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Heal Shane: more detail |
41. Basketball - Quotes From The Athletes We rode on the waves that shane heal set for us, he had a phenomenal game.Him and Andrew (Gaze) both played great. shane heal, Australia Guard http://www.goodwillgames.com/events/bsktball/quotes/bk724.html | |
42. Basketball - Quotes From The Athletes shane heal, Australia Guard For a country that has about eight million people,we have come along way the last six to eight years in basketball. . http://www.goodwillgames.com/events/bsktball/quotes/bk723.html | |
43. Eurobasket - Olympic Games Australian basketball COLYMPIC 2000 ROSTER. Name, Cm, Pos, Bo, Fr, To, Team.heal shane, 184, G, 70, 92, 00, Sydney K. Gaze Andrew, 201, G, 65, 84, 00,Melbourne T. http://www.eurobasket.com/events/ol/00/aus.asp | |
44. :: Central - ABL - Basketball.net.au - The Basketball Network Powered By Interfu CENTRAL ABL CENTRAL.basketball.NET.AU Navigation for experience in his 2002 squadby recalling formerly retired guard and three-time Olympian shane heal. http://central.basketball.net.au/www/extranewsdetail.asp?OID=1&LID=29 |
45. :: Central - ABL - Basketball.net.au - The Basketball Network Powered By Interfu CENTRAL ABL CENTRAL.basketball.NET.AU Navigation Rutherford has averaged 26.8 pointsto be third in the NBL overall (behind Sydneys shane heal and Canberra http://central.basketball.net.au/www/newsdetail.asp?LID=90 |
46. BasketballReference.com - NBA Basketball Statistics, Awards, And History Jim 19701970 Hayes, Steve 1981-1985 Haywood, Brendan 2001- Haywood, Spencer 1969-1982Hazen, John 1948-1948 Hazzard, Walt 1964-1973 heal, shane 1996-1996 http://www.basketballreference.com/players/playerlist.htm?lt=h |
47. The Sunday Mail QLD: Heal May Face Tribunal (archived) basketball. heal may face tribunal 06feb03 SYDNEY Kings guard shane heal could facea tribunal hearing over comments he made in a huddle during his NBL team's http://thesundaymail.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,5946093%5E23769,00.html | |
48. The Sunday Mail QLD Heal Let Off Over Obscenity [07feb03] basketball. THE NBL will review the practice of having microphones in timeouts afterissuing a warning to fiery Sydney guard shane heal for using expletives in http://thesundaymail.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,5950751%5E23769,00.html |
49. Central Coast Basketball,coming Events strong challengers for the trophy in the Wollongong World basketball Challenge starting Neilson21, Chris Williams 20, Gary Boodnikoff 12, shane heal 8, Brad http://www.centralcoastsports.com.au/Basketball/baskevents.html | |
50. WebGuest - Open Directory : Sports : Basketball : Professional : NBA : Players : Top Sports basketball Professional NBA Players H (51). heal, shane (1);Henderson, Cedric (1). Herren, Chris (3); Hill, Grant (11); Houston, Allan (5); http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Sports/Basketball/Professional/NBA/Playe | |
51. Ozhoops.com.au: International Basketball Brisbane guard Damien Ryan made 42 points and Sydney guard shane heal landed8 threepointers. Outstanding efforts both of them - or were they? http://www.ozhoops.com.au/international/wcmen2002/ | |
52. Ozhoops.com.au - Australian Basketball News, Updated Daily. Six players finished in double figures for Sydney, with shane heal (21) and Chris Thissite is not endorsed by the NBL, WNBL, basketball Australia or their http://www.ozhoops.com.au/nbl/ | |
54. ::: NBL FACTOR ::: 19/4/02) The Adelaide 36ers have secured their third National basketball League Championship shaneheal RETURNS TO EUROPE By Danial Boyce (17/3/02) shane heal http://www.geocities.com/nblfactor/archives.html | |
55. AOL|7 7sport.com.au side in the WNBL as early as next season in another shot in the arm for Kiwi basketball . more heal's biggest goal still ahead NBL star shane heal isn't http://www.7sport.com.au/news.php?sport=2 |
56. Australian Institute Of Sport - Basketball Athletes who have come through the AIS basketball programs include. shane heal, BrettMaher, Mark Bradtke, Tony Ronaldson, Andrew Viahov, Pat Reidy, Luc Longley http://www.ais.org.au/basketball/athletes.htm |
57. The Australian Heal May Face Tribunal [February 06, 2003] basketball heal may face tribunal February 06, 2003 SYDNEY Kings guard shane healcould face a tribunal hearing over comments he made in a huddle during his http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,5946093%5E23769,00 |
58. The Australian Heal Let Off Over Obscenity [February 07, 2003] basketball THE NBL will review the practice of having microphones in timeouts afterissuing a warning to fiery Sydney guard shane heal for using expletives in http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,5950751%5E23769,00 |
59. AAP And Racing And Sports Home (30 January 2003) Kings Hammer Canberra shane heal has spearheaded Carrie Graf,who guided the Canberra Capitals to Australia's women's basketball crown, is http://www.aapracingandsports.com.au/sports/sportsindex.asp?cat=36 |
60. Pro Basketball 1996-97 Minnesota Timberwolves Stats shane heal, 32, 0.136, 0.354, 110.0, 0.015, 0.0, 1.0, latter statistics and how theyare calculated, see the methods description at The Journal of basketball Studies. http://www.rawbw.com/~deano/stats97/blmin.htm | |
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