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81. USBL - United States Basketball League charlie ward, Jacksonville 1994, New York. All information, graphics and materialscontained in this site are © by United States basketball League, Inc. http://www.usbl.com/release.cfm?releaseid=67 |
82. USBL - United States Basketball League MILFORD, CT The United States basketball League, Inc. names are Avery Johnson,Darrell Armstrong, Anthony Mason, Chris Childs, charlie ward, Michael Curry http://www.usbl.com/release.cfm?releaseid=64 |
83. USA TODAY Basketball Challenge HUDSON, TROY ORL 1120 175 MAJERLE, DAN PHO 1110 176 JACKSON, JIMMY MIA 1090 177REDD, MICHAEL MLW 1070 178 RICHMOND, MITCH LAK 1060 179 ward, charlie NY 1060 http://usabasketball.cdmsports.com/research/guards.html | |
84. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas NBA on FSU. New York Knicks Clubhouse, Fantasy Games. ward, charlie (G),Season Stats. PTS, REB, AST. 291, 115, 177. STL, TO, BLK. 43, 58, 6. FSUNUMBERS. http://www.fantasysportsunlimited.com/nba/NYK/bio.asp?ID=576 |
85. Memories - Generic Basketball-Type Sneakers wearers all the way to professional basketball players In 2002, the Montgomery Wardbankruptcy trustee was attempting Back to the top of charlie's Sneaker Pages http://sneakers.pair.com/clone-b.htm | |
86. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | 2000-2001 Topps Stadium Club Basketball Baseball basketball Football Hockey. 20002001 Topps Stadium Club basketball PlayerCHARLIE ward Card 56 Card Type BASIC Card Title CARD FRONT, CARD BACK. http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/01sbk/card56.html | |
87. Charlie Ward Profile, Statistics And More Player Search 21 charlie ward New York Knicks Stats Roster,PPG 7.5, APG 4.5, SPG 1.1. Height 62 Weight 185 lbs. Pos PG,Age http://espn.go.com/nba/profiles/profile/2649.html | |
88. ESPN Fantasy Football MEMBER NAME PASSWORD Most Added/Dropped Member Services. ward SiteLines Find out what others around the country are saying about this player. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fba/request.dll?PLAYERCARD&nPlayerID=888 |
89. Team - New York Knickerbockers (USA-NBA) Weatherspoon Clarence, 198, F, 70, USA, 01, 03, Cleveland C. (NBA). ward charlie,188, G, 70, USA, 94, 03, New York K. Thomas Kurt, 206, F, 72, USA, 99, 03,New York K. http://www.usbasket.com/USAteam.asp?Team=55 |
90. Houston Roundball Review 1996 And '97 Basketball For Thoughts Therefore, Ewing and Houston were suspended for game 6 along with ward since Charliewas one of the main participants. basketball For Thought Archive. http://www.dothereview.com/bb4thought/96-97/may97.html |
91. ESPN.com Charlie Ward Player Search 21 charlie ward New York Knicks Stats Roster,PPG 7.7, APG 4.7, SPG 1.2. Height 62 Weight 185 lbs. Pos PG,Age http://msn.sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/gamelog?statsId=2649 |
92. Intramural Basketball Intramural basketball. Individual Scoring Records. YEAR. SEASON AVERAGE. PPG. 92.John ward Stuckey*. 29.7. 96. Stevie Hale. 22.6. 96. Kelley Glover. 20.2. 92. CharlieBenton. http://www.heritagehawks.org/imbball/scoring.htm | |
93. Howard Eisley : Fantasy Basketball 2002 Coach Don Chaney told Newsday that he will talk to Eisley and CharlieWard prior to Tuesday's game before making a decision. Eisley http://basketball2101.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/player-news?league=zero&key=6558 |
94. THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE NEW YORK KNICKS announced March 17 the appointment of former National basketball Association (NBA CharlieWard Activated from Injured List New York Knickerbockers President and http://www.nba.com/knicks/ | |
95. Basketball Monster Player Analysis http://basketballmonster.com/playerhist.aspx | |
96. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas MLB, Teams. http://fantasysportsunlimited.com/NBA/NYK/ | |
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