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Polgar Zsuzsa: more detail | ||||||
61. Links Zu Schachpersönlichkeiten Translate this page Personen. Anand. Vishwanathan Anand Frauen. Women's chess Page (Anjelina Belakovskaia,USCF) Belakovskaia, Anjelina polgar, zsuzsa polgarchess.com USA. http://schachclub-baden-oos.haberichter.net/links-personen.htm | |
62. Chess Books In English Language nimzo indian (1995) f 52,50 Plisetzky Russians versus Fischer f 43,50 polgar, Laszlo polgar tactics f 10,00 polgar, zsuzsa Queen of chess (1998) Polugaevsky http://www.xs4all.nl/~paard/boek_en2.html |
63. Women World Champions That also started the Asian stride in the world of chess, later Vishwanathan Anand 8.ZUSUZSA polgar The eldest of the polgar sisters, zsuzsa was a http://www.chessindia.org/WorldChampions_files/women_champions.html | |
64. Prodigal Daughters And why did the polgar sisters become chess grandmasters rather than cancer specialistsor tennis stars? zsuzsa was quite good at mathematics and chess at the http://home8.inet.tele.dk/lph/polgarstory.htm | |
65. Links Des Schachclub Bellheim 1949 Translate this page Schachbedarf. Gambit - Soft. PCS Martin Fette. Millenium chess System. Schach Depot. KasparowGarri. polgar zsuzsa. Schachakademie A. Jussupow. Computerschach-Links. http://home.t-online.de/home/kloeditz/be007.htm | |
66. Chess_tourney: Chess Files On Fido Filebone! Area CHSCA Comment CHS chess Assistant Data Files POLG_SCA.ZIP 61,875 IM Zsofiapolgar (HUN) 583 Games POLG_ZCA.ZIP 94,193 GM zsuzsa polgar (HUN) 997 http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/chess_tourney/1997-03/1637.html | |
67. CHESS Issues 1996 29.2.96, SC, Woman chessworldchampion zsuzsa polgar in Jaen 15.3.96, SC machine, Womenchesschampion Z.polgar. SC, 1st women worldchampion of chess by correspondence http://digilander.libero.it/rickyand/cat96.html | |
68. Masters And Grandmasters chessplayer; polgar, zsuzsa polgarchess; Reinderman, Dimitri - *dIMITRI*; Schlosser,Philip - SK Passau 1869; Schwartzman, Gabriel - Internet chess Acedemy; http://www.schaken.demon.nl/players.htm | |
69. Encyclopædia Britannica polgar, zsuzsa Hungarian international grandmaster who won the women'sworld chess championship in 1996 from Xie Jun of China. In http://search.britannica.com/search?query=again&fuzzy=N&ct=eb&start=8&show=10 |
70. JFred's Ultimate Chess Website Homepage Inside chess Online Internet chess Academy Internet chess Club Linareschess Fonts polgarchess Susan (zsuzsa polgar's site) Best in chess. http://members.aol.com/FHSoil/JFred.html | |
71. Biography in algebraic) Xie Jun, chess Champion from China, Gambit, London 1998, english red.to 2.800. 14.00 (published right after the book on zsuzsa polgar, a life http://www.al-shatrandj.com/Biography-eng.html | |
72. Biografias-por Translate this page algebraica) Xie Jun, chess Champion from China, Gambit, London 1998, ingles red.á 2.800.- 14.00 (logo a seguir á biografia de zsuzsa polgar, a vida da http://www.al-shatrandj.com/Biografia-por.html | |
73. MindZine Chess News - MSO man who is engaged in an independent search for truth is examined in The UnorthodoxExplorations of Rolf Martens. polgar chess Center zsuzsa polgar has been http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/web_round/web_round1.html | |
74. Professional World Chess Ranking July 1999 184 47 Khenkin,Igor GER 2593 199 48 Vaganian,Rafael A ARM 2593 165 49 Dolmatov,SergeyRUS 2593 126 50 Kobalija,Mikhael RUS 2592 168 51 polgar,zsuzsa HUN 2592 http://www.astercity.net/~vistula/rp0799.htm | |
75. Chess Links State University chess Club France Echecs change d'adresse mcc NZ chess TRFN Pittsburghchess Club polgarchess - Susan (zsuzsa polgar's site) Best in chess. http://usuarios.iponet.es/cec/linksi.htm | |
76. Jerome Bibuld And The 100 Free Rating Points Murder In Russia in which he again defends the award by FIDE of 100 Free RatingPoints to Every Woman chess Player in the World except for zsuzsa polgar. http://www.samsloan.com/bibuld-p.htm | |
77. Crosswinds · Oops zp.zip zsuzsa polgar Here is a game collection of women's (Ex?)chess World Champion! More than 1300 games annofritzed! With my http://www.crosswinds.net/~ossimitz/player.htm | |
79. Rediff.com: Humpy Earns Second GM Norm The junior world chess champion became first Indian woman to achieve the elite listof WGMs who have become open GMs like Judit polgar, zsuzsa polgar of Hungary http://www.rediff.com/sports/2001/oct/29humpy.htm | |
80. Download Chess Games Download PGN ELO Rating Base Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik, Leko pintjcb.zip Jozsef Pinter (HUN) 644 Games plat-cb.zip Igor Platonov 239 Games96zsu-cb.zip zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Game Simul, Tampere, Finland polg_jcb.zip http://schackcentralen.com/a_eng.asp | |
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