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Mobley Cuttino: more detail |
41. Trader Retreat Community - Cuttino Mobley Collection For Trade, At Least Look cuz i could use the fresh ink lookin for autos in baseball and basketball alsolookin for cards in the 96 ex bkb and 01 studio private signature baseball. http://rsoxhater.gearhost.net/community/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8538 |
42. Basketball.de: Bundesliga, Europaliga, Pokale, NBA, College. Magazin - Shop - Ch Translate this page DeinName@basketball.de Jetzt Adresse sichern! Talent ist mit Spielern wie Steve Francis,cuttino mobley, Eddie Griffin oder Maurice Taylor reichlich vorhanden http://www.basketball.de/magazin/NBAPreview2002_3midwest_5rockets.html | |
43. ClutchCity.net - Clutch Player Cuttino Mobley with the Houston Rockets and/or the National basketball Association (NBA http://www.clutchcity.net/playerinfo_current.cfm?PlayerID=122 |
44. ClutchCity.net - Cuttino Mobley Houston Rocket Career the Houston Rockets and/or the National basketball Association (NBA http://www.clutchcity.net/playerinfo.cfm?PlayerID=122 |
45. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Miller, Reggie ind 18.9 3.5 3.244.0 17.06 Terry, Jason atl 19.7 3.3 4.9 43.6 17.06 mobley, cuttino hou 19.5 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/sg01.htm | |
46. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Allan nyk 16.3 3.0 2.7 41.8 12.29Anderson, Shand uta 8.5 2.6 1.1 44.6 12.25 mobley, cuttino hou 9.9 2.3 2.5 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/sg99.htm | |
47. Basketball Points For Apr 12 (PSP) basketball Points for 28 5.0 hou Crawford, Jamal G Chi 25.5 0.50 0.54 26 3.3@ den Peeler, Anthony G Min 25.0 0.59 0.59 24 3.2 hou mobley, cuttino G Hou http://rotoguru2.com/hoop/yday/swpy.html | |
48. Basketball Points For Apr 12 (PSP) basketball Points for 28 5.0 @ den Szczerbiak, Wally G Min 26.0 3.61 3.84 285.0 hou Redd, Michael G Mil 27.0 2.64 3.12 27 5.3 tor mobley, cuttino G Hou http://rotoguru2.com/hoop/yday/pscy.html | |
49. NBA - National Basketball Association - Houston Vs. Cleveland 2ND 3RD 4TH TOTAL HOUSTON 22 23 26 31 102 CLEVELAND 28 26 27 24105 FINAL HIGH SCORERS HOU - MAURICE TAYLOR 30, cuttino mobley 24, STEVE http://cgi1.usatoday.com/sports/scores103/103036/20030205NBA--CLEVELAND-0.htm |
50. VegasInsider.com Players 5 cuttino mobley G Houston, Born 09/01/1975. Height 6-4. Weight190. Drafted 1998 Round 2 41 Houston Rockets. College Rhode Island. http://www.vegasinsider.com/u/basketball/nba/players/20619.htm | |
51. 1999-00 Scoresheet Fantasy Basketball NBA Player List Scoresheet Home Scoresheet Fantasy basketball basketball Draft Board basketballLinks GUARDS 48) 318.4 8.7 5.2 2.1 0.3 1.1 24 HOU mobley, cuttino 49) 314.4 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/NBA1999.html | |
52. 2000-01 Scoresheet Fantasy Basketball NBA Player List basketball Message Board. Christie, Doug 36) 745.3 10.8 6.8 4.0 0.2 0.2 29 ATL Jackson,Jim 37) 739.5 11.9 7.9 3.2 -0.5 1.2 25 HOU mobley, cuttino 38) 728.3 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/NBA2000.html | |
53. NCAA Basketball - BKCalumni - CBS.SportsLine.com Alumni Tracker, Check out other Colleges RHODE ISLAND. mobley, cuttino 5, HoustonRockets, G. Odom, Lamar 7, Los Angeles Clippers, F. Fri Feb 7 071212 EST 2003. http://web4.sportsline.com/u/basketball/college/alumni/3919_college_index.htm | |
54. CDM FANTASY BASKETBALL 121, ROSE, JALEN, IND, 4900. 122, JONES, EDDIE, MIA, 4850. 123, mobley,cuttino, HOU, 4710. 124, CASSELL, SAM, MLW, 4580. 125, DAVIS, BARON,CHA, 4550. http://basketball.cdmsports.com/research/guards.html | |
55. Glen Rice : Fantasy Basketball 2002 cuttino mobley moved from guard to forward. cuttino mobley replaced Ricein the frontcourt and Moochie Norris started in the backcourt. http://basketball2101.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/player-news?league=zero&key=6758 |
56. Upper Deck Internet Basketball TIM MIA 2190 131 NASH, STEVE DAL 2160 132 HUNTER, LINDSEY LAK 2130 133 ANDERSON,DEREK POR 2090 134 ATKINS, CHUCKY DET 2080 135 mobley, cuttino HOU 2060 136 http://netbasketball.cdmsports.com/research/guards.html | |
57. Basketball Points For Apr 12 (PSP) basketball Points for 37 3.6 sea Jackson, Stephen G SA 33.0 0.74 1.23 37 4.0@ gsw Francis, Steve G Hou 32.5 8.82 8.86 32 8.4 @ cle mobley, cuttino G Hou http://rotoguru.com/hoop/yday/swpy.html | |
58. Listings Of The World Sports Basketball Players M 3) Miles, Darius (6) Miller, Reggie (9) Ming, Yao (3), mobley, cuttino (2) Mourning overcomehis speech impediment and become a successful basketball player and http://listingsworld.com/Sports/Basketball/Players/M/ |
59. Houston Rockets Basketball Players 11, Ming, Yao, C, 7'5 , 296, *5, mobley, cuttino, SG, 6'4 , 210, RhodeIsland. 21, Thomas, Kenny, PF, 6'7 , 245, New Mexico. NBA BasketballTickets. http://www.tickets-nba-basketball.com/rockets/players.htm | |
60. 1998 NCAA Basketball Tournament - CBS SportsLine Rhode Island (248), led by guards cuttino mobley and Tyson Wheeler, was everybit as relaxed in advancing to just the second regional semifinal in school http://live.sportsline.com/u/madness/1998/news/game41.htm | |
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