halloffamers.html | |
29. Swishweb.com : Sports & Games : Hockey : The Hockey Hall Of Fame : L - P Player, Year. Lach, Elmer, 1966. Lafleur, Guy, 1988. lalonde, newsy, 1950. Laperriere,Jacques, 1987. Lapointe, Guy, 1993. Laprate, Edgar, 1993. Laviolette, Jack, 1962. http://www.swishweb.com/Sports_and_Games/Hockey/Hall_of_Fame/spgame03hof.htm | |
30. Swishweb.com : Sports & Games : Hockey : Regular Season NHL Scoring Champions : Games hockey NHL Scoring Champions 191718 to 1936-37, Season, Player, Team,GP, G, A, Pts. 1917-18 1, Joe Malone, Mtl, 20, 44, -, 44. 1918-19, newsy lalonde,Mtl, 17, http://www.swishweb.com/Sports_and_Games/Hockey/Scoring_Champions/spgame01sc.htm | |
31. Hockey Players Pictures, Photos, Wallpapers, Profile, News, And Merchandise @ Be Main. hockey Players. buy posters prints free download 100 mp3s! LaGrand,Scott Lalime, Patrick - lalonde, newsy - Laraque, Georges - Larionov, Igor http://www.best-sports-links.com/hockplayers-l.html | |
32. Hockey Hall Of Fame Wilson, Gordon Phat , 1962. hockey Digest 1 Year, 8 issues Cover Price $47.92Publisher Price $29.95 Our Price $17.95 You Save 63%. lalonde, newsy, 1950. http://www.all-sports-posters.com/hockey-hallof-fame.html | |
33. The Hockey Collector -- By Keith Lenn newsy lalonde. This Art Ross C56 card is valued at $1000 in excellentmint condition.Hern is a hall-of-famer and if there was a hall-of-fame for hockey cards http://www.sportznutz.com/nhl/hockey_collector/ | |
34. The Hockey Collector set with a picture, name, and team on front and the crossed hockey sticks with pennyon 20 Art Ross, 43 Cyclone Taylor, and 44 newsy lalonde anywhere from http://www.sportznutz.com/nhl/hockey_collector/00february_nhl_collect.htm | |
35. Vintage Hockey Autographs, Page 1 The three items above are all signed by deceased HOF'er Edouard newsy lalonde. newsy . asthey give a some insight into the workings of oldtime hockey. http://www.hockeylegend.com/autographs.htm | |
36. Hockeylegend.com - Vintage Hockey Memorabilia Including Vintage Team Photos, Aut Vintage hockey memorabilia including vintage team photos, autographs, trophies and postcards. Dedicated Category Shopping Sports hockey Ice and Roller Collectibles...... AllStars signed program; Ed newsy lalonde signed items; 1937-38 New York hockeylinks Links to other great web sites featuring hockey memorabilia or http://www.hockeylegend.com/ | |
37. Hockey Hall Of Fame Cyclone Taylor hockey Hall Of Fame, newsy lalonde hockey Hall Of Fame.Darryl Sittler hockey Hall Of Fame, Percy LeSueur hockey Hall Of Fame. http://www.abalene.com/HockeyHallOfFame.htm | |
38. Abalene Sales - Order Form Conn Smythe hockey Hall Of Fame Qty Nels Stewart hockey Hall Of Fame Qty CycloneTaylor hockey Hall Of Fame Qty newsy lalonde hockey Hall Of Fame Qty http://www.abalene.com/orderHallOfFame.htm | |
39. Hockey Autographs Online all taped up and his stall cleaned out and put in his hockey bag. What did you givehim a penalty for? demanded Canadiens captain newsy lalonde of referee http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stadium/7384/humour.html | |
40. Blooper On Ice newsy once confessed he deliberately scored a goal against his I snapped up the loosepuck, lalonde said later. It was my most embarrassing moment in hockey. . http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/8788/blooper.html | |
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