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Phills Bobby: more detail |
21. MY BASKETBALL ROOKIE PAGE basketball ROOKIE PAGE. Brian Howard, Alex Blackwell, Sam Mack, Duane Cooper, TracyMoore, Chris Smith, Marcus Webb, Corey Williams, bobby phills, Anthony Avent http://www.angelfire.com/id/gmot/rookies.htm | |
22. Sportsco 2000-2001 Fantasy Basketball Player/Position Eligibilty 20002001 FANTASY basketball PLAYER/POSITION ELIGIBILTY. VAN) PATTERSON, ANDRAE,(MIN) PATTERSON, RUBEN, (SEA) PERSON, CHUCK, (SEA) phills, bobby, (CHA) PIERCE http://www.sportsco.com/basketball/positiok.htm | |
23. Houston Roundball Review 2000 Basketball For ThoughtsHighly read and hear how upset some people were with USA basketball selecting Milwaukee thelast few days, you know Charlotte Hornets guard bobby phills was killed http://www.dothereview.com/bb4thought/2000/jan.html |
24. Bobby Phills Tribute Let's forget what bobby phills was as a basketball player. It's whathe was as a man and the good things that he brought, Wittman said. http://www.geocities.com/bobsuragirl/phills.html | |
25. Inside Basketball - NBA ALL TIME RETIRED NUMBERS CHARLOTTE (2), Fans (Sesto Uomo), (6). bobby phills, (13). CHICAGO (3), JerrySloan, (4). Bob Love, (10). Michael Jordan, (23). CLEVELAND (5), Bingo Smith,(7). http://www.geocities.com/insbasket/nbaretirednum.htm | |
26. Chat With Charlotte Hornets Guard Bobby Phills - Community & Chat - Forums - Cel bobby phills As long as I can remember! I played organized basketball sincethe third grade. Question What player would you say taught you the most? http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/chat/1999/basketball/phills040699.htm | |
27. NBA - # 13 Bobby Phills - CBS.SportsLine.com 13 bobby phills, F Height 65 Weight 226 NBA Experience Born 12/20/1969 CollegeSouthern University. Career Stats · Team Page · NBA.com Players Page, http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/basketball/nba/players/6740.htm | |
29. SLAM! Basketball: 1997-98 NBA Playoffs Photo Gallery Polls; Baseball; Hockey; basketball; Tennis; Football; Golf; Motorsports; Soccer;Other sports; 30K Matt Geiger and bobby phills cheer late in the fourth quarter. http://www.canoe.ca/NBAPlayoffs98Gallery/round1.html | |
30. Encyclopedia Of BabyNames. Names Of Basketball Players Anthony Parks, Cherokee Payton, Gary Peeler, Anthony Perdue, Will Perkins, Sam Perry,Elliot Person, Chuck Person, Wesley phills, bobby Piatkowski, Eric Pierce http://www.yourbabysname.com/basketball.htm | |
31. Bobby Phills, NBA Charlotte Hornets Guard, 30 started the bobby phills Educational Foundation. He touched all of our lives, said Bob Bass, the Hornets' executive vice president of basketball operations http://slick.org/deathwatch/mailarchive/msg00007.html | |
32. ESPN.com - NBA - Hornets' Phills, 30, Killed In Car Crash phills and his wife have two children bobby Ray III, 3 all of our lives, saidBob Bass, the Hornets' executive vice president of basketball operations. http://espn.go.com/nba/news/2000/0112/285010.html |
33. 1996-1997 Basketball Players 19961997 basketball Players. Anthony, Greg 33) 779.5 11.1 5.4 4.0 0.3 1.3 25 DENStith, Bryant 34) 779.3 12.3 6.9 2.9 1.2 1.3 26 CLE phills, bobby 35) 772.3 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/BkPlayers1996.html | |
34. 1997-98 Scoresheet Fantasy Basketball NBA Player List Scoresheet Home Scoresheet Fantasy basketball basketball Draft Board basketball LinksGUARDS FORWARDS 634.2 10.7 5.4 2.9 0.7 1.7 27 CHA phills, bobby 43) 631.2 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/NBA1997.html | |
35. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Anthony cha 11.6 8.5 4.5 48.014.72 Mashburn, Jamal mia 17.5 5.0 3.9 44.5 14.65 phills, bobby cha 13.6 2.5 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/sf00.htm | |
36. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Jackson, Jimmy njn 15.9 5.3 4.143.1 14.31 Anderson, Nick orl 12.0 4.8 2.9 39.7 14.17 phills, bobby cle 12.6 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/sg97.htm | |
37. The HoopsKlyce Page: Fantasy Basketball Statistics 101 As the manager of a fantasy basketball team, you are not necessarily interested inthe players who excel in a particular category, you want the phills,bobby. 2. http://www.hoopsklyce.com/archives/stats101.shtml | |
38. DAILY BRUIN ONLINE - Death Of Hornets' Star Shows Danger Of Some Athletes' Reckl Mourners sat in tears at bobby phills' funeral on Sunday. and husband and a strongforce in the community, perhaps even stronger than the basketball player who http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/01.19/sports.street.html | |
39. DAILY BRUIN ONLINE - Sports Stars Do Not Deserve To Be Praised As Superhuman crashed. Here was a man with a bright future in both basketball andlife. unprivileged. bobby phills also cannot be deemed uncaring. http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/02.09/view.barragan.html | |
40. Associated Press Sports Editors And, while this might be hard to admit, bobby phills is not innocent in his owndemise. Truth be told, this popular, 30year-old basketball player, whose http://apse.dallasnews.com/contest/2000/writing/over250.columns.first1.asp | |
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