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Jones Kc: more detail |
21. BasketballReference.com - NBA Basketball Statistics, Awards, And History 1985 jones, Eddie 1994 jones, Edgar 1980-1985 jones, Jake 1971-1971 jones, Jimmy1967-1976 jones, Johnny 1967-1968 jones, Jumaine 1999- jones, kc 1958-1966 http://www.basketballreference.com/players/playerlist.htm?lt=j |
22. Boston.com / Sports / N.E. Top 100 Athletes o matter how long one searches, it's tough to find anyone who has hadmore success at all levels of basketball than kc jones. From http://www.boston.com/sports/top100/players/58.htm | |
23. Directory :: Look.com See Also. Sports/basketball/Players/Retired. Sites. NBA History kc jones Biographyof kc jones as a professional basketball player and later as a coach. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=281804 |
24. SPORTS FACTS - Basketball - NBA Finals the National basketball League merged to form the National basketball Association 0WASHINGTON BULLETS Rick Barry Golden State F Al Attles kc jones 1976 BOSTON 4 http://sportsfacts.net/history/basketball/usa/nba_finals.html | |
25. HickokSports.com - Biography - Basketball Index Index to basketball. Phil Jeannette, Buddy Johnson, Dennis, Johnson, Larry Johnson,Magic Johnson, Marques Johnson, Skinny Johnston, Neil, jones, kc jones, Sam http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/indbaskt.shtml |
26. HickokSports.com - History - Basketball - NBA's Leading Coaches 17, Doug Moe, 15, 661, 579, .533. 18, kc jones, 10, 603, 309, .661. 19, RickAdelman, 12, 597, 411, .592. 21, Rick Adelman, 12, 544, 361, .601. 22, kc jones,10, 522, 252, .674. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/nbalcoaches.shtml | |
27. The Sporting News: Basketball Almanac 1975May 18May 25, 4-0, Golden State (Al Attles), *Washington (kc jones). 1984May27-June 12, 4-3, *Boston (kc jones), Los Angeles (Pat Riley). http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/almanac/nba/ | |
28. The Sporting News: Basketball Almanac 608! VIEW COVERS! basketball Hall of Fame PLAYERS, AK. Name, Year Inducted. Johnson,William C. 1976. Johnston, D. Neil, 1990. jones, kc, 1989. jones, Sam, 1983. http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/almanac/nba/hof_a-k.html | |
29. Real Legends - Basketball - All Players Sign In User's Guide My Cards. basketball All Players, Find Card. Johnson,Marques; Johnson, Vinnie; jones, Bobby; jones, Caldwell; jones, Eddie; jones,kc; http://www3.reallegends.com/basketball/all_players.html |
30. Visit Two NBA titles. jones, kc basketball player kc jones, b. Taylor, Tex., May25, 1932, competed for many championship teams. Ramsey, Frank http://www.polk.k12.nc.us/workshop/sports/visit2.htm | |
31. Gambling Sports, Online Betting Picks, Sportsbook Wagering Statisticsbasketball Stats Multiple winners Boston (16); Minneapolis-LA Lakers(13); Chicago Bulls (6); Phi-SF-Golden St. WASH. BULLETS. kc jones. BOSTON. http://www.sports-gambling-links.com/stats_basketball_.html | |
32. NATIONAL BASKETBALL NEWS - The Game Never Ends Howell, Bailey 46Issel, Dan 47-Jeannette, Buddy 48-Johnson, Dennis 49-Johnson, Gus50-Johnson, Magic 51-Johnston, Neil 52-jones, Caldwell 53-jones, kc 54-jones http://nbn2.narod.ru/history.html | |
33. Jones, K.C. Website Results :: Linkspider UK See Also Sports basketball Players Retired. NBA History kc jones Biographyof kc jones as a professional basketball player and later as a coach. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Sports/Basketball/Players/J/Jones,KC/ | |
34. Retired Website Results :: Linkspider UK Directory Tree Top Sports basketball Players Retired (0). Johnson, ErvinMagic@ (6); Johnson, Kevin@ (2); Johnson, Larry@ (2). jones, kc@ (1); http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Sports/Basketball/Players/Retired/ | |
35. K.C. Jones Looking Forward To Being A Pioneer As Blizzard Head Coach (c) 1997 Copyright Nando.net (c) 1997 Associated Press. HARTFORD, Conn. (May 13,1997 2002 EST) For kc jones, the American basketball League reminds him http://archive.sportserver.com/newsroom/ap/bkb/1997/abl/abl/feat/archive/051397/ | |
36. Full Court Press: ABL by the recent past, unafraid of the immediate future, kc jones graciously acceptedhis new standing Tuesday as the most basketballsignificant figure in a http://www.fullcourt.com/abl/ablkcjones51397.html | |
37. Full Court Press: People play below the rim, so it's just basic fundamental basketball that uses of beatingtheir teams, ABL coaches are glad jones is with Certainly we like kc in the http://www.fullcourt.com/people/kcjones1297.html | |
38. STAT ACTION BASKETBALL LEAGUE SALARIES $tat Action basketball League $alaries JOHNSTON, Neil F 24 jones, Caldwell C/F 18jones, Charles F/C 13 jones, Dwight F/C 13 jones, Edgar F/C 17 jones, kc G 12 http://members.aol.com/stataction/salryal.html | |
39. Texas A&M Athletics: Men's Basketball Texas A M basketball STATISTICS REPORT 4 HIGH/LOW ANALYSIS - ALL 1.000 (3-3) MichaelSchmidt vs MISSOURI-kc 11/24/97 12/8/97 1.000 (3-3) Shanne jones vs SAM http://sports.tamu.edu/sports/mbasketball/history/1998/rp4.html | |
40. Texas A&M Athletics: Men's Basketball Texas A M basketball STATISTICS REPORT 6 GAME HIGHS - ALL GAMES PAGE Michael Schm( 2)Calvin Davis ( 8)Shanne jones ( 8)Jerald Brown MISSOURI-kc 11/24 http://sports.tamu.edu/sports/mbasketball/history/1998/rp6.html | |
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