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Knight Brevin: more detail |
81. Stanford University Cardinal | Men's Basketball | The Official Athletic Site Stanford Men's basketball Career Years G FG FT Total 1. Todd Lichti 198589 124 820584 2336 2. Adam Keefe 1988-92 125 830 652 2319 3. brevin knight 1993-97 http://gostanford.fansonly.com/sports/m-baskbl/archive/stan-m-baskbl-indmarks.ht | |
82. AugustaChronicle.com: The Augusta Chronicle Online: Augusta, Georgia Mike Batiste, 5.3, 2.2 / 6.1, 0.6 / 0.9, 0.2 / 1.3. brevin knight, 4.1, 1.9 /4.1, 0.4 / 0.7, 0.0 / 0.1. brevin knight, 86, 39 / 87, 45.00%, 8 / 15, 53.00%,0 / 3, 0.00%. http://www.augustachronicle.com/sports/basketball/nba/data/stats/ind_stats_17002 | |
83. Basketball Player Links Chris Weber, Rod Strickland. Muggsy Bogues, Keith Van Horn. Howard Eisley,brevin knight. Antonio McDyess, Jerry Stackhouse. OTHER NBA basketball SECTIONS. http://www.sportsfansofamerica.com/Links/Basketball/NBA/Players1.htm | |
84. THE 1997 ALL AMERICAN BASKETBALL PLAYERS Look out for him come tournament time. brevin knight, SR. GUARD, STANFORD.brevin knight is the premier creator in college basketball today. http://members.tripod.com/~RyanG/ | |
85. Common Basketball Rookie Cards K 9697 Collector's Choice Kerry Kittles RC 285; 97-98 Hoops brevin knight RC 183; 97-98 Hoops brevin knight RC 183; 97-98 Z-Force brevin knight RC 163. http://www.thedoners.com/bkcommonrc.htm | |
86. FSU - Fantasy Sports Unlimited : Free Fantasy Sports : Fantasy Baseball : Fantas NBA on FSU. Memphis Grizzlies Clubhouse, Fantasy Games. knight, brevin(G), Season Stats. PTS, REB, AST. 123, 44, 133. STL, TO, BLK. 35, 56, 1.FSU NUMBERS. http://www.fantasysportsunlimited.com/nba/MEM/bio.asp?ID=493 |
87. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | 2000-2001 Bowman's Best Basketball | Ca Baseball basketball Football Hockey. 20002001 Bowman's Best basketball PlayerBREVIN knight Card 55 Card Type BASIC Card Title CARD FRONT, CARD BACK. http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/01bwbestbk/card55.html | |
88. ESPN.com: Brevin Knight Player Search 22 brevin knight Memphis Grizzlies Stats Roster,PPG 4.1, APG 4.4, SPG 1.2. Height 510 Weight 170 lbs. Pos PG, http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?statsId=3186 |
89. PittsburghPanthers.com - Basketball Stories No. 5 basketball Defeats St Brandin knight scored 10 Combining his brother Brevinand Brandins career, the knights have scored a combined 2,807 total points http://www.pittsburghpanthers.com/sports/mbball/release.asp?RELEASE_ID=8784 |
90. AllSports' NBA News - Hawks Place G Brevin Knight On Injured List FREE NBA NEWSLETTER. Enter Your EMail Address To Subscribe Hawksplace G brevin knight on injured list January 26, 2001. ATLANTA http://www.allsports.com/cgi-bin/showstory.cgi?story_id=11782 |
91. Knight's Legacy Is Success He finished his Stanford basketball career as the school's alltime scorer, while WhenBrevin knight walks off the floor in Maples Pavilion on Saturday night http://www.paweekly.com/PAW/morgue/sports/1997_Mar_7.KNIGHT.html | |
92. ESPN Fantasy Football MEMBER NAME PASSWORD Most Added/Dropped Member Services. knight SiteLines Find out what others around the country are saying about this player. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fba/request.dll?PLAYERCARD&nPlayerID=440 |
93. Basketball: Bulldogs' Muscle Throws Panthers To First Loss Of Year gave Pitt a healthy dose of its own brand of basketball yesterday. Brandin Knightis a true point guard, Blake said. He's better than his brother brevin. . http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/pitt/20030101pittbb4.asp | |
94. Stanford Guard Wants To Turn Knight Into His Day When Lee and knight squared off in practice, it emotion, both became much better basketballplayers. brevin was just so dominating a personality, Montgomery http://www.freep.com/sports/college/qstan28.htm | |
95. Sports.mhoops a senior, knows the importance of knight's contribution to others better and I thinkBrevin has demonstrated guard can be to your basketball team, Montgomery http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/DB/issues/97/01.09/sports.mhoops.html | |
96. Card Depot - Search Results (A) Kidd, Jason 199798 Z-force 94 $0; (A) Kidd, Jason 1999 Topps Chrome 255 USABASKETBALL Mint; (A) knight, brevin 2000-01 Ex 13 Mint $0; (A) knight, brevin http://carddepot.com/cgi-local/search4play.pl?0204k |
97. GoMemphis: Basketball Why the National basketball Developmental League? Timing. Griz point guardBrevin knight knows as well as anyone how Henderson can contribute. http://www.gomemphis.com/mca/basketball/article/0,1426,MCA_466_1652163,00.html | |
98. WNBA Basketball Cards WNBA Cards. Player, Year basketball Card, Beckett, Sale. Sandy Brondello,'99'00 Hoops 11, $1.00, $.50. Sandy Brondello, '99-'00 Hoops 41, $2.00,$1.00. http://www.sccards.com/wnba.htm | |
99. Basketball Monster Player Analysis http://basketballmonster.com/playerhist.aspx | |
100. Stanford University Cardinal Men's Basketball The Official The Stanford basketball team dented the record book AllAmerican guard BrevinKnight set the school record for career assists (780) and career steals (298 http://gostanford.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/archive/stan-m-baskbl-97rev.html |
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