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21. PETE MARAVICH On January 5, 1988 the Pistol died. pete maravich died of a heart attack at thetender age of 40. He died just as he had lived, on the basketball court. http://www.angelfire.com/in/alpage2442542220/pistol.html | |
22. Pete's Page enough to see this amazing athlete play during his college career, there is no doubtthat pete maravich was indeed the Greatest College basketball Player of All http://www.angelfire.com/ms/stan/pete.html | |
23. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: K-P (Basketball) BEYOND Physical Education Sports Sports Individual Athletes basketball KP. All About TMac ; Official Site; Profile maravich, pete; World Book http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Spo | |
24. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Maravich, Pete (K-P) Looking for the best facts and sites on maravich, pete? This HomeworkCentral sectionfocuses on 'KP' and 'basketball' and 'Individual Athletes' and 'Sports http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Spo | |
25. Sports People: I Remember Pete Maravich: Personal Recollections Of Basketball's I Remember pete maravich Personal Recollections of basketball's Pistol peteby the People and Players Who Knew Him by Mike Towle Click For More Info! http://bookstore.mywebsportscenter.com/n_1581821484.htm | |
26. Sports People: I Remember Pete Maravich: Personal Recollections Of Basketball's Search the net for basketball him knew maravich people personalpete pistol players recollections remember sports http://bookstore.mywebsportscenter.com/b_1581821484.htm | |
27. Pistol Pete's Homework Basketball Videos produced. No other video series can offer the oneof-a-kind drills thatmade Pistol pete maravich one of basketball's brightest stars. http://www.amfchristianvideos.com/pistolpetevideos.htm | |
28. NBA History: Pete Maravich Career Statistics NBA Hall of Famer Pistol pete maravich was a spectacularshowman who helped open up the game of basketball in the 1970s. http://www.nba.com/history/maravich_bio.html | |
29. NBA History: Pete Maravich Summary pete maravich Hall of Famer Pistol pete maravich was a spectacularshowman who helped open up the game of basketball in the 1970s. http://www.nba.com/history/players/maravich_summary.html | |
30. Pete Maravich Start your search on pete maravich. Research Links. Women's basketball Hallof Fame; Hooptown USA basketball Hall of Fame; basketball Hall of Fame http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/hallofanima/basketball/PeteMara | |
31. Online Sports Directory: Browse Items: Jerseys: Basketball: Atlanta Hawks 19711972 Atlanta Hawks Alternate Jersey (Size 54) From Mitchell Ness NBA HardwoodCollection, With 44 On Jersey ( Pistol pete maravich) (Has Pistol on http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,top,type,jers,bask,hawk.html | |
32. Online Sports Directory: Browse Items: Jerseys: Basketball: Boston Celtics Add. 197980 Boston Celtics Home Jersey (Size 54) From Mitchell Ness, With 44 On Jersey (pete maravich) - $200.00 Read more about this item Add. http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,top,type,jers,bask,celt.html | |
33. AthlonSports.com - Athlon's No. 43 NBA Greatest: Pete Maravich intermission. pete carried a basketball around like some kids carrya teddy bear around, Helen maravich told one interviewer. The http://www.athlonsports.com/article.php3?story_id=218 |
34. English Books > Biography/Autobiography > Sports - Basketball ISBN 1581822197 I Remember pete maravich Personal Recollections Of basketballsPistol pete By The Sampson The Ou basketball Story Richardson http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbbb652.shtml | |
35. HallSports.com I Remember Pete Maravich Personal HallSports.com I Remember pete maravich Personal Recollections of basketball'sPistol pete by the People and Players Who Knew Him. HallSports.com. http://hallsports.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/1581821484/name/I%20Reme |
36. HallSports.com :: The Pistol - The Birth Of A Legend Former UCLA coach John Wooden stated that Pistol pete maravich could perform moreamazing things with a basketball when he was in the tenth grade than any http://hallsports.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/6304930852/name/The%20Pi | |
37. The Pistol (Pete Maravich) (video) - ChristianAnswers.Net Catalog The Pistol The Birth of a Legend The childhood story of basketball legend Pistol pete maravich. See how a father's love encouraged http://www.christiananswers.net/catalog/pistol-vs.html | |
38. USATODAY.com - Playing In Pistol Pete's Shadow Yeah, that's Pistol pete's son. The hair isn't quite the mop pete maravich worewhile becoming the most prolific scorer in college basketball history http://www.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/2003-02-12-maravich-sons_x.htm | |
39. USATODAY.com Features and news coverage of the popular "USA Today" daily newspaper.Category Sports basketball NCAA Division I News and Media...... The hair isn't quite the mop pete maravich wore while becoming the most prolificscorer in college basketball history, and the socks don't sag the way the http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/mensbasketball/digest.htm | |
40. Old School Pistol pete was a true showman and my first basketball idol. Watch Jason Williamsplay today and magnify his game by 10, that was pete maravich. http://www.ebehoops.com/oldschool2.htm | |
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