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41. Eleventh Amber Blindfold And Rapid Chess Tournament the Dutch company Lost Boys, based in Amsterdam www.lostboys.nl or chess.lostcity.nlThe winners of all Amber Tournaments 2001 vladimir kramnik and Veselin http://chess.lostcity.nl/amber/ |
42. Tenth Amber Blindfold And Rapid Chess Tournament or chess.lostcity.nl The total PRIZE FUND is of US $ 137.250, Topalov (left) andShirov (right) The winners of all Amber Tournaments 2001 vladimir kramnik http://chess.lostcity.nl/amber/default2001.cfm |
43. Combined Top 100 - January 1999 FIDE And WCC Chess Rating Lists Lists. Note The 1999 FIDE World chess rating came late and containederrors. 2750. 3, kramnik, vladimir, RUS, 2751, kramnik, vladimir, 2724. http://www.ishipress.com/comb9901.htm | |
44. Combined July 1, 1998 FIDE And WCC (PCA) World Chess Rating Lists Combined July 1998 FIDE and WCC (PCA) World chess Rating Lists. Thistable 3. 3, kramnik,vladimir, RUS, 2780, 28, Shirov,Alexei, 2735, 27.4, http://www.ishipress.com/rat-july.htm | |
45. Vladimir Kramnik - Rusia vladimir kramnik will also be remembered as the first (and only, till the moment)chess player who was able to defeat the mythic Garry Kasparov, it was in http://www.advancedchessleon.com/kramnik.htm | |
46. US Chess Federation US chess Live Events calendar, vladimir kramnik. vladimir kramnik learned chessin the small seaside Russian town of Tuapse. His father, an artist, taught him. http://www.uschess.org/news/bio/kramnik.html | |
47. Chess Life Online News Column - Issue 52 it was 2 in the world vladimir kramnik who was turning in a nice win against kramnikat the G an invitation by the fledgling World chess Congress organization http://www.uschess.org/clife/issue53/ | |
48. Events - ChessBase Translate this page XX International chess Tournament Cuidad de Linares 2003 (Cat 22.Februar 2003) Anand,Viswanathan 1-0 Ponomariov, Ruslan kramnik, vladimir ½-½ Kasparov, Garry http://www.chessbase.de/events/events.asp?pid=539 |
49. Match Of The New Century : Tournament Progress : Comments Ponomariov, Ruslan, kramnik, vladimir, Drawn game, , . Kasparov, Garry, Ponomariov,Ruslan, Drawn game, , . kramnik, vladimir, Anand, Viswanathan, Drawn game, , . http://chess.alfabank.ru/en/tournament/results/ | |
50. Schach-Ticker chess Tournament . 15. bis 27.3. Mit dabeiist der Sieger von Linares 2003, Peter Leko und Weltmeister vladimir kramnik. http://www.chess-international.de/ticker/ | |
51. Www.chess-international.de Translate this page Juli 2001Dortmunder Sparkassen chess-Meeting 2001 - vom 12.7 Leko ½-½, Morozevich- kramnik ½-½ , Topalov - Adams ½-½ Endstand 1. kramnik, vladimir g RUS http://www.chess-international.de/ticker/forts20.htm | |
52. Sport-echecs Translate this page Lieu du tournoi chess Classics à Mayence (Mainz), hôtel Hilton. Wisvanathan Anand,32 ans, est champion du monde en titre de la FIDE vladimir kramnik, 26 ans http://www.sportechecs.com/article/article.php?IdArticle=109 |
53. Sport-echecs Translate this page Le 'Dortmund Sparkassen chess Meeting 2001', où encore 'les 29e journées d celuide la FIDE, Viswanathan Anand, et celui de Braingames, vladimir kramnik. http://www.sportechecs.com/article/article.php?IdArticle=129 |
54. Chess-Related This page will be dedicated to chessrelated stuff, paraphernalia too interestingto he has only one crown prince by his side vladimir kramnik, 29 points http://www.angelfire.com/games3/AJs01Downloads/al_af-2_cr-para.html |
55. British Chess Magazine: 11th Melody Amber Rapid/Blindfold, Monaco, 16-28 March 2 Further Coverage http//chess.lostcity.nl/amber/. Nimzo indian Bareev, Evgeny Ljubojevic,Ljubomir 1-0 40 B14 Caro-Kann kramnik, vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 1 http://www.bcmchess.co.uk/news/amber2002.htm | |
56. British Chess Magazine: Einstein TV Press Conference & Kramnik-Howell Blitz Matc of the reasons why Bahrein had sought to host the prestigious match between worldchampion vladimir kramnik and the world's strongest chess playing software http://www.bcmchess.co.uk/news/einstein2002.htm | |
57. Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess-Meeting Translate this page de n'avoir aucune partie en direct, vu la performance du site lors du FrankfurtChess Classic. 1, kramnik,vladimir, 2770, -5, *, 1, 0, ½, 1, 1, ½, ½, ½, 1, 6.0/9,25.75. http://www.chez.com/lefouduroi/fcc2000/dortmund.htm | |
58. Chess Federation :: Ratings 2. kramnik, vladimir, 2807, GM, RUS, 4101588. 11. Akopian, vladimir, 2703, GM,ARM, 13300032. 12. HUNGARIAN chess FEDERATION H1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u.10. http://www.chess.hu/en/ratings.php3 | |
59. Chess Personalities - Vladimir Kramnik Full Name vladimir kramnik. Winner of chess Olympiads as a member of the Russiannational team Manila (1992), Moscow (1994),Yerevan (1996) Winner of the http://www.aladhin.com/ch/sports/chess/kramnikpro.htm | |
60. ChessHub.com LIST) Note The 1999 FIDE World chess rating came late and containederrors. 2750. 3, kramnik, vladimir, RUS, 2751, kramnik, vladimir, 2724. http://www.chesshub.com/faq/chess/?L=top100 |
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