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61. Basketball Players robert parish robert parish, Address Used 20 Stonybrook Rd. Farmington,MA 01702 Sent 1 Trading Card 710-01 Received 1/1 STC 7-24-01. http://ezautographs.topcities.com/basketball.html | |
62. News Herald Sports Sunday, August 31, 1997 robert parish. PAT McCANN The News Heraldrobert parish retired from professional basketball on Monday. In http://www.newsherald.com/SPORTS/PAT831.HTM | |
63. ªÛ¥[ô¤½¤û¶¤96-97²yû - Robert Parish 00 robert parish 1953 Ray(70)? parish?, of the National basketball Association(NBA http://www.contest.edu.tw/85/endshow/5/paulou/robert_parish.htm | |
64. Worthy, Parish Are Hall Finalists (washingtonpost.com) March 10 James Worthy and robert parish squared off in the classic LakersCelticsNBA Finals of the 1980s. Now they could enter the basketball Hall of Fame http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7601-2003Mar10.html |
65. WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines Gifford, Entertainer? 08/16/1953, 49. Timeline for robert parish (java),Search Google for robert parish, robert parish, basketball player. http://www.sbrowning.com/whowhatwhen/index.php3?q=11 |
66. LaSalle Parish, LA Photo Album Apr. 1999. robert L. King. 1961 State Champion Lady Giants basketball Team. May1999. Oct. 1999. Pat Ezell. Old LaSalle parish, La. Courthouse, Jena, La. 19101966. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/la/lasalle/photos.htm | |
67. Robert Parish Boston Celtics Posters And Prints robert parish Boston celtics NBA basketball Posters, Photos and prints Home Sports basketball NBA Boston Celtics robert parish. CATEGORIES. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/posters/3/n4873-robert-parish-boston-cel | |
68. Robert Parish Cards - Football Cards, Football Teams Sets, Football Singles And Cards By Team. Cards By Set. Cards By College. Baseball/basketball. Graded Cards.robert parish Cards. We are currently sold out of robert parish cards. BACK. http://footballcardshop.com/singles2.asp?playerid=528 |
69. International Vegetarian Union - Famous Vegetarians - Sports Personalities parish, robert Center Warriors, Celtics, Hornets, Bulls Source Hearsay; Pearl,Bill Peeler, Anthony NBA Grizzlies basketball player Source NBA web site http://www.ivu.org/people/sports/ | |
70. Basketball - Retired 3 NBA Titles photo matted/framed, Larry Bird, Kevin McHale robert parish autographedCeltics 3 Bushwood CC golf pin flag or Fletch NBA basketball (SSG), Chevy http://autographsforsale.com/basretplay1.html | |
71. Sportsitems Michael Jordan Autograph Collection (3), $ 644, 4. 2157. 1981 robert parish SignedGame Worn Sneakers, $ 363, 3. 2158. Dream Team I Signed basketball, $ 1611, 6. 2159. http://www.lelands.com/sportsitems.aspx?category=Basketball |
72. MSNBC Cover March 10 James Worthy and robert parish squared off in the classic LakersCelticsNBA Finals of the 1980s. Now they could enter the basketball Hall of Fame http://www.msnbc.com/news/883246.asp | |
73. Best Basketball Nickname Gone, 22, The Mailman Karl Malone, 68.10. Gone, 23, The Chief -robert parish, 62.53. You are voting on the best basketball nickname. http://www.simulatedsports.net/list/ss1.asp?choice=bbnicknm |
74. SportServer.com - Worthy, Parish Among 21 Finalists For Hall Of Fame 205 pm EST) James Worthy and robert parish squared off in the classic Lakers-CelticsNBA Finals of the 1980s. Now they could enter the basketball Hall of http://www.sportserver.com/basketball/nba/general/story/800775p-5708659c.html | |
75. ProSports Memorabilia | Item Display basketball / basketballs. Autographed Larry Bird, robert parish andKevin McCale basketball. This all surface NBA basketball is hand http://www.prosportsmemorabilia.com/itempages/newitem.asp?SKUID=SI-CELTICS3BB |
76. Your Non-Profit Internet Source For News, Events, History, And 7, St. Joseph's parish's Adult Formation Opportunities 7 pm, Trinity United MethodistChurch Bible study. 730 pm, Mount Men's basketball vs robert Morris. http://www.emmitsburg.net/e_net_resources/upcoming_events_feb.htm |
77. St. Robert's Catholic School Of San Bruno robert School, we teach community by experiencing it is given in baseball, basketball,volleyball, softball sponsored teams in the Peninsula parish Schools League http://www.saintroberts.org/school.htm | |
78. Basketball Pictures NBA basketball PLAYERS, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O'Neal Lamar Odom Hakeem OlajuwonMichael Olowokandi, P back to player's alphabet robert parish Gary Payton http://www.photofiledirect.com/Stock_Lists/NBA_Stock_List.html | |
79. 1996-1997 Basketball Players 19961997 basketball Players. Perdue, Will 367) 384.5 9.4 4.4 5.4 -0.6 0.1 27 CHILongley, Luc 368) 324.8 12.0 3.5 7.8 -1.0 1.7 42 CHI parish, robert 369) 318.3 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/BkPlayers1996.html | |
80. NATIONAL BASKETBALL NEWS - The Game Never Ends 74Mikkelsen, Vern 75-Moncrief, Sidney 76-Monroe, Earl 77-Murphy, Calvin 78-Nixon,Norm 79-Olajuwon, Hakeem 80-O'Neal, Shaquille 81-parish, robert 82-Pettit http://nbn2.narod.ru/history.html | |
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