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81. NCAA Basketball All-Tournament Teams jerry west, west Virginia Denny Fitzpatrick, California Darrall Imhoff, CaliforniaOscar Robertson, Cincinnati Don Goldstein, Louisville, Darrell Griffith http://www.basketball.uk.co/NCAA/history_players.htm |
82. French Lick / West Baden Links Of Local Interest Avoca Baptist Church, west Baden First Baptist Church. Marengo Cave, WyandotteCave. Sports. Indiana basketball Hall of Fame, jerry Reynolds Email. http://zbh.com/links/local.htm | |
83. SportsStorm.com NBA. basketball. All sports. Brian Shaw. Derek Fisher. Earvin Magic Johnson. ElginBaylor. Gail Goodrich. Glen Rice. Horace Grant. James Worthy. jerry west. Kobe Bryant. http://www.sportsstorm.com/Basketball/NBA/LosAngelesLakers/JerryWest/ | |
84. COLLEGE BASKETBALL PROGRAMS COLLEGE basketball. PROGRAMS. Loyola, as home team, faced Seattle University,while local Northwestern took on west Virginia and junior guard jerry west. http://www.tgsports.com/collegebasketballprograms | |
85. Sunspot.net - Pro Basketball Jordan moved into a tie with Karl Malone and jerry west for the secondmostAll-Star selections in NBA history behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's 19. http://www.sunspot.net/sports/basketball/bal-sp.reserves29jan29,0,4098059.story? |
86. ESPN.com - Page2 - Why West Went South game, and it fit. jerry west is like some kind of basketball Elvis,without the selfdestructive tendencies. jerry west was J-Will http://espn.go.com/page2/s/wiley/020502.html | |
87. Kankakee Holiday Tournament - 53 Years Of Basketball History! Kankakee Holiday Tournament 53 Years of basketball History Huettemann ReedCuster,Class A Outstanding Coach TJ Posey, Iroquois west with jerry Shapiro, KHT http://www.visitkankakeecounty.com/kht/2002photos.htm |
88. Basketball Hall Of Famers ISBN 0823934829 Known as the allaround Mr. Clutch, jerry west became one of thetop scorers in the history of basketball, known for his famous jump shot. http://www.rosenpublishing.com/series.cfm?series=Basketball Hall of Famers |
89. Lakersweb.com: Player Profile west is widely regarded as the best basketball executive in the game, and is themaster behind such jerry west was used as the model for the current NBA logo. http://www.lakersweb.com/players/jerrywest.shtml | |
90. West Virginia University Mountaineer Hockey | Coaches And Staff | Jerry Minter coaching certification from WVU. In his spare time, jerry enjoys computers,basketball, traveling, Playstation 2, and working out. http://www.wvhockey.org/minter.html | |
91. Report: Jerry West To Take Post With Grizzlies - CBS SportsLine Former Los Angeles Lakers star and executive jerry west will become president ofbasketball operations for the Memphis Grizzlies, according to a published http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/ce/multi/0,1329,5267900_54,00.html | |
92. WVU Varsity Club Thorn had the misfortune of continuing his collegiate basketball career right afterJerry west the schools most prolific player who scored 2,309 career http://www.wvuvarsityclub.com/profiles/thorn_rod.html | |
93. Waterloo Warriors Men's Basketball History Waterloo Warriors Award Winners. OQAA Awards. Year, Player, Award. 1964, JerryRaphael, First Team AllStar. 1968, Sol Glober, west Division First Team All-Star. http://www.warriormensbasketball.uwaterloo.ca/history/showawards.php | |
94. OrlandoSentinel.com: Miracle Basketball west still best Tari Phillips didn't know how many of her friends and family showedup to see her triumphant return to her native Orlando as an allstar Monday http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/basketball/miracle/orl-spt-wnbaallstar.sto | |
95. James Kramer Sports Memorabilia: Basketball: Basketball Newspapers http://www.jameskramersports.com/Category60.htm | |
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