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Silas James: more detail |
81. Good Ol' Days: Retro Jerseys Are The Rage he was born about the same time silas' career was attention when high school starLeBron james was suspended has taken to the good ol' days like basketball. http://www.dailysouthtown.com/southtown/dssports/pro/083sd9.htm | |
82. Walter's Wildcat World - NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Records . -, -, -, -,. C, i, NCAA Division I Men's basketball Championship Records. 1964,Paul silas, Creighton, 3, 57, 19.0. 1965, james Ware, Oklahoma City, 3, 55,18.3. http://www.wildcatworld.com/stats/ncaarec.htm | |
83. Newsday.com - Hornets Put It Together In Davis' Absence that the notoriously cheap Hornets offered silas an extension the city with this advicefor james If the USA basketball stunned nearly everyone in the league http://www.newsday.com/sports/basketball/ny-bark093162903mar09,0,6912337.column? |
84. Texas Almanac - Texas History Moore, james Warren, L, Mod. Penta. 1964 SOG 1963 PAG, S G, B. Schneider, Jill Rankin,T, basketball, 1979 PAG, S. Southern, silas Edward, T, Track, 1959 PAG 1956 SOG, SS. http://www.texasalmanac.com/texasolympic.html | |
85. Onnidan Online: Black College Women's Basketball Recap 22 10; Atkins, Dana 3-8 2-4 8; Coleman, Chante 1-11 6-6 8; silas, Ashleigh 2-4 0-04; Bonaparte, Michelle 1-1 0-0 3; Bailey, Marcia 1-2 0-0 2; james, Crystal 0 http://www.onnidan.com/01-02/bkbball/wbb0102/stats/wssu0108.htm | |
86. CBA - silas Mills had 33 points to led the Skyforce ROCKFORDS james CALLED UP BY MIAMIBOISE 18, 2001) The Continental basketball Association announced today http://www.cbahoopsonline.com/news/index.php?start=350&team=cba |
87. ESPN.com: NBA - Crystal Basketball: 15 Things That Could Happen 6, 127 PM ET Crystal basketball 15 things that like a different person, accordingto coach Paul silas. starting lineup Kenny Satterfield and james Posey in http://espn.go.com/nba/columns/aldridge_david/1440531.html | |
88. Stephen F. Austin Tip-In Club james Snake silas is perhaps the most famous of the former Lumberjackbasketball players. james played eight years in the ABA and the NBA. http://www.sfatipinclub.com/history.html | |
89. Charlotte Hornets Basketball Paul silas Brian Hill Stephen silas Bob Donewald Bryce Drew Kirk Haston Tim JamesGeorge Lynch Bob Bass, Hornets vice president for basketball operations, has http://www.gast-gazette.com/portal/sports/Hornets/hornets.htm | |
90. James Kramer Sports Memorabilia: Basketball: Street & Smith Basketball Annuals http://www.jameskramersports.com/Category45.htm | |
91. Hall Of Fame - St. Bonaventure Bonnies silas Rooney, OFM, 29, 74, Football/Baseball. Bob Rozyczko, 76, 02, basketball.S, S. Greg Sanders, 78, 88, basketball. Robert Sassone, 53, 90, basketball. JamesJ. Satalin, 69, http://gobonnies.ocsn.com/hallfame/members.html | |
92. Cornell University - Men's Swimming - Official Athletic Site Benson FR 2) Matt Vuturo SR 3) james Hadley SR 4) Quinn Emmett SO 5 Colgate 'A' 143.001) Tom Noel FR 2) Marc Falkner FR 3) Bryan Pflug FR 4) james silas FR 6 http://cornellbigred.ocsn.com/sports/m-swim/stats/012603aaa.html | |
93. Officials Basketball 200102 basketball OFFICIALS C III 0.00 KS1205 SIGMAN W BRIAN III 2.50 KS0696 SILASHARVEY E B III 0.00 KS0612 SPADAFORA TONY M I 1.62 KS1392 SPENCE james M I http://www.wvssac.org/officials/Officials Basketball.htm | |
94. Charlotte Observer 01/19/2003 Silas A Good Fit Back In Hornets are foolish enough to let Paul silas walk at http//www.miami.com/mld/charlotte/sports/basketball/4982033.htm LeBronJames back on court 0543 PM EST, http://www.miami.com/mld/charlotte/sports/basketball/4982033.htm?template=conten |
95. Directory Vaionline: Siti_Mondiali/Sports/Basketball/Players/S/Silas,_James directory.vaionline.it vi permette di accedere al directory di siti italiani. E' organizzato per aree geografiche e aree temeatiche. Fa parte del portale Vaionline che ti offre molti altri servizi. http://directory.vaionline.it/Siti_Mondiali/Sports/Basketball/Players/S/Silas__J | |
96. Directory Vaionline: Siti_Mondiali/Sports/Basketball/Players/Retired directory.vaionline.it vi permette di accedere al directory di siti italiani. E' organizzato per aree geografiche e aree temeatiche. Fa parte del portale Vaionline che ti offre molti altri servizi. http://directory.vaionline.it/Siti_Mondiali/Sports/Basketball/Players/Retired | |
97. Inside Basketball - NBA ALL TIME RETIRED NUMBERS Jack Twyman, (27). Sam Lacey, (44). SAN ANTONIO (3), Johnny Moore, (00). JamesSilas, (13). George Gervin, (44). SEATTLE (5), Nate McMillan, (10). Lenny Wilkens,(19). http://www.geocities.com/insbasket/nbaretirednum.htm | |
98. National Basketball Association - Pistons Vs. Hornets http://www.usatoday.com/sports/scores101/101097/101097332.htm | |
99. San Antonio Spurs (1973-Present) You've got to let them play some schoolyard basketball. George Gervin and JamesSilas took that style to heart, as the Spurs became an exciting fast breaking http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nba/sanantonio/spurs.html |
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