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Polgar Zsuzsa: more detail | ||||||
41. Chess Players / Famous Chess Player Biographies & Tributes [Chessopolis > Chess polgar chess Center Susan (zsuzsa) polgar's site. Ruslan Ponomariov (GM) - Theyoungest GM in the world. Lev Psakhis (GM) GM Square - Part of GM Square. http://www.chessopolis.com/players.htm | |
42. [Chess File Downloads -- PGN: Players] >> Chessopolis! << 96zsupg.zip, zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Game Simul, Tampere, Finland. a_alekpg.zip,A. Alekhine, 2259 Games. polg_zpg.zip, GM zsuzsa polgar (HUN) 997 Games. http://www.chessopolis.com/chessfiles/pgn_players.htm | |
43. Http://trfn.clpgh.org/orgs/pcc/speaker.htm Guest Speaker was Women's World Champion, zsuzsa polgar who spoke and interactedwith the kids and parents at the polgar Scholastic chess Challenge tournament http://trfn.clpgh.org/pcc/speaker.htm | |
44. Http://trfn.clpgh.org/orgs/pcc/polgar.htm chessfor-Pittsburgh-Youth Program Annual Guest Speaker for 1998-1999 Women'sWorld Champion, zsuzsa polgar. Our kids loved meeting a World Champion! http://trfn.clpgh.org/pcc/polgar.htm | |
45. ChessBase.com - Chess News propose a different time control for Professional chess, please write Baadur Baburin,Alexander Borovikov, Vladislav Alterman, Boris polgar, zsuzsa (GM) Sturua http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=642 |
46. ChessBase.com - Chess News Yasser Seirawan polled the world's top 200 players on the proper time controls forblitz, rapid and professional chess games 205, polgar, zsuzsa (GM), wg, HUN, 2565, http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=684 |
47. JOHN HENDERSON Comments On THE EVER-CHANGING, NEVER-ENDING QUESTION Whilst zsuzsa polgar awaits to see who her official challenger will be, the youngestof the polgar brood, 22 the 99th annual US Open chess Championship, just http://www.goddesschess.com/question/henderson.html | |
48. File Library At Channel 1: All-Platform Chess 2022, 96zsu_ca.zip, 6868, 1204-96, zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Games. chess.2023, 96zsu_pg.zip, 5275, 12-04-96, zsuzsa polgar, 1996 19 Games. chess. http://www.filelibrary.com/Contents/Multi-Platform/88/57.html | |
49. Entrevista Com Judith Polgar Translate this page e melhor das irmãs polgar (sua irmã zsuzsa começou a Antes que a competição começassecom polgar derrotando Ye na de ganhar o Eurotel World chess Trophy? http://www.clubedexadrez.com.br/news/art.asp?cmd=view&articleid=802 |
50. Polgar Leading the new generation women players are the polgar sisters of Hungary Judit,zsuzsa, and Sofia, the Three Adepts at chess I like to call them (in an http://chesmayn.valuehost.co.uk/Polgar.htm |
51. Home The 1001 Knights Bookstore Coffee Break Chess Chess Today til you hear how the Women's World chess Championship is going. Let's start atthe beginning, a couple of years ago, with zsuzsa (Susan) polgar as reigning http://www.1001knights.com/ChessChick/pillow.html | |
52. FILE NOT FOUND! Click here to tell a friend about this page! Women chess Players. Qin KanyingXie Jun 1 Xie Jun 2 Xie Jun 3 Xie Jun 4 Xie Jun 5 Xu Yuhua zsuzsa polgar. http://thebatgirl.batcave.net/women.html | |
53. Chess Direct Ltd. P autobiography of the eldest of the famous polgar sisters describes zsuzsa providesmany insights into her childhood and the politics of the chess world. http://www.chessdirect.co.uk/acatalog/CATALOGUE___SHOP_P_18.html | |
54. USCF POLITICS PAGE By WGM ANJELINA BELAKOVSKAIA my way of supporting woman's chess has been to give women equal opportunities toplay. For example, when FIDE was trying to force zsuzsa polgar to play in http://pw1.netcom.com/~usqueen/saslo.html | |
55. Chess Trivia polgar, zsuzsa (1969 ) Winner of the first Women's Cadet (under age 16) Championshipin Postal rates In 1947 the US chess Federation urged all chessplayers to http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/p.html |
56. Chess Trivia A chess club for lady players lasted in New York from 1894 to the men's Grandmastertitle Nona Gaprindashvili, Maya Chiburdanidze, zsuzsa polgar, Judith polgar http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/w.html | |
57. Renardus Search Results , International chess tournament, Madrid 08/05/9718/05/97....... Winner zsuzsa polgar. Identifier, http//www.net64.es/fma/madrid_on.htm. http://www.renardus.org/cgi-bin/egwcgi/egwirtcl/screen.tcl/name=ShowHits&lang=en |
58. Caissa Cafe Chess Search globe. polgarchess Susan (zsuzsa polgar's site) Best in chess Careerhighlights, chess shop, polgar annotates, photo directory, http://www.caissacafe.com/ev/listsub.php?cat=28&subcat=2802 |
59. Koneru Humpy - Humpy In 2001 Humpy (2539) is practicing chess in Pentium III Laptop Computer for Hours together Fourthbehind GM Judit polgar (2677) of Hungary, GM polgar zsuzsa (2565) of http://www.koneruhumpy.com/rahul.html | |
60. Exeter Chess Club: Trawled From The 'Net misc Subject Re Kasparov's Boycott Against Judit polgar Date Tue understood moreabout my game with zsuzsa in those I'd never planned on being a chess pro http://www.ex.ac.uk/~dregis/DR/Trawl/Plogar.html | |
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