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21. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Hockey (Individual Athletes) hockey. ESPOSITO, PHIL World Book Online Article on ESPOSITO, PHIL; Esposito, PhilBOSSY, MIKE; Biography; Bossy, Mike DIONNE, MARCEL; Dionne, Marcel. gretzky, wayne http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Spo | |
22. SLAM! Presents Wayne Gretzky Sports lets us remember many of these original articles and photos through our waynegretzky site. Or review gretzky's live chat with SLAM! Sports hockey fans. http://www.canoe.ca/Gretzky/home.html | |
23. Opener Based in Upland, California. Associated with the wayne gretzky HS league. Includes player information and statistics. http://members.tripod.com/uhshockey/ | |
24. Bomis: The Leagues/National Hockey League NHL/Players/Gretzky, Wayne Ring 5. wayne gretzky's 3D hockey '98. video game endorsed by the NHL and NHLPA www.nintendosports.com. 14.wayne gretzky hockey Cards. scans of cards www.netline.com. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mplayers-gretzky_wayne-sports/ | |
25. Bomis: The Leagues/National Hockey League NHL/Players/Gretzky, Wayne Ring Bomis.com Ring info, Join The Conspiracy! Welcome to the The Leagues/NationalHockey League NHL/Players/gretzky, wayne ring. The ring http://www.bomis.com/member/show_info?ring=Mplayers-gretzky_wayne-sports |
26. CNNSI Sportsman Of The Year During the 198182 NHL season, 20-year-old Edmonton Oilers center wayne gretzky put together the greatest offensive season in the history of professional hockey. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/features/1998/sportsman/1982/ |
27. NHL.com - Hockey U. For two decades, the ethereal wayne gretzky has lifted hockey to new and dizzyingheights while establishing himself as the greatest player of all time. http://www.nhl.com/hockeyu/history/gretzky/ | |
28. Wayne Gretzky Biography the Pittsburgh Penguins on April 29th 1999, he recorded his 2857th point in his1487th game. wayne gretzky was inducted into the hockey Hall of Fame in 1999. http://members.tripod.com/~sarsenau/gretzky/pages/biography.html | |
29. The Internet Hockey Database Player statistics search. Player Name Click Here wayne gretzky, Center Born Jan26 1961 Brantford, ONT Height 6.00 Weight 185, Regular Season, Playoffs. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php3?pid=2035 |
30. NHL Hart Trophy Winners - Stats Hockey . . .. Stats hockey. Search Tips. . . .. HARTTROPHY WINNERS MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Most Hart Trophies wayne gretzky 9. http://statshockey.homestead.com/hart.html |
31. NHL Art Ross Trophy Winners - Stats Hockey . . Stats hockey. Search Tips. . . .. ART ROSS TROPHY WINNERSSCORING TITLE (MOST POINTS) Most Art Ross Trophies wayne gretzky 10. http://statshockey.homestead.com/artross.html | |
32. The Sporting News: Hockey Scrapbook - Wayne Gretzky 300 points. His father, Walter gretzky, claimed that wayne's hockeyexploits made a normal life impossible for him. He was always http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/gretzky/greatone.html | |
33. The Sporting News: Hockey Scrapbook - Wayne Gretzky STANLEY CUP COVERS! Order past Stanley Cup covers of The Sporting News! Just call1314-991-6608! VIEW COVERS! More items relating to wayne gretzky and hockey. http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/gretzky/moregretzky.html | |
34. Wayne Gretzky wayne gretzky (1961 ). hockey player, nicknamed The Great One ; born in Brantford,Ontario; began professional career with the Indianapolis Racers of the World http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~terning/bios/Gretzky.html | |
35. Legends Of Hockey Silverware NHL Trophies Art Ross 198182, gretzky, wayne, Edmonton Oilers. 1980-81, gretzky, wayne, EdmontonOilers. Visit the hockey Hall of Fame NaviSkater at www.hhof.com. http://www.legendsofhockey.net:8080/LegendsOfHockey/jsp/SilverwareTrophyWinners. |
36. Legends Of Hockey Silverware NHL Trophies Hart Memorial 198081, gretzky, wayne, Edmonton Oilers. 1979-80, gretzky, wayne, EdmontonOilers. Visit the hockey Hall of Fame NaviSkater at www.hhof.com. http://www.legendsofhockey.net:8080/LegendsOfHockey/jsp/SilverwareTrophyWinners. |
37. Hockey Hall Of Fame - 1999 Inductees - Wayne Gretzky Biography wayne gretzky The Legend Exhibit Biography Records and Honours Fondest Memories http://www.hhof.com/html/ind99wg3.htm |
38. Hockey Hall Of Fame - 1999 Inductees - Wayne Gretzky Biography Following the merge of the two professional leagues (WHA and NHL),wayne gretzky became the talk of hockey rinks around the world. http://www.hhof.com/html/ind99wg2.htm |
39. Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey '98 Cheats & Hints - Game Revolution Cheats, hints, or help for wayne gretzky 3D hockey '98 from Game Revolution.Other cheats wayne gretzky 3D hockey '98. N64. Secret Teams http://www.game-revolution.com/games/codes/n64/wayne98.htm | |
40. Wayne Gretzky Hockey Memorabilia & Collectibles The hockey Attic specializes in wayne gretzky memorabilia.The Attic is filledwith gretzky magazines,game programs,tickets,posters very rare oddball http://www3.sympatico.ca/thehockeyattic/gretzky.htm | |
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