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Penn Scoonie: more detail |
61. Transfer Penn Brings Talent To Buckeyes (scoonie) brings a winning attitude and leadership abilities that end of the 1997season, penn realized Boston family and sitting out a season of basketball. http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/1998/11/11-18-98tdc/11-18-98dsports-6.asp |
62. Inside Basketball - ITALIA - FUCKA SALVA LA PAF Translate this page La Viola è ora a 8 punti, solo 2 di distacco dalla Telit che dovrà al più prestotrovare un giocatore per sostituire l'infortunato scoonie penn (si parla http://www.geocities.com/insbasket/fuckapaf.htm | |
63. WNUR Sports: Northwestern Men's Basketball: 2000-2001 Big Ten Preview Weaknesses Will have to replace scoonie penn, Michael Redd and George 89.3 FM Evanston/Chicago Home Football Women's basketball Men's basketball http://www.wnur.org/sports/mbball/osu00preview.html | |
64. WNUR Sports: Big Ten Basketball Analyst Chris Argyris 3/13/2000 in sight and guards scoonie penn and Michael conference tournament loss to penn State,the Chicago Home Football Women's basketball Men's basketball http://www.wnur.org/sports/analysts/ca031300.html | |
65. Michigan Basketball Library: 99 Big Ten Recruiting basketball Recruiting Article by Bryan. Not only does he have one of the nation'sfinest backcourts coming back in scoonie penn and Michael Redd, he has added http://www.mhoops.com/library/blue/bigten.shtml | |
66. Scarlet And Gray - News And Notes to the basketball team for their vicory over Michigan earlier today. The Buckeyeswon 8769, and Michael Redd led in scoring at 19 points. scoonie penn played http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/osu/news.html | |
67. Very Superstitious: Ohio State Sticks To Routine Polls; Baseball; Hockey; basketball; Tennis; Football; Golf; Motorsports; Soccer;Other sports; rest assured the Buckeyes will be listening to scoonie penn's boombox http://www.canoe.ca/BasketballMarchMadness/mar25_buc.html | |
68. Buckeyes Play Their Roles As They Roll Polls; Baseball; Hockey; basketball; Tennis; Football; Golf; Motorsports; Soccer;Other sports; Coach Jim O'Brien has two outstanding players in scoonie penn and Michael http://www.canoe.ca/BasketballMarchMadness/mar24_buc1.html | |
69. Washingtonpost.com: Scoonie Or Later, We're All At Detroit's Mercy 1999 Men's NCAA Tournament Section. College basketball Section. PhillyCheesesteak Final Four penn, Temple, Villanova, scoonie penn. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/colbask/longterm/1999/men/articles/t | |
70. ESPN.com - Mens College Basketball - Preview 2000 COACH AND PROGRAM It has been an amazing decade for Ohio State basketball. a perfectfit for Ohio State, which was ready to pull for scoonie penn instead of http://msn.espn.go.com/ncb/preview2000/194.html | |
71. NCAA Basketball Tournament 2000 Look for the once mighty Bearcats to fall to Tulsa in round two in an upsetand, if not then, in the Sweet 16 to scoonie penn and Ohio State. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/00ncaapreview1.html | |
72. MDO - Ohio State Pummels Gophers, 89-60 - 01/25/1999 The Gophers men's basketball team showed up at Ohio State's brand spanking new Ledby junior point guard scoonie penn's 24 points and sophomore shooting guard http://www.mndaily.com/daily/1999/01/25/sports/ohioga/ | |
73. MDO - Big Ten Doles Out Basketball Awards - 03/07/2000 Big Ten doles out basketball awards First Team AllBig Ten Peterson; AJ Guyton,Indiana; scoonie penn, Ohio State; Michael Redd, Ohio State; Jerrett Stephens http://www.mndaily.com/daily/2000/03/07/sports/spo1/ | |
74. LEO/Sports Bits And Pieces of our broadcasting partner Kevin Grevey, it is imPOSSIBLE to believe there isa more dynamic guard duo in college basketball than scoonie penn and Michael http://www.louisville.com/leo/bits324.shtml | |
75. Notre Dame Mens Basketball Box Score Notre Dame 59, Ohio State Recap OFFICIAL basketball BOX SCORE GAME TOTALS Notre Dame vs Ohio State 11/16/99830 pm at Value City 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 penn, scoonie g 6 http://und.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/stats/111699aaa.html |
76. OSU Hoops Record Book Assists, Game. 1. Curtis Wilson 14 (at Purdue, 1/7/88) 2. Kelvin Ransey - 13(at Northwestern, 1/12/80) 3. scoonie penn - 12 (vs. OSU basketball Coaches. http://www.bucknuts.com/hoops_record_book.htm | |
77. Eurobasket We are looking for someone from Yugoslavia to help us cover Yugoslavian basketball.Please send email. penn scoonie, 178, G, 77, USA, 02, 03, Asheville (USA). http://www.latinbasket.com/YUGteam.asp?Team=5 |
78. The Sporting News College Basketball - 2000-2001 Countdown enough of them for a former Michigan Mr. basketball. no nickname that is the colorfulequal of scoonie. . penn State fifthyear senior Titus Ivory will average http://www.sportingnews.com/cbasketball/preview/bigten.html |
79. The Scoonie And O'Brien Show Two outsiders come to a large Midwestern university's lately lame basketball program,vowing to turn it around. They have. scoonie penn, the transfer point http://enquirer.com/columns/daugherty/1999/03/19/pd_the_scoonie_and.html | |
80. DAILY BRUIN ONLINE - Fans Often Overcome By March Madness suffering from MM will constantly harp on the fundamentals of basketball and have Whenasked what scoonie penn's assistsper-game average is, if you respond http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/02.29/sports.denicke.html | |
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