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81. Transfer Wilkins Does It All For No. 21 Dawgs - The Clarion-Ledger to Georgia basketball what Eli Manning is to Ole Miss football. After two rocky yearsat NC State, wilkins retreated to the program where dominique starred and http://www.clarionledger.com/news/0302/26/vum01.html | |
82. The Towerlight Online - It's Time To Give Wilkins His Respect It's all right though. Even though the new generation of basketball fansdoesn't know dominique wilkins, the real fans know what he had. http://www.thetowerlight.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/02/13/3e4aeb79de72e | |
83. Retired Website Results :: Linkspider UK Directory Tree Top Sports basketball Players Retired (0). Thomas, Isiah@ (1);Walton, Bill@ (1); West, Jerry@ (1); Wilkens, Lenny@ (4); wilkins, dominique@ (2); http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Sports/Basketball/Players/Retired/ | |
84. Charlotte Observer | 03/15/2003 | Scorers English, Wilkins Now Lead From Sidelin ATLANTA dominique wilkins, the Human Highlight Film during his wilkins wants tobecome the next former coach in the National basketball Development League. http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/sports/basketball/5398218.htm | |
85. Dominique Wilkins Information And Links KeyWorlds.com Sports_Recreation basketball NBA dominique wilkinsLinks dominique wilkins Page The official dominique wilkins page http://www.keyworlds.com/d/dominique_wilkins.htm | |
86. NBA Meets Blake High School Basketball 1851.jpg (23589 bytes). NBA AllStar dominique wilkins visited with Blake HighSchool's basketball team. 1853.jpg (21725 bytes) Autographs are exciting! http://openingdoors.hklaw.com/News/TPAnews/12-7-01/12-7-01.asp | |
87. SECsports.com Chickfil-A SEC basketball Legends Tuesday, February 26, 2002 Universityof Georgia Legend dominique wilkins. Featuring former greats http://www.secsports.com/new/sports/bkc/news/2002legends.html | |
88. Basketball $80.00 Our Price $40.00, 1988 basketball wilkins,dominique - Box90 Available2 Book $50.00 Our Price $25.00, 1989 basketball Bird http://www.dfwgolfweb.com/slu/basketball.cfm | |
89. Ajc.com | Sports | NBA ALL-STAR GAME Whatever I can do to be near basketball, that's what makes me happy. . has gottenhis strong attention, in addition to the dominique wilkins Foundation, which http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/sports/nba/0203/09nique.html | |
90. Atlanta Hawks Memorabilia Pop Gates Pop Gates autographed 8x10 B W photo (basketball Hall of Famer, HarlemGlobetrotter), $149.00 $134.10, Add. 13029, dominique wilkins Official Atlanta http://www.thegrandstandinc.com/gsm/team_34.asp | |
91. Star Galore In 199091, Star Company introduced six limited edition basketball series modeledafter their successful baseball series. dominique wilkins. Isiah Thomas. http://www.stargalore.com/90-91series.htm | |
92. Sunspot.net | Pro Basketball Star Weekend On Saturday February 8, 2003, the controversial basketball documentary,Pains dominique wilkins to host starstudded parties during NBA All-Star http://www.sunspot.net/sports/basketball/bv-nba-allstar2003,0,3635703.storygalle |
93. Dominique Wilkins Jacques dominique wilkins. In the NBA dominique wilkins, aka the humanhighlight-film was one of the NBA's most spectacular players for more than a decade. http://www.geocities.com/tzovas/nbastars/wilkins_dominique.html | |
94. 1986-87 Atlanta Hawks Home Jersey, With #21 And The Name 'Wilkins' On Jersey (Do 198687 Atlanta Hawks Home Jersey, With 21 and the name 'wilkins'on Jersey (dominique wilkins). Since 1995 The World's Largest http://www.qksrv.net/click-1234334-8321288 | |
95. RateItAll - The Opinion Network Statistically, wilkins did great work, but he just didn't is kind of a shame thatDominique was left Shortcut to basketball lists ALL. http://www.rateitall.com/item.asp?I=0CB553A2-D25D-4A30-A332-2C70652C73DB |
96. The Sporting News : College Basketball - TSN Expert one very important thing Damien was the one wearing a basketball uniform, with DominiqueWilkins was a great NBA player, but his nephew is the worst kind of http://www.sportingnews.com/voices/mike_decourcy/mailbag/20010712.html | |
97. Current Biography Excerpts: Basketball One of the most prolific scorers in National basketball Association history, DominiqueWilkins has been a dazzling runand-dunk artist since he played at the http://www.hwwilson.com/currentbio/baskball.html | |
98. Basketball Cards (1986-87 Fleer Stickers) - Sports Cards - Trading Cards - Sport $9.00 9 AKEEM OLAJUWON (NRMT+).. $10.00 10 ISIAH THOMAS (NRMT).. $4.00 11 DOMINIQUEWILKINS (NRMT+) $4.00. RETURN to basketball SECTION OF WEB SITE. http://www.scottsdalecards.com/bsk86fs.html | |
99. Basketball - Retired 1996 basketball Hall of Fame Yearbook autographed by Gervin, Goodrich, LiebermanCline,Thompson Yardley, 1996 basketball Hall of Fame Yearbook autographed by http://autographsforsale.com/basretplay1.html | |
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