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Khan Mir Sultan: more detail | ||||
41. Chess Trivia her death, Vera was serving on the editorial staff of chess as games Other membersincluded Max Euwe, Sammy Reshevsky, mir sultan khan, Sir George Thomas, CH http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/m.html | |
42. Daily Chess Columns and many known masters Max Euwe (twice), Sammy Reshevsky, mir sultan khan, Sir George Thereal breakthrough for women's chess came with the rise of Hungary's http://www.chessbase.com/columns/column.asp?pid=104 |
43. GMChess Game Bases About chess chessExpress Labelled with ICRA A. Khalifman, O. Biriukov. Steinitz,Wilhelm, 457, 03.10.99, PGN-zip. sultan khan, mir, 110, 09.04.99, PGN-zip. http://www.gmchess.com/bases/ | |
44. Chess And Game And Grandmaster mir sultan khan. by Ismail Sloan. One of the most interesting andimportant personalities in chess history was mir sultan khan. http://www.actiontheater.org/screw-tap.htm |
45. DIGGLE LIBRARY Spine torn. /, mir sultan khan Coles 1977. /, chess Studies Walker (Freeboroghed. of 1893). /, Selected Games of Lajos Portisch Varnusz 1979. Tournaments? http://library.ukc.ac.uk/library/special/html/Chess/diggle.htm | |
46. 2002 BCF Champions Oxford. The first indian to win the BCF title was mir sultan khan in 1929,1932 and 1933. website. Back to Worcestershire chess Warm News http://home.clara.net/collett/chess/hotnews.htm | |
47. The Q A Way Question In your opinion, where does mir sultan khan rank among themost naturally talented chess players of all time? Do you think http://www.chesscafe.com/Bruce/bruce.htm | |
48. Photo Gallery Alekhine (circa 1925). Alekhine in Montreal, 4 December 1923. Alekhine at theManhattan chess Club, New York, end of 1923. mir sultan khan. Ratmir Kholmov. http://www.chesscafe.com/gallery/galleryarchives.htm | |
49. Echecs : Les Meilleurs Sites Commentes, La Selection. Page A. Translate this page Inside chess Online (au Top50 !) Par Yvette Nagel Puis les champions anglais du passéHoward Staunton, Frederick Yates, Sir George Thomas and mir sultan khan. http://www.notzai.com/notzai/connexion/selectionA.shtml | |
50. Bibliothèque CRELEL 2002 Translate this page de pages. Reinfeld, Hypermodern chess Nimzovich, A, 1948, Nimzovich,B, X, 221, Coles, mir sultan khan, A, 1977, khan, B, X, 143, Larsen(2ex http://crelel.virtualave.net/results/Listebiblio.html | |
51. Onegoodmove: World Champions Meet She Wins Among her victims were Max Euwe (twice), Sammy Reshevsky, mir sultan khan, Sir GeorgeThomas there were few women who competed with the male chess players until http://onegoodmove.org/1gm/1gmarchive/000075.html | |
52. Satrancokulu.com 1929, 1932 ve 1933'te bu sampiyonayi kazanan mir sultan khan'dan beri 1418 Agustostarihleri arasinda Mainz'de düzenlenecek chess Classic sirasinda http://www.satrancokulu.com/news/mainnewseski.asp | |
53. Ossimitz: Chess-collections From Books zip The games of the book The Most Instructive Games of chess Ever Played sul_khan.zipThe games of the book mir sultan khan by RN Coles (BCM Quarterly No 10 http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/~gossimit/c/book.htm | |
54. Sport News first Indian to win the Smith and Williamson British Open chess championship after wasway back in 1929 (Ramsgate) when Indias mir sultan khan clinched the http://www.worldnewsservices.com/sport news.htm | |
55. Untitled Document 1966. Golombek awarded the OBE for his service to chess. 1966. Journal of Gerontologythat chess players peak at 36. (Elo) 1966. 1966. sultan khan, mir died. 1966. http://www.cex.org.br/html/sobre/Timeline/1961-1989.htm | |
56. MUSLIMS IN INDIAN SPORTS chess. mir sultan khan is the forgotten hero of Indian chess. He wasthe first Indian to have taken part in international tournaments http://www.india-emb.org.eg/section 3/sec 3 eng/MUSLIMS IN INDIAN SPORTS.html | |
57. Libros En Ingles Dutch Defense, Christiansen/Silman, 16,23, Dynamic chess. The Modern Style of AggressivePlay, Coles, 28,85, mir sultan khan, Coles, 20,43, KingHunt, The, Cozens, 15,03, http://www.webpersonal.net/libreriacatalan/ingles.html | |
58. Top 40 (ref BK895). Coles, R. mir sultan khan. £8.99. BCM Quarterly No .10 PB 196592pp. (ref BK900). Defirmian, N. Batsford's Modern chess Openings. £11.99. http://www.btinternet.com/~firstclasschess/top_40.htm | |
59. Beginners And Elementary. (ref BK895). Clarke, P. 24th USSR chess Championship Moscow 1957. £7.99. BCM QuarterlyNo. 1 PB 1957 120pp. AN F, (ref BK897). Coles, R. mir sultan khan. £8.99. http://www.btinternet.com/~firstclasschess/books/tournament.htm | |
60. Hoofdstuk IV Schaakmeester Edgard COLLE deelnemer was de Indiër mir sultan khan, een waardige voorbode van de huidigewereldtopper V. Anand. Bled 1931 International chess Tournament (Caissa http://home.tiscali.be/markbauwens/ec_biografie.htm | |
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