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Polgar Zsuzsa: more detail | ||||
1. Thank You For Visiting Polgarchess.com Includes news, photo gallery, career highlights, chess shop, and links.Category Games Board Games chess People polgar, zsuzsa......Thank You for Visiting polgarchess.com. please click here www.susanpolgar.com. http://www.polgarchess.com/ | |
2. Judit Polgar Page polgarchess Includes news, photo gallery, career highlights, chess shop, and links. "polgar, zsuzsa" search on This category needs an editor Copyright © 1998-2002 Netscape Terms of Use Last update 749 PT, Monday, February 11, 2002 - edit http://www.controltheweb.com/polgar | |
3. LAS VEGAS RJ:NEWS: Player To Sue Chess Group Ciudad de Leon (Advanced chess). 5JUN. Anand (Winner), Shirov, Judith polgar and Illescas acts as a second to her sister zsuzsa and helps her win the women's World http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1999/Aug-25-Wed-1999/news/11818279.html | |
4. Susan Polgar On Chess In a way, it helped shape my chess career and my future. It resulted in headlinesin many newspapers in the West. The name zsuzsa polgar would now be a name to http://www.chesscafe.com/polgar/polgar.htm | |
5. Zsuzsa Polgar, Woman's World Chess Champion, Gives Birth To Child zsuzsa polgar, Woman's World chess Champion, gives birth to child. zsuzsapolgar, Woman's World chess Champion. Questions arise from this. http://www.ishipress.com/zsuzsabb.htm | |
6. Garry Kasparov And Zsuzsa Polgar I took this photo during the 1988 World chess Olympiad in Thessaloniki, Greece.zsuzsa's father, Laszlo polgar, had sent zsuzsa to negotiate some kind of http://www.ishipress.com/kasp-zsu.htm | |
7. Tasc ChessSystem - Women World Championship 1996 by Tasc chessSystem. zsuzsa polgar is the new Women World chess Champion! http://www.tasc.nl/wwc | |
8. Sofia Polgar Marries Yona Kosashvili grandmaster or the international master title. zsuzsa polgar, 29,the Woman's World chess Champion, is expecting a baby in March. http://www.anusha.com/sofiawed.htm | |
9. Exeter Chess Club: Trawled From The 'Net Exeter chess Club Trawled from the 'Net not for- mail Mon Feb 12 101742 GMT 1996 Article 7099 of rec.games.chess.misc Path info! permission from the Hungarian chess Federation.) When zsuzsa polgar was finally allowed to play chess, she defeated 13 http://www.ex.ac.uk/~dregis/DR/Trawl/Polgar.html | |
10. Woman's World Chess Championship Competition Tainted By Favoritism Now that zsuzsa polgar is the Woman's World chess Champion, everyone seems to haveforgotten the long years when the polgar sisters were banned and blacklisted http://www.anusha.com/tainted.htm | |
11. New In Chess - Magazine Articles my order status Change my email address Change my password View all publicationsof New In chess Download New In chess publicationlist. Articles. zsuzsa polgar. http://www.newinchess.com/Archives/ArticlesList.aspx?AuthorID=432 |
12. New In Chess - Authors password View all publications of New In chess Download New In chess publicationlist. Cifuentes,Roberto, Kavalek, Lubosh, polgar, zsuzsa, Velimirovic, Dragoljub. http://www.newinchess.com/Archives/AuthorsList.aspx?AuthorsOf=Articles&PageID=12 |
13. Judit Polgar - Chess News And Pictures Of The Greatest Woman Chessplayer! FEB, Judit wins the 1997 chess Oscar Women's World Championship (Acting as secondfor Zsusa polgar), FEB, Judit acts as a second to her sister zsuzsa and helps her http://www.controltheweb.com/polgar/news.htm | |
14. SPORTS HERO: JUDIT POLGAR Judit polgar was born into a family of chess players. Her oldest sister zsuzsa hadalready been playing for three years, and her sister Zsofi was destined to http://myhero.com/hero.asp?hero=j_polgar |
15. Polgar Lecture March 19, 1997. Woman's World Champion GM Susan (zsuzsa) polgar Delights All at BostonUniversity by Jack Litwinsky, 3/27/97 From chess Horizons, MayJuly, 1997 http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/4925/polgar.html | |
16. Best Lady Players One of three amazing chessplaying sisters of the Laszlo polgar family.Hungarian ( The other two sisters being zsuzsa {Susan} and Zsofia. http://www.geocities.com/lifemasteraj/best_lady_players.html | |
17. Zsuzsa Polgar - Wikipedia zsuzsa polgar. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. zsuzsa polgar (born1968 (?)) is among the strongest female chess players in history. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zsuzsa_Polgar | |
18. List Of Chess Players - Wikipedia Female players Maya Chiburdanidze; Irina Krush; Judit polgar; zsuzsa polgar; JunXie; Zu Chen; Alexandra Kosteniuk. Famous people who were avid chess players The http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famous_chess_players | |
19. Google Games - World Chess Champions various reasons, each of these great players is also considered an 'unofficial' championby approximately half of the chess world. polgar zsuzsa, 943, 22.3%, 771, http://chess.about.com/library/weekly/aa03a04.htm | |
20. Www.chesscafe.com/text/queen.txt favorite twentyfive zsuzsa polgar - Peter Hardicsay Hungary, 1985 The next gameis one of my-all time favorites. In the Hungarian chess magazine Sakkelet http://www.chesscafe.com/text/queen.txt | |
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