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61. Fantasy Basketball Championships LISTED PLAYERS for the 2003 MidSeason FANTASY basketball CHAMPIONSHIPS (availableat Iverson, Allen PHI 3.6 Armstrong, Darrell ORL 2.0 payton, gary SEA 3.4 http://www.statmanplus.com/bsktbl24.htm | |
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64. Sport1 - Roundup: Pistons Schlagen Celtics, Payton Mit Entscheidendem Dreier - B Translate this page Spielbericht. Pistons schlagen Celtics - payton rettet Seattle. gary paytonvon den Supersonics erzielte gegen die Golden State Warriors 20 Punkte. http://www.sport1.de/coremedia/generator/www.sport1.de/Sportarten/Basketball/Nba | |
65. Gary Payton This basketball page is all about gary payton, his life story,his gallery and career highlights as a sonics player. http://www.fortunecity.de/olympia/stadion/19/payton.html | |
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72. The Roto Times Basketball Player Profile gary payton Sea G. 01.18 gary payton had a CT scan on his bruised throat before Friday'sgame, but no further damage was found, according to the Seattle Times. http://www.rototimes.com/basketball1/profile.pl?211 |
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77. Gospel According To Basketball school banned him from playing any more basketball. The other kids called me Mr.Mean for keeping gary off the team, but Im not, paytons father http://www.kccall.com/News/2002/1122/Church/011.html | |
78. CNNSI.com - Pro Basketball - Celtics Bounce Back With 40-point Rout Of Sonics - gary payton gary payton dished out a gamehigh nine assists. AP. I hope we getthe message that we have to respond after losing by 40, gary payton said. http://europe.cnn.com/cnnsi/basketball/news/2003/02/05/sonics_celtics_ap | |
79. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas NBA on FSU. Seattle SuperSonics Clubhouse, Fantasy Games. payton, gary (G),Season Stats. PTS, REB, AST. 964, 226, 428. STL, TO, BLK. 79, 118, 12. FSUNUMBERS. http://www.fantasysportsunlimited.com/nba/SEA/bio.asp?ID=1 |
80. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas NBA on FSU. Seattle SuperSonics Clubhouse, Fantasy Games. payton, gary (G),Season Stats. PTS, REB, AST. 991, 230, 431. STL, TO, BLK. 79, 120, 12. FSUNUMBERS. http://www.fantasysportsunlimited.com/NBA/SEA/bio.asp?ID=1 |
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