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21. The Roto Times Basketball Team Depth Charts F, Tony Massenburg, 14.8, 5.5, 2.7, 0.4. F, Scott Padgett, 16.3, 6.3,3.5, 1.1. F, andrei kirilenko, 27.2, 12.3, 5.4, 2.1. G, Carlos Arroyo,5.6, 2.2, 0.5, 0.9. http://www.rototimes.com/basketball1/news/depthframe2.pl?jazz |
22. Basketball World Championship kirilenko, andrei. kirilenko, A. 7, 161, 22/36, 61.1, 0/3, 0.0, 22/29, 75.9, 17, 18,35, 7, 21, FIBA Member Federation Russian basketball Federation FIBA member since1947 http://www.basketball.uk.co/World/russia.htm |
23. ESPN.com: NBA - Stockton, Malone Keeps Jazz Future On Hold Small forward andrei kirilenko, an allrookie choice in began last season, with rookieskirilenko and Jarron the vice president of basketball operations, said http://espn.go.com/nba/camp2002/columns/howard-cooper_scott/1444912.html | |
24. Andrei Kirilenko - Official Site www.cskabasket.com, official site of the CSKA basketball club. andrei kirilenko Game Community Photo Gallery Corporate Involvement Links Site map http://www.kirilenko.ru/?lang=eng&chapter=links |
25. SALT LAKE CITY When Andrei Kirilenko And His Family Return To she met kirilenko then a budding star in Russian basketball but only My babyand andrei are my kirilenko doesn't expect his wife to get too caught up http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/sports/basketball/a04diva.html |
26. Andrei Kirilenko. Official Site. Forum 36 basketball JOE 01/02/2003 2115 MALO giga 01/02/2003 1605 OTVET andrei kirilenko 31/01/2003 0211 http://forum-eng.kirilenko.ru/ | |
27. USBasket - North American Basketball Kholodov andrei, 205, C, 74, Kentucky C. (NABL). kirilenko andrei, 204, F, 81, UtahJ. (NBA). Novitchkov Alex, 198, F, N.Florida. Sazonov Alex, 215, C, 79, St.Joseph's(Atl10). http://www.usbasket.com/imports_dtl.asp?ImpCntry=RUS |
28. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Defense? Bright Idea, Andrei SportsCenter highlights was made by andrei kirilenko six minutes half of the RookieChallenge kirilenko dove for a do, you have to play basketball the way http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Feb/02092003/sports/27812.asp | |
29. Basketball World Championship kirilenko, andrei. kirilenko, A. 7, 161, 22/36, 61.1, 0/3, 0.0, 22/29, 75.9, 17, FIBAMember Federation Russian basketball Federation FIBA member since 1947 Go to the http://www.basketballonlinesportsbettinglines.com/world/russia.html | |
30. Kirilenko, Andrei Rotoguru logo 200203 Individual basketball Player Stats. Name kirilenko, AndreiTeam Utah Jazz Links ESPN NBA.com RotoWire RotoWorld TSN position F PSC http://rotoguru3.com/cgi-bin/playrh.cgi?3031 |
31. Eurobasket - Russian Basketball Bilostinnyi Michael, 211, C, 81, Birmingham Souther. Kholodov andrei, 205,C, 74, Kentucky C. kirilenko andrei, 204, F, 81, Utah J. Novitchkov Alex, 198,F, N.Florida. http://www.eurobasket.com/rus/abr.asp |
32. Topps Sports Collectibles | Checklist - 2002-03 Bowman Signature Edition Basketb 200203 Bowman Signature Edition basketball Numerical by Card Numerical by SubsetAlphabetical by Player Alphabetical by SE-AK, andrei kirilenko, UTAH JAZZ. http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/basketball/03bsbk/03bsbkchecklist.html | |
33. Topps Sports Collectibles | Checklist - 2002-03 Topps Jersey Editon Basketball 200203 Topps Jersey Editon basketball Numerical by Card Numerical by SubsetAlphabetical by Player Alphabetical by Team. JE-AK, andrei kirilenko, UTAH JAZZ. http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/basketball/03tjbk/03tjbkchecklist.html | |
34. NBA - # 47 Andrei Kirilenko - CBS.SportsLine.com Consists of a recent recap of games played by the forward, along with current season and career statistic Category Sports basketball NBA Players K kirilenko, andrei...... 47 andrei kirilenko, F Height 69 Weight 205 NBA Experience Born02/18/1981 College No College. Career Stats · Situational http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/basketball/nba/players/139076.htm | |
35. Kids Zone - CBS.SportsLine.com You are here Kids Zone basketball Players. 47 andrei kirilenko F, Born02/18/1981, College No College. Height 69, Weight 205. Drafted http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/kidszone/basketball/nba/players/139076.htm | |
36. Andrei Kirilenko Facts with his brother, He's earning a degree in Sports Science.His wifes fathers nameis andrei Lopatov. kirilenko's mom was a professional basketball player,His http://www.geocities.com/jazzycougs/JazzyFacts/kirlenkofacts.html | |
37. Miami Heat - BigDog Basketball League Harold Jamison, PF, 25, 6'8'', 255, C+, C, D-, C, C, D. andrei kirilenko,SF, 21, 6'9'', 220, B+, C+, C-, A, C+, A. Kerry Kittles, SG, 28, 6'5'',190, C+, B+, C, A, C-, B. http://www.angelfire.com/stars4/bblheat/ | |
38. WBC2002 in the fifthplace game at the European basketball Championship, which outside combinationof guard Serguei Tchikalkine and forward andrei kirilenko of the http://www.2002worldbasketball.com/teams/europe/russia.htm | |
39. VegasInsider.com Players 47 andrei kirilenko F Utah, Born 02/18/1981. Height 6-9. Weight 205.Drafted 1999 Round 1 24 Utah Jazz. College No College. BirthPlace LAST 6 GAMES. http://www.vegasinsider.com/u/basketball/nba/players/139076.htm | |
40. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. 2001 Polynice. KeyAdditions F andrei kirilenko (Russia), C John Amaechi (Orlando). http://www.alleyoop.com/preview/utah.htm | |
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