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Robertson Ryan: more detail |
21. Sportsco 2000-2001 Fantasy Basketball Player/Position Eligibilty 20002001 FANTASY basketball PLAYER/POSITION ELIGIBILTY. KHALID, (CHI) RICE, GLEN,(LAL) RICHMOND, MITCH, (WAS) RIDER, ISAIAH, (ATL) robertson, ryan, (SAC) ROSE http://www.sportsco.com/basketball/positiok.htm | |
22. Robertson, Ryan SPORTorgs.com. Search SPYorg.com (Not sure of spelling? Use firstletters and * such as abc* or abcd* or abcde*) Match.. All http://sportorgs.com/Basketball/Players/R/Robertson,Ryan/ | |
23. Oklahoma State University, Official Athletic Site - Men's Basketball Official basketball Box Score GAME TOTALS FINAL STATISTICS Oklahoma State vsKansas March 7 206 pm 00 3-4 6 9 15 0 7 1 3 1 1 28 04 robertson, ryan .. http://okstate.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/030799aaa.html | |
24. Dayton Flyers Men's Basketball Career Records Noland Robinson 198690 8 117 .. Alex robertson 1989-94 9 116 ..ryan Perryman 1994-98 116 .. Dan Christie 1983-87 116 .. http://www.udayton.edu/athletics/history/careerrecords.htm | |
25. Dayton Flyers Men's Basketball Season Records Roosevelt Chapman 198283 .563 139/247 .. ryan Perryman 1995-96 ChipJones 1990-91 8 51 .. Alex robertson 1991-92 9 49 .. http://www.udayton.edu/athletics/history/seasonrecords.htm | |
26. Indiana Men's Basketball - Game Stats Evansville OFFICIAL basketball BOX SCORE SECOND HALF Evansville vs INDIANA 12/09/97at Bloomington, Ind 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 5 1 0 0 2 11 31 robertson, ryan 0 0 http://iuhoosiers.com/mensbasketball/stats/mbk12-9-97.html | |
27. Men's Basketball - Iowa State University - Official Athletic Site 17 34 Pierce, Paul f 6 12 1 1 6 6 2 4 6 3 19 0 1 0 1 30 45 LaFrentz, Raef c 5 102 4 0 0 4 4 8 4 12 2 2 3 0 30 04 robertson, ryan g 4 Cyclone Men's basketball. http://cyclones.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/iast-m-baskbl-s199824.html | |
28. Men's Basketball - Iowa State University - Official Athletic Site 27 21 Bradford, Nick f 2 7 0 1 2 4 2 3 5 5 6 2 2 0 2 21 44 Chenowith, Eric c 6 100 0 5 6 1 8 9 4 17 1 3 3 1 23 04 robertson, ryan g 1 Cyclone Men's basketball. http://cyclones.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/011099aaa.html | |
29. Humboldt Del Norte High School Basketball - Online Information. High School, Unknown, First Year of Boy's basketball. McKinleyville High School,Bob robertson Jeff MVP, Chris Weaver, Kevin Weaver (McK), ryan Riewarts, Kalin http://www.humboldt.k12.ca.us/hdnleagu/winter/bballm.htm | |
30. University Of Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's Basketball - Official Athletic Si OFFICIAL basketball BOX SCORE GAME TOTALS Illinois vs Kansas 1219-98 300 pmat Kansas City, Mo c 6 15 0 0 6 10 2 7 9 4 18 1 0 7 0 39 04 robertson, ryan g 3 http://fightingillini.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/kansas.html | |
31. University Of Illinois Fighting Illini - Men's Basketball - Official Athletic Si insideoutside duo of Eric Chenowith and ryan robertson. and seven blocked shots whilerobertson hit 10 School's In Tee University of Illinois Men's basketball. http://fightingillini.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/recaps/981219.html | |
32. Sacbee: Sports: Sacramento Kings Coverage Staff Writer (Published April 25, 2000) The shooting part ryan robertson remembered. He'dbeen doing it forever, having played organized basketball since first http://classic.sacbee.com/sports/kings/articles/2000/apr/20000425kings4.html | |
33. GameCenter, CBS.SportsLine.com - NCAA Basketball 1517, Juan Dixon (MD) missed 3pt jump shot, 1458, Tony robertson(CT) missed 3-pt jump shot, 1128, Personal foul on ryan Randle (MD), http://scores.sportsline.com/scoreboards/ncaab/2001/0324/playbyplay/NCAAB_200203 |
34. GameCenter, CBS.SportsLine.com - NCAA Basketball 1127, ryan Randle (MD) made dunk, 2018, Terrapins. 1117, Personal foul on SteveBlake (MD), 1057, Caron Butler (CT) missed jump shot, 1029, Tony robertson (CT http://scores.sportsline.com/scoreboards/ncaab/2001/0324/playbyplay/NCAAB_200203 |
35. Onnidan Online: Black College Men's Basketball Stats Official basketball Box Score Albany State Uni. DEF) by Jayson Williams 1031 MISSEDJUMPER by ryan Bennet 1018 1018 REBOUND (DEF) by robertson,Thomas 09 http://www.onnidan.com/02-03/bkball/mbb0203/stats/dec/albn-lanem1207.htm | |
36. Robertson County Times Online High school basketball box scores for week ending Jan Rodiguez 7, DeAndre Adams 4,Tyler Gregory 3, ryan Frye 2, Daniel Schmidt 2. East robertson Barrett Owen http://www.rctimes.com/archive/2003/01/012903_prepboxscores.html | |
37. Athletics Department: 1/17 Men's Basketball Official basketball Box Score GAME TOTALS FINAL STATISTICS Mercer BAKER, ClarenceREBOUND (DEF) by robertson, Antwan 13 JUMPER by LEWIS, ryan 1244 5046 http://www2.mercer.edu/Athletics/Men/Basketball/Box_Scores/020117mbasket.htm | |
38. Athletics Department: 1/26 Men's Basketball Official basketball Box Score GAME TOTALS FINAL STATISTICS Jacksonville 13011257 FOUL by robertson, Antwan TURNOVR 46 1144 STEAL by LEWIS, ryan 1141 http://www2.mercer.edu/Athletics/Men/Basketball/Box_Scores/020126mbasket.htm | |
39. Royal Boys Win Basketball Conference Title Everett Gilmore scored 15 points, ryan robertson contributed eight points and fiverebounds and Osborn had four points and seven assists. Girls basketball. http://www.topics.com/print/articles/5/005623-1455-089.html |
40. BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL basketball HONOR ROLL. Name, Year. Chris Cooper, 199495. Robbie robertson AwardName, Year. Craig Cleveland, 1995-96. ryan Bailey, 1996-97. Chad Hartley, 1997-98. http://www.hbuhuskies.com/Almanac/Men's Basketball/HonorRoll.htm | |
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