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Robertson Ryan: more detail |
61. Mounted Memories Football, Baseball, Basketball And Hockey Puck, Stick, Ball, Ca W/LG PLATE $43.75 WM12084A robertson, OSCAR FRAMED WM3-029M RUSSELL, BILL AUTO PROBASKETBALL $743.75 WM3 MATT AUTO PHOTO $21.00 WM1-119M ryan / BRETT / YOUNT http://www.realsportsautographs.com/mmr.htm | |
62. Providence College Friars Official Athletic Site The last two games we played zero percent Connecticut basketball. ryan Gomes andMaris Laksa each had 16 points for with 530 left by Tony robertson, who had http://friars.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/recaps/020803aaa.html | |
63. 2000 MIAC Men's Basketball Statistics 2000 MIAC Men's basketball Statistics. 2000 MIAC Standings School. 20, 124, 0, 51,299, 14.95. ryan Gerry, Macalester College, Jr. Eric robertson, Bethel College,Jr. http://www.miac-online.org/Stats/Archivedstats/mbasketballstats2000.html | |
64. Official Athletic Site Of The University Of Oklahoma Sooners OFFICIAL basketball BOX SCORE GAME TOTALS Kansas vs Oklahoma 2/20/99 235 pm atNorman, Okla. c 9 13 0 0 6 7 2 10 12 4 24 0 4 3 0 33 04 robertson, ryan g 3 http://soonersports.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/archive/9899results/game-26.htm |
65. University Of Kentucky Wildcats Men's Basketball Official Athletic Site Men's basketball gets past Kansas in overtime, 9288 ryan robertson hit three freethrows and then the Jayhawks hit three 3-pointers in 90 seconds, the last by http://ukathletics.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/spec-rel/031499results.html | |
66. ClickOnSA.com - NBA Oscars -- And Not Robertson NBA Oscars And Not robertson. ryan Sirvio, Contributing Writer February 23, 2001,415 pm and McHale, Wolves vice president of basketball operations, each http://clickonsa.com/sh/sports/columnist/stories/columnists-49322420010223-15022 | |
67. Boys Basketball Leaders, Standings Tuesday, January 21, 2003 Boys basketball leaders, standings. Kierstead, Miamisburg,42, 36, 85.7. ryan, Campbell County, 28, 24, 85.0. robertson, Withrow, 12, 96, 8.0. http://www.cincinnati.com/preps/2003/01/21/wwwprepzlead21.html | |
68. Boys Basketball Standings, Leaders Tuesday, January 28, 2003 Boys basketball standings, leaders. Smith, Hamilton,15, 233, 15.5. ryan, Campbell County, 16, 245, 15.3. robertson, Withrow, 20, 8,40.0. http://www.cincinnati.com/preps/2003/01/28/wwwprepzstand28.html | |
69. Mounted Memories: Ryan Leaf Autographed Jersey Click Here, ryan Leaf Autographed Jersey Item WM13003BP ryan Leaf AutographedJersey. Oscar robertson Autographed basketball, Oscar robertson http://www.gocollect.com/p/mounted-memories/autographed-jerseys-football/ryan-le | |
70. FIBA Europe - Conference North Includes news, statistics, team profiles, photos and video.Category Sports basketball Professional Euroleague...... Gerald Brown, HAP, 7.50, Martins Skirmants, VEN, 2.50. ryan Ashley robertson,EIF, 6.50, Bruno Valdis Petersons, VEN, 2.00. Meir Tapiro, HAP, 6.50, Lester Earl,OUR, 2.00. http://nebl.com/ | |
71. Canadians Playing NCAA Basketball - HooptownGTA.com Canadians Playing NCAA basketball (20012002). **Last updated January 12,2002**. ryan robertson, Liberty, Fr, Brampton Christian, Brampton, Ontario. http://members.rogers.com/hooptowngta/ncaa_players.htm | |
72. Oklahoma State University, Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball Late Rally Falls Short for Men's basketball. Kansas led 6763 when he grabbed a missed3-point try by ryan robertson with 105 remaining, allowing the Jayhawks http://www.okstate.com/sports/m-baskbl/recaps/030198aaa.html |
73. ESPN.com - Mens College Basketball - Preview 2000 It would have felt a lot better had ryan robertson not passed up a jumper Then heused the occasion of the team's annual basketball banquet to further solidify http://espn.go.com/ncb/preview2000/2305.html | |
74. The University Of Southern California Trojans - Official Athletic Nick f 3 7 0 0 7 7 2 3 5 3 13 3 3 0 4 20 44 Chenowith, Eric c 8 14 0 0 7 9 1 6 73 23 4 2 3 1 30 04 robertson, ryan g 4 8 3 4 4 USC Athletics Men's basketball. http://usctrojans.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/121398aaa.html |
75. 1999-00 Scoresheet Fantasy Basketball NBA Player List Scoresheet Home Scoresheet Fantasy basketball basketball Draft Board basketballLinks GUARDS POR F Harvey, Antonio 458) 0.0 SAC G robertson, ryan 459) 208.2 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/NBA1999.html | |
76. Player Bio Matt Doherty Men's Basketball somebody is to say how much I love that basketball program, and AllAmericas, includingJacque Vaughn, Raef LaFrentz, Paul Pierce, ryan robertson, Lester Earl http://tarheelblue.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/mtt/doherty_matt00.html |
77. BIGEAST.org: Men's Basketball BOXSCORE Box Score (Final) BIG EAST Men's basketball Notre Dame vs Connecticut (3 04 4 2 3 2 1 0 1 33 4 HUMPHREY, ryan .. 5 3 7 6 2 0 1 31 32 robertson, Tony http://www.bigeast.org/sports/mbball/game2.asp?GAME_ID=9168 |
78. Men's Basketball - University Of Missouri, Official Athletic Site Of The MU Tige Nick f 2 8 0 1 3 4 1 6 7 3 7 1 2 2 1 22 44 CHENOWITH, Eric c 2 9 0 0 3 4 4 9 13 57 2 2 1 2 23 04 robertson, ryan g 6 University of Missouri Men's basketball. http://mutigers.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/011299aaa.html | |
79. Sports by Steve Frost The Cedarcrest boys' varsity basketball team went to 17 He startedhis four sophomores, BJ Coy, Brent robertson, ryan Price, and Matt Heuberger http://www.nwnews.com/vvissues/v9n52/vsports2.html | |
80. Basketball New Brunswick Fredericton, Assistant Coach Lynn robertson Rothesay and is recognized as the premierebasketball tournament in Venessa ryan Moncton ,Kelly Donald - Moncton http://www.basketball.nb.ca/blurbs.htm | |
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