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21. Basketball Poster 3036 - Dikembe Mutombo dikembe mutombo. Qty Price $10. View Shopping Cart. Add to PayPal Shopping carthere Return to basketball Page. And if you would like this poster framed http://www.posters.com/sports/3036.htm | |
22. Dikembe Mutombo Past Stats, Statistics, History, And Awards dikembe mutombo C. Year, Team, Lg, G, Min, Pts, PPG, FGM, FGA, FGP,FTM, FTA, FTP, 3PM, 3PA, 3PP, REB, RPG, AST, APG, STL, BLK, TO, EFF,AV, 1991, DEN, NBA, http://www.basketballreference.com/players/playerpage.htm?ilkid=MUTOMDI01 |
23. BasketballReference.com - NBA Basketball Statistics, Awards, And History 2001 Ben Wallace 2000 dikembe mutombo 1999 Alonzo Mourning 1998 Alonzo Mourning 1997dikembe mutombo 1996 dikembe mutombo 1995 Gary Payton 1994 dikembe mutombo http://www.basketballreference.com/awards/def.htm | |
24. NY Daily News - Basketball - Mitch Lawrence: Defensive Dikembe Rejects Critics More than once after dikembe mutombo's introductory press conference, Nets presidentRod Thorn looked at his new new starting center and marveled at his boats http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/story/11640p-11044c.html | |
25. NY Daily News - Basketball - Nets' Big Plans Mean Mutombo Jason Kidd wants to play with an AllStar big man, so yesterday RodThorn delivered a 7-2 eight-time All-Star in dikembe mutombo. http://www.nydailynews.com/08-07-2002/sports/basketball/story/9042p-8502c.html | |
26. Pock-It! Online Price Guides mutombo, dikembe, 1996 basketball Extended, $3.00. mutombo, dikembe, PIC,1992 Headline basketball, $4.00. mutombo, dikembe, 1993 basketball, $5.00. http://www.pock-it.com/seriesSLU.cfm?keyword=Mutombo, Dikembe |
27. Pock-It! Online Price Guides $4.00. Mourning, Alonzo, 1996 basketball, $4.00. mutombo, dikembe, 1996basketball Extended, $3.00. Olajuwon, Hakeem, 1996 basketball, $4.00.O http://www.pock-it.com/seriesSLU.cfm?keyword=1996 Basketball |
28. Fantasy Basketball Championships LISTED PLAYERS for the 2003 MidSeason FANTASY basketball CHAMPIONSHIPS (availableat the 1.2 Divac, Vlade SAC 2.0 Curry, Eddie CHI 0.8 mutombo, dikembe NJ 2.0 http://www.statmanplus.com/bsktbl24.htm | |
29. Africa Recovery/UN/12#4.Dikembe Mutombo mutombo's message to the youth. We hold the key to a better future for Africa. Those were the words of dikembe mutombo, the basketball star who plays for the http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/vol12no4/baobab.htm | |
30. Dikembe Mutombo's Message To The Youth We hold the key to a better future for Africa. Those were the words of dikembe mutombo,the basketball star who plays for the Atlanta Hawks in the US National http://www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/subjindx/124undp2.htm | |
31. HickokSports.com - History - Basketball - NBA Defensive Player Of The Year 199495, dikembe mutombo, Denver. 1995-96, Gary Payton, Seattle. 1996-97,dikembe mutombo, Atlanta. 1997-98, dikembe mutombo, Atlanta. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/nbadpoy.shtml | |
32. Text: Basketball Star Joins HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign UN Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention. 14 January 2002. BasketballStar dikembe mutombo Featured In New HIVAIDS Awareness Campaign. http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/global/hiv/02011502.htm | |
33. Africabasket - Congo Basketball Aug 7, 2002 by Kristian Santiago dikembe mutombo (218-C mutombo is an eight-timeAll-Star who is for the upcoming junior college basketball season.Lessekuta http://www.africabasket.com/cgo/cgo.asp | |
34. Africabasket - Gambia Basketball GAMBIA basketball PAGE We are looking for someone to help us cover Gambiabasketball. Please send email. mutombo dikembe, 218, C, 66, New Jersey N. http://www.africabasket.com/gam/gam.asp | |
35. Dikembe Mutombo: Shot-blocker, Family Man, Humanitarian What makes dikembe is his basketball. If that's good, it allows him to provide forall the other things. For the most part, mutombo's basketball has been very http://www.canoe.ca/NBAPlayoffs99/may22_dik.html | |
36. Dikembe Mutombo, Autographed Basketball With Stand dikembe mutombo, Autographed basketball with Stand. Item Number SCB00640.Price $81.66. Supplier Score Board. Select to begin the ordering process. http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,SCB-00640.html | |
37. Upper Deck Internet Basketball MARC C GS T 146 1 105 400 39 24 12 76 177 63 26 $750,000 512 +CAMBY, MARCUS C NYT 119 0 49 287 21 26 47 77 205 22 24 $2,200,000 504 +mutombo, dikembe C PHI T http://netbasketball.cdmsports.com/rules/team.html | |
38. Mutombo, Dikembe Congolese basketball player Family Name, mutombo. Given Name, dikembe. Dates,25 Jun 1966 . Gender, Male. Country, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Positions. http://www.africaexpert.org/people/data/person12262.html | |
39. Dikembe Mutombo Autographed Basketball Official NBA basketball autographed by dikembe mutombo (New Jersey Nets star,Philadelphia 76ers, Hawks, Nuggets legend) Free Shipping For Online Orders. http://www.grandstandsports.com/pages/13198.htm | |
40. Newsday.com - Big Man, Big Heart the basketball court are even more difficult to attain. mutombo has made a secondcareer out of helping others. His Atlantabased dikembe mutombo Foundation is http://www.newsday.com/sports/basketball/nets/ny-mutombo133001870nov13.story | |
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