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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
81. PittsburghLIVE.com - Chess Champ May Make A Big Move Shahade, 22, and International Master hikaru nakamura, 15. Shahade finished secondin the women's championship this year and takes her chess seriously enough http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/columnists/heyl/s_114020.html | |
82. Internet Chess Journal 7,5 7 ROMANOV, EVGENY 7,5 8 LU, ZHAOYA 7,5 9 HALAY, TAUFIK 7,5 10 RANGARAJAN, SUNIL7,5 11 BRKIC, ANTE 7,5 12 PREDOJEVIC, BORKI 7,5 13 nakamura, hikaru 7,0 14 http://www.chessjournal.cz/cz/one_news.asp?IDNews=223 |
83. FIDE Ratings Of US Chess Players As Of 01/01/2003 FIDE Ratings of US chess Players (as of January 01, 2003) Back to PennStatechess Team page nakamura, Clyde J. 2089, 0, m, nakamura, hikaru, 2520, 16, http://www.clubs.psu.edu/ChessTeam/fiderats.html |
84. 1998 World Open Chess Championship Results 1998 World Open chess Championship Results Philadelphia, June 27 July 5, 1998 Open D86 D140 D172 D111 X- L 63 4.0 128 nakamura, hikaru ..2224 L 15 http://webusers.anet-stl.com/~ldidriks/98openresults.htm |
85. ¹ú¼ÊÏóÆåÐÂÎÅ The official web site is http//www.Bermuda.bm/chess GMA Round 10Standings 1. Fridman, Daniel g LAT 2572 7.0; 2. nakamura, hikaru m USA http://www.chess88.net/b206b.htm | |
86. MindZine - Chess News - MSO Maurice Ashley 2579, Eduard Gufeld 2565, Anatoly Lein 2501, and hikaru Nakamura2330. 28 June 2000 The superstars of the swiss chess circuit are gathering in http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/worldopen2000.html | |
87. The Kids Hall Of Fame You get more money. Illustrated by Elgin Bolling. Youngest US ChessMaster hikaru nakamura White Plains, New York 1998. Humanitarian http://thekidshalloffame.com/CustomPage17.html | |
88. The Week In Chess 4.0; GMB Final Standings 1. Fridman, Daniel g LAT 2572 8.0; 2. nakamura, Hikarum USA Am USA 2446 3.0; The official web site is http//www.Bermuda.bm/chess. http://www.epinions.com/sayonara.html/destin_~http:%2F%2Fwww.chesscenter.com%2Ft |
89. Chessville - Misc. - News - Konig GM Invitational 2002 John Fedorowicz, 2509. hikaru nakamura, 2494. Walter Browne, 2492. All chessboards generated with Chessbase 8.0 unless otherwise noted. Bravenet.com hits. http://www.chessville.com/misc/misc_news_koninggm2002.htm | |
90. Northwest Chess NORTHWEST chess chess NEWS FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON PO Box 84746 Seattle, WA981246046. 2003 Washington State chess Championships. US chess Championships. http://www.nwchess.com/ | |
91. Kasparov - Anand Match For The World Chess Championship Will Not Be Held This Ye Kasparov Anand match for the World chess Championship will notbe held this year. AUGUST 14 Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham, manager of http://www.shamema.com/anandoff.htm | |
92. 1997 FIDE World Chess Championship - Final Four Rounds 1997 FIDE World chess Championship. Final Four Rounds. FOURTH ROUND, QUARTERFINALS,SEMIFINALS, FINALS, Anand Viswanathan Zoltan Almasi, Anand, Anand, Anand, Anand. http://www.shamema.com/fide1997.htm | |
93. Impressions Of The George Koltanowski Memorial Conference On Chess And Education set some clubs back?). There were people hocking chess CD's and HikaruNakamura signing his player's cards. There were kids and http://www.serve.com/williams/nmco/messages/1654.html | |
94. ChessLogic.com - Webzine months earlier and would become one of the wonder stories of scholastic chess. HikaruNakamura, a second grader playing up to help his Ridgeway Elementary team http://www.chesslogic.com/webzine.php3?rec=21 |
95. Images Of Players In The FIDE World Championship All of these photos are from the FIDE web site, http//www1.worldfide.com/chess/index.html,which contains the following notice http://www.samsloan.com/players.htm | |
96. Sam Sloan's Candidate's Statement For The June Chess Life Sam sloan's Candidate's Statement for the June chess Life. In a political manuver,Fischer was expelled from the United States chess Federation last year. http://www.samsloan.com/samscan2.htm | |
97. Forged Signature? Richard Peterson, A Top Scholastic Chess Organizer, Says That Forged Signature? Richard Peterson, a top scholastic chess organizer, says thatthis is his real signature but his signature was forged on another document. http://www.anusha.com/forged.htm | |
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