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61. STAT ACTION BASKETBALL LEAGUE SALARIES $tat Action basketball League $alaries G 14 PAXSON, John G 10 PERRY, Curtis F 20 PERRY,Tim F 13 PETERSEN, Jim C/F 11 PETRIE, Geoff G 15 petrovic, drazen G 17 http://members.aol.com/stataction/salrymz.html | |
62. Stat Action Basketball Challenge Salaries-GUARDS 90 LLOYD, Lewis (F) 17 4 50 22 77 13 11 11 8290 MULLINS, Jeff 17 4 48 32* 81 1212 11 65-76 MURPHY, Calvin 17 4 48 14 89 7 14 10 71-83 petrovic, drazen 17 4 http://members.aol.com/stataction/salgrds.html | |
63. El Pais - Mapa Translate this page Luego de la muerte de su principal figura, drazen petrovic, en un accidenteautomovilístico en Alemania, el rendimiento del equipo decayó. http://www.croacia.com.ar/Croacia_NEW/Deportes/basketball.htm |
64. The Sporting News: Basketball Archives Pro basketball Hall of Fame Roster of Members Player, Entered as, Year inducted. Olson,Lute, Player, 2002. Page, HO (Pat), Player, 1962. petrovic, drazen, Player, 2002. http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/almanac/nba/hof.html | |
65. Collector Net Tell them you found them through The Oddball Mall! basketball. Payton,Gary, Collector addresses. petrovic, drazen, Collector addresses. http://www.oddball-mall.com/network1.htm | |
66. Drazen Petrovic, Yugoslavia drazen petrovic, Yugoslavia, 66, G Did not play college basketball. Selected byPortland Trail Blazers in 3rd round ( 60 pick overall) of 1986 NBA Draft. http://www.sportsstats.com/jazzyj/greats/86/petrovic.htm | |
67. HickokSports.com - History - Basketball Hall Of Fame squarefoot facility that includes a 136-foot spire supporting a 13-foot illuminatedbasketball, a full-size basketball court, retail petrovic, drazen, 2002. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/baskhof.shtml | |
68. ClariNet - All The News You Can Use, Now! International basketball Notebook. petrovic RETURNS The brother of the late Europeanstar drazen petrovic will return to the club where his coaching career http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/wed/bc/Sbkp-lgns-internationalnotes.RZ | |
69. Davidson College Men's Basketball -- Davor Halbauer Personal An aspiring professional basketball player and Croatian national teamer,Halbauer lists the late, great drazen petrovic as the athlete he most admires http://www.davidson.edu/administrative/athletics/menvars/mbasketball/players/hal | |
70. C64 Unlimited - Games: Drazen Petrovic Basketball drazen petrovic basketball. Title screenshot, Ingame screenshot. General,Publisher / Developer , Year 1989, Genre -, Number of players -, Files, http://www.c64unlimited.net/games/d/Drazen Petrovic Basketball/Drazen Petrovic B | |
71. C64 Games 'D' drazen petrovic basketball. http://www.c64gg.com/D17.html | |
72. P 1, drazen petrovic. Tribute pages to the legendary Croatian basketballplayer who died so tragically. Category Sports basketball http://www.ad.com/Sports/Basketball/Players/P/ | |
73. Desno change and five years wandering on the world basketball map, Yugoslavia Headed bysomewhat older captain drazen petrovic, Vrankovic, Radovic and Cutura, the http://www.ksj.org.yu/Istorija/ZlatnaEP/EC89.html |
74. Basketball Camps The Camp is located on island Obonjan which is 20 minutes away by ferry fromSibenik, Croatian basketball Mecca, birth town of drazen petrovic. http://www.gavrilovic.dk/basketballcamps.htm | |
75. Dead Or Alive? - Drazen Petrovic Go Back Dead drazen petrovic Field Sports. Info Croatian basketball star, playedfor the New Jersey Nets in the NBA as well as the Croatian national team. http://www.dead-or-alive.org/dead.nsf/pnames-nf/Petrovic Drazen | |
76. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans basketball Hall of Fame announced their inductees yesterday. They ranged from theunquestionable (Magic Johnson) to the highly questionable (drazen petrovic). http://www.alleyoop.com/ftb/060702.shtm | |
77. Kukoc Kourt Croatian Korner YuGenocide - A Short Survey of Croatian History. drazen petrovic(one of the greatest Croatian basketball player of all time. IN http://www.angelfire.com/il/kukockourt/croat.html | |
78. Orihuela Online. Guia Comercial Y Cultural De Orihuela. basketball Scouting Galeríade fotos del ex-jugador del Real Madrid, drazen petrovic ademas videos http://www.orihuela.net/guia/Deportes/Otras_Ciudades/ | |
79. Basketball - Retired Nets) autographed 199293 Upper Deck card RARE, drazen petrovic (Blazers/Nets DiggerPhelps autographed Notre Dame basketball T-shirt, Digger Phelps autographed http://autographsforsale.com/basretplay1.html | |
80. Drazen Petrovic Memorial I think all basketball fans will long remember the scene of drazen petrovic andhis gallant Croatian teammates, having overcome enormous hardship, receiving http://scramlings.de/~scram412/html/dp.htm | |
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