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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
61. January, 2002 GM A 13. Johannessen, Leif Erlend; nakamura, hikaru; Vescovi, Giovanni - 6; 4-5.Macieja, Bartlomiej; Lesiege, Alexandre - 5 Site http//www.bermuda.bm/chess. http://www.chessib.com/revcsjan2.html | |
62. WORLD YOUTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS BOYS U-14 WORLD YOUTH chess CHAMPIONSHIPS BOYS U14 - Round 11. 5.5 WOJTASZEK, Radoslaw (15)POL 7.5 2 MEGARANTO, Susanto (20) INA 7.5 .5.5 nakamura, hikaru (2) USA http://www.ajedreznd.com/open03/OROPESA/R11B14.htm | |
63. GameCraft.net : °ÔÀÓ Àü¹® °Ë»ö ¿£Áø nakamura, hikaru (0). Personal Web Sites (2). Polgar, Judit (6). Polgar, Zsuzsa(1). Shirov, Alexei (2). ? ? . chess Game of Champions, http://www.gamecraft.net/foreign/2979/3191/3212/3260/ | |
64. 122nd Annual New York State Chess Championship Springs, New York Tiebreak Systems America's LongestRunning chess Tournament 12W 13 5.0 18.5 21.0 17.0 78.5 $622 4 nakamura, hikaru ..2300 12641216 http://www.nystar.com/chesscenter/saratoga00/nys00.htm | |
65. 2000 National Elementary Chess Championships Grade k6 Individual Prizes as of Mon May 15 001850 2000 EDT Place Name/Team RateScore MMed Solk SB Cum 1 nakamura, hikaru (1,H15) 2313 7.0 29.5 33.0 66.0 http://www.64.com/chess/00-ELEM/prog/stand.cgi?z=k6 |
66. 2000 National Elementary Chess Championships Sunday Evening Three days of great chess is winding down, and the results are posted.hikaru nakamura is the new K6 Champion, Alexandr Dementiev is the K5 http://www.64.com/chess/00-ELEM/news.html | |
67. BERMUDA INTERNACIONAL Translate this page Web http//www.bermuda.bm/chess 31.01.2002 Redacción Acaban de finalizar en la Porsu parte, el joven estadounidense MI hikaru nakamura ha ocupado el segundo http://ajedrezactual.com/bermuda02.html | |
68. US-China 01 Round 2, 03/15/01 (results from Official Website of the Seattle chess Foundation)(chessfemmeresults in bold) 10, hikaru nakamura (B), , Ni Hua (W), 0-1. http://www.chessgoddesses.com/US-China01-1.htm | |
69. Www.shogi.net/shogi-l/Archive/1999/Naug21-01.txt hikaru nakamura, age 11, defeats Grandmaster Alejandro Hoffman in US Open by SamSloan hikaru nakamura, who made chess history last year by becoming the first http://www.shogi.net/shogi-l/Archive/1999/Naug21-01.txt | |
70. USATE 2002 Winners Top NY (Benjamin Award), WEERA FAMILY, 1, hikaru nakamura. 2, Sunil Weeramantry.3, Asuka nakamura. 4, Michael Ellenbogen. Top North Carolina, Point A chess Club, http://www.chesswise.com/usate/usate_2002_winners.htm | |
71. February 17, 2002 Giovanni Vescovi of Brazil and the international masters hikaru nakamura of Westchester event,which was the premier part of the yearly chess celebration in http://www.nytimes.com/diversions/chess/020217text.html |
72. September 9, 2001 chess Column Archive Forum; The chess Forum No Frames; Version of this column, suitablefor printing. hikaru nakamura, 13 years, 7 months old, of White Plains has http://www.nytimes.com/diversions/chess/010909text.html |
73. Players chess. Language German. Alexander Morozevich (10/2707) has recently got himselfa home page. Not wholly finished when this is written. hikaru nakamura the 14 http://www.schackportalen.nu/English/espelare.htm | |
74. ChessArtist.com, Chess Articles By Peter Sloan Aravena Peter Aravena hikaru nakamura, 1-0, Kings Indian Defence, Manhattan chess Club.Here is one of dozens of wins i have against this abnocious kid hikaru. http://www.chessartist.com/colum.htm |
75. American Chess Equipment Other cards by the same chess star will contain facts and figures about the chesspersonality. 8110 IM hikaru nakamura (Signature Limited Edition Collector http://www.amchesseq.com/products/cards.html | |
76. John B. Henderson's Chess Column: The Scotsman Daily Chess News An almost daily chess column by John B. Henderson with viewable games online.Category Games Board Games Battle Games chess News and Media...... the journalists and the organisers during the prize giving ceremony, the chess worldwas would have it) was 15year-old Japanese-born hikaru nakamura, who only http://www.rochadekuppenheim.de/heco/ | |
77. Schach 20. Bermuda International Chess Festival, 25.1.--9.2.2003 Translate this page chess/. Landkarte © Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2002 ©1993-2001 MicrosoftCorporation. All rights reserved. Letzte GM-Norm für hikaru nakamura, http://www.chessgate.de/news/Januar2003/03Bermuda.html | |
78. SuperAjedrez Hispanoamericano nakamura, hikaru m USA 2520 7.5; 3. Perelshteyn,Eugene m USA 2442 7.0; 4. Schmaltz Pagina Oficial/www.Bermuda.bm/chess. http://www.ciudadfutura.com/superajedrez/paises/restodelmundo.htm | |
79. Seattle 2001 chess Foundation ,entidad 1-0 Bhat, Vinay S - Bu Xiangzhi 1-0 Ni Hua - nakamura, hikaru 1-0 http://www.ajedrez-de-estilo.com.ar/ade/america/am01m171.htm | |
80. Tobias Norrländska Schacksida -TNS Nyheter med Norrländsk anknytning.Category World Svenska Spel Brädspel Schack...... com, Lycka till med ditt lag i Dream chess 2003. SENASTE NYTT. SS Luleå 11poäng. Två blev IM hikaru nakamura, USA, med 7,5p. nakamura http://www.tns.nu/ | |
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