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61. National Association Of Basketball Coaches, Official Athletic Site christian laettner, Duke, Alonzo Mourning, Georgetown, Calbert Cheaney North Carolina,Lee Nailon, Texas christian. the National Association of basketball Coaches. http://www.fansonly.com/confs/nabc/nabc_awards/nabc_awards-all-america-div1-90s. | |
62. USA Basketball: Men's Pan Am Games Team History -- Records James Jackson, 11 (2.2), 1991. christian laettner, 11 (1.6), 1991. Clarence Weatherspoon,9 (1.3), 1991. Contact USA basketball.com © 2001 USA basketball, Inc. http://www.usabasketball.com/history/mpag_records.html | |
63. USA Basketball: Men's Pan Am Games Team History -- 1991 christian laettner, C, 611, 235, 21, Duke, Angola, NY. C.laettner, 7, 27- 57, .474,1- 2, .500, 44- 48, .917, 42/ 6.0, 99 Contact USA basketball.com © 2003 USA basketball,Inc http://www.usabasketball.com/history/mpag_1991.html | |
64. NCAA Basketball - BKCalumni - CBS.SportsLine.com Ferry, Danny 35, San Antonio Spurs, F. Hill, Grant 33, Orlando Magic, F. laettner,christian 44, Washington Wizards, F. Maggette, Corey 50, Los Angeles Clippers,F. http://web4.sportsline.com/u/basketball/college/alumni/5156_college_index.htm | |
65. Basketball 1996 Fleer to the basketball Cards Main Page. 1996 Fleer Card Player Book Set 1 Stacey Augmon0.15 Fleer 2 Mookie Blaylock 0.15 Fleer 3 christian laettner 0.15 Fleer 4 http://www.olsensports.com/basketball/bk96flee.htm | |
66. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | Checklist - 2000 Topps Tipoff Basketbal 2000 Topps Tipoff basketball Numerical by Card Numerical by Subset Jones, EddieKidd, Jason Kidd, Jason Kukoc, Toni laettner, christian LaFrentz, Raef http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/00tobk/00tobkchecklist.html | |
67. Directory :: Look.com laettner, christian (2) See Also. Sports/basketball/Professional/NBA/WashingtonWizards. Sites. christian laettner Unofficial Site Personal fan's site. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=287684 |
68. CDM FANTASY BASKETBALL 517, DAVIS, DALE, POR, 2940. 518, AMAECHI, JOHN, UTA, 2910. 519, laettner,christian, WAS, 2860. 520, WALLACE, BEN, DET, 2850. 521, WILLIS, KEVIN,DEN, 2850. http://basketball.cdmsports.com/research/centers.html | |
69. Basketball.com - Mens College NABC Award is voted on by the National Assn of basketball Coaches and presentedby the Eastman Kodak Co 1992, christian laettner, Duke, christian laettner, Duke. http://www.basketball.com/menscollege/records/NCAADiv1AwardNABCWooden.shtml | |
70. Basketball.com - Mens College first presented in 1969 by the Atlanta TipOff Club in the name of the inventorof basketball, Dr. James 1992, christian laettner, Duke, christian laettner, Duke. http://www.basketball.com/menscollege/records/NCAADiv1AwardRuppNais.shtml | |
71. March Mayhem, College Basketball, History - CBS SportsLine Star Gazing christian laettner became the only player with at least 10 championshipgame freethrow attempts to convert all of them (12 of 12 against Kansas). http://old.sportsline.com/u/madness/1998/history/1991/ | |
72. TSN.ca - Fantasy Sports Baseball - Canada's Sports Leader christian laettner 44 PF. 22Feb-96 Minnesota Timberwolves traded Sean Rooksand christian laettner to the Atlanta Hawks for Spud Webb and Andrew Lang. http://www.tsn.ca/fantasy_sports/basketball/teams/player_bio.asp?player_name=Chr |
73. St. Lawrence University: Men's Basketball christian laettner. Career Statistics. At Phillips Exeter The Nichols School. laettnerwas a FirstTeam All League selection in and a captain of his basketball http://web.stlawu.edu/sports/m_hoop/laettner.htm | |
74. The HoopsKlyce Page Fantasy Basketball Statistics 101 As the manager of a fantasy basketball team, you are not necessarily interested inthe players who excel in a particular category, you want laettner,christian. http://www.hoopsklyce.com/archives/stats101.shtml |
75. The HoopsKlyce Page: Pop Goes The Achilles......Say Goodbye To Christian Laettne christian laettner ruptured his Achilles' tendon playing basketball andcould be out for up to nine months or in other words next season. http://www.hoopsklyce.com/archives/laettner.shtml | |
76. Texas Monthly December 2000 The Basketball Diary has come from Shawn Bradley and christian laettner, both of laettner added nine reboundsand fourteen points in a good one for professional basketball in Texas http://www.texasmonthly.com/mag/issues/2000-12-01/webextra2.php | |
77. HoopsHype - Players - Christian Laettner Contest. Contact us. HoopsHype.com Players .44 christian laettner Washington Wizards. Namedto the Atlantic Coast Conference 50th Anniversary basketball Team. http://www.hoopshype.com/players/christian_laettner.htm?nav=page |
78. Upper Deck Internet Basketball DAL 2060 514 OLAJUWON, HAKEEM TOR 2020 515 DAVIS, DALE POR 1960 516 EWING, PATRICKORL 1880 517 SABONIS, ARVYDAS POR 1810 518 laettner, christian WAS 1690 519 http://netbasketball.cdmsports.com/research/centers.html | |
79. Walter's Wildcat World - NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Records NCAA Division I Men's basketball Championship Records. ALLTIME SCORING LEADERS Player,Team (Years Competed), G, FG, FT, Pts. Avg. christian laettner, Duke (1989-90 http://www.wildcatworld.com/stats/ncaarec.htm | |
80. Www.us-streetwear.ch Kidd Jason, official side. Kukoc Toni, fan page. laettner christian, fan page. LucLongley, fan page. Lopez Felipe, fan page. Contact, Newsletter, basketball, Aktion,Links, http://www.us-streetwear.ch/basketball_basketball_nba_nba_player_links.htm | |
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