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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
21. Teoma Search: Hikaru Nakamura www.nscfchess.org/nscfhika.htm National Scholastic chess Foundation hikaru Nakamuraearns IM Norm (Sturbridge, Massachusetts, August 2002) Fourteen year old http://s.teoma.com/search?q=Hikaru Nakamura |
22. Hikaru hikaru nakamura. hikaru's rapid ascent up the chess ladder beganin October 1995 and is truly phenomenal. In two short years, he http://www.chesscity.com/WHIZ_KIDS/Bios/hikaru.html | |
23. WHIZ KIDS This exclusive list was initially published by Cardoza Publishing in the bookWhiz Kids Teach chess by Eric Schiller and the Whiz Kids. hikaru nakamura, http://www.chesscity.com/WHIZ_KIDS/whiz_kids.html | |
24. New York Masters d4. Sicilian Najdorf. Grunfeld Defense. IM hikaru nakamura. Not many players in thecountry would have an easy time of it against hikaru in 2 minute chess as in http://www.newyorkmasters.com/players/HikaruNakamura.html | |
25. New York Masters second round opponent. The 14 year old IM hikaru nakamura is a verydangerous opponent, especially in action chess. He is very adept http://www.newyorkmasters.com/xtables/playbyplay19.html | |
26. National Scholastic Chess Champions National Scholastic chess Champions. 1997, Jack Regenbogen, hikaru nakamura, AdamMaltese, Asuka nakamura Matthew Traldi Sean Dobbin Leath Bing, Tomo Fukui Marc http://www.concentric.net/~williams/NatChess.html | |
27. US Chess Federation Press Release #5 Of 2003 hikaru nakamura of White Plains, NY has broken the great Bobby hikaru was born December9, 1987 and final GM norm at the Bermuda International chess Festival on http://www.uschess.org/news/press/uspr0306.html | |
28. Untitled 123. February 28, 2001. 13year-old hikaru nakamura Becomes the YoungestInternational chess Master in Nations History. hikaru nakamura http://www.uschess.org/news/press/uspr0115.html | |
29. US Championships Seattle 2003. Round 1 year making the tournament probably the biggest, annual prize for chess anywherein William M, Enhbat, Tegshsuren 01 Kaidanov, Gregory S, nakamura, hikaru 1/2 http://www.chesscenter.com/twic/event/chus2003/r1.html | |
30. The Winner Provides tournament details, pictures, and contact information.Category Games Board Games Battle Games chess Regional Bermuda......The 20th Bermuda International chess Festival will be held from January 25th till inthe Americas won by Giovanni Vescovi of Brazil and hikaru nakamura of USA http://www.bermuda.bm/chess/ | |
31. The Winner nakamura, hikaru m USA 2520 7.5; GM Norm! http://www.bermuda.bm/chess/gmb.html | |
32. Austin Chess Club's Forum - QuickTopic Bulletin Board S RECORD BECOMES YOUNGEST AMERICAN GRANDMASTER hikaru nakamura of White hikaru wasborn December 9, 1987 GM norm at the Bermuda International chess Festival on http://www.quicktopic.com/15/H/XEEbWSxEwVGsH | |
33. ChessBase.com - Chess News Round four report on the 2003 AF4C US chess Championships in Seattle. Also gettingin on the action is the 2001 US Junior Champion hikaru nakamura, 15, after http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=708 |
34. ChessBase.com - Chess News fund of $255,000 the biggest annual prize for a chess tournament anywhere Afteran opening round draw with hikaru nakamura, the defending champion followed http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=702 |
35. Yermolinsky Wins US Open sensation of the tournament was hikaru nakamura, who won nakamura's only losses wereto grandmasters Wojtkiewicz and ever happened at a chess tournament before http://www.calchess.org/USOpen99.html |
36. U.S. Chess Championship (Round Four) the 15year old upstart from New York, IM hikaru nakamura. He is going for hisfinal GM norm and is known as one of the brightest stars in American chess. http://www.thechessdrum.net/tournaments/USchess2003/round4.html | |
37. U.S. Chess Championship (Round Eight) IM hikaru nakamura had a tough pairing playing the black his Sozin Attack from theAshleynakamura (Round four Players at the Internet chess Club had already http://www.thechessdrum.net/tournaments/USchess2003/round8.html | |
38. Latest Releases Krush, Jordy MontReynaud, Gabe Kahane, Matthew Ho, Asuka nakamura, hikaru nakamura,Jennifer Shahade and Greg Shahade. Includes a complete chess course for http://www.chessworks.com/books/latestrl.htm | |
39. World Youth 1998 hikaru nakamura (B12). It never completely came together for hikaru, who will usethis He did, however, play some sparkling chess including some very sharp http://www.chessworks.com/events/98events/1998WYCC.html | |
40. USJI Photos 2001 United States Junior Invitational. chess Championship. Photos.hikaru nakamura is the 2001 US Junior Champion. Front row, left http://www.greencountrychess.com/Archive/USJI2K01/USJI_Photos.htm | |
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